I don't even know where to start. I'll try to make this short and sweet. I married young, 3 months before I turned 17. I'm 33 now...and were still married....I thought it was love, its was stupidity on my part now that I look back. 7 1/2 years into the marriage, I had fallen totally head over heels in love with my husband. I thought he hung the moon. Along came our first child....at that time. And it seemed that it all went to hell in a handbasket afterwards.
When our son was 18 months old, I wanted out...I couldn't go to the potty without him hollering at me to come and get our baby. I was stuck in our house....with a son..who I loved, and a man with no compassion, no sense of duty, no sense of anything but himmself. He worked....brought home a paycheck and that was it. I took care of EVERYTHING! It seemed like the only conversation that I had..was with my son. But I stayed....
Now, I'm leaving a lot out of this....I said short and sweet, but actually its impossible.
When our first son was born....he was 3 days old and had to be put back into the hospital for being jaundiced. They want someone there and awake 24/7..which I wouldn't have had it any other way. It fell upon me to be up around the clock, for I couldn't even trust my husband to stay awake during his time. I was breastfeeding also....He'd tell me he was going home to take care of things , and would be gone for hours on end, apparently taking a nap....to come back to the hospital to go back to sleep, while I sat there staring at this baby that I had waited so long on to hold ..one day, I had even passed out on the post of the bili lights...cause of being so tired, the nurse thought that I was dead. But I couldn't depend on him to help. Also...during this time, one of our best friends committed suicide.....leaving me feeling completely helpless on that situation. No compassion from my husband.....when everyone was gathering up at the hospital and being hushed about it,( I knew something was going on) till he could tell me..., he barges through the door and just blurts it out. I thought between his news of our best friend and our baby being in the hospital, my lack of rest, sleep and being so aggravated at the man that I married, that I would honestly have a nervous breakdown.
But I didn't...
That....and the fact that after 15 hours of labor......left me there alone, our son was born with fluid on his lungs, and a low body temp, it was 4 hours afterwards that I got to hold him for the first time, and here my husband had gone home....cause HE WAS TIRED.
I called begging him to come back to the hospital to be with us and his answer was "NO, I'm tired....gonna get some sleep". It just killed my soul to think that his sleep was more important.
But I stayed......
Then along came our second son.....it was a bit better this round. After wanting a divorce, it seemed it helped somewhat.
You know, there is so much to say....on this situation ..it would take me days to get it all out.
What it amounts to.....is why am I still here? 16 years of marriage...that stinks to the high heavens. He's not physically abusive...he's emotionally abusive..and mentally abusive, which I see. There are so many things like the story up above that I have dealt with.....over him and his selfishness, that you would look at me and wonder why I'm not in the crazy house.
I was raised up...."old school"....I cook, clean....wash, tend to kids, I have been the only one to mow and weedeat for the last 5 years.....I don't pawn them off on anyone.....they are always with us....or me. I am very affectionate....or should say "WAS". I have lost any desire for this man...I have no feelings of being in love with him. I am a hard worker, who has worked on and off through the years, when he's "let me"....I am now in school...which I had to more or less con him into me getting to go. Took on a part time job to pay the 300.00 a month for daycare..., cause when I told him I was going to school, his reply was...."What the hell YOU going to do with the kids?"...and then he informed me THEY WERE MY PROBLEM! For me to figure it out....of course, I had the answer. Which pissed him off....
He's hindered me the entire time I have been in school. Tried to get me to quit several times.
Its just unbelievalbe at the things I have sat and put up with.
He's hateful.....most of the time, unless he's wanting something.
The only time he touches me is when he wants sex...
I sit and watch him sleep......its like its his job to hold the couch down.
I've been snake bitten (weedeating) ....he told me, that he's had worst scratches on his eye. ( I dealt with it on my own)
I was eat up with yellowjackets.....from weedeating...he got mad cause I woke him up...out of his sleep, screaming in agony. (He was a graveyard worker) I was sick for days over that one, asked him to stay at home that night to help with the kids....he refused.
I hemmoraged one time....bleeding profusely. It started early one morning,...I told him something was wrong, he ignored me....later that afternoon, throwed a fit with me to take him to the lake to meet his friend...to fish a bass tournament, I come home....passed out a few hours later....crawled off into the bed, he come home...I told him again, that there was something wrong...again he ignored me, It took me passing out again, for him to realize that I was dead serious. BUt....we had to go and get his mother to go with us to the hospital, who told them at the ER, that I was just having a bad period, rolling her eyes...afterwards, when they got me checked out, the ER doctor eat them up and spit them out...told them what was going on, that I would have been dead if I hadn't of gotten in there, that why didn't they take me more seriously? 3 days spent in the hospital and a DNC, where was my husband when they took me to have the DNC,.....asleep in the waiting room, my mother couldln't even find him. He didn't even know I had went in.....
Even a few months ago.....I woke up one morning and strecthed, pulled my arm out of socket. I was in terrible pain.....called him at work...and told him that I needed him to come home, it took him and hour and half to get here, (30 minute drive).....leisurely took a shower, than piled up on the couch and asked me what I wanted to do? I'm sitting here....in tears, not able to even move my arm, I told him not to worry about it, that I'd live and was on my way to school. Instead, I took my own self to the ER,...laid on the couch for 4 days on a strong dose of Vicadin...even getting up to cook and do laundry, finally going to see my doctor on that Monday...to have to have an MRI 3 days later...I went again by myself. I was called that following Friday by a nurse that didn't seem to have good news. I had a grandmother that died with bone cancer. And the name of what I had, once looked up....was cancer. They wanted me to come in so they could talk to me....He didn't go, I went alone. They send me on to a specialist.....to my surprise, it was nothing more than what I had done, pulling my arm out of socket, BUt to sit and think that it could have been more serious than that.....and his unconcern.
Theres more than those stories, there are 16 years worth of it...and I'm not a hypochrondiac. But his lack of compassion is what has stuck with me....
Now.....to wind this rattling up....I have sat and talked to him, about the way he treats me...I have been very direct and to the point. Not missing anything. I have told him that once I get out of school and on my feet, that If things don't change, I'm gone. No more putting up with being treated this way. I deserve better...
So....why hasn't he listened to me.....All my life, it seems that all I have wanted was one person to honestly love me....and the man that I married, doesn't seem to. Is it me? Good GOD......others wouldn't have stuck around as long as I have....16 years and no change on his part, it seems to me, that I should have given up long ago. Why punish myself.....? I'm not getting anything out of this deal and have long put in more than I have ever gotten back. And now.....it seems that here I sit, watching him google his best friends ...new girlfriend, whom he works with! And now, finding out that they have been VERY Close for years....thats driving me nutts. And anyone that says anything about her, is just jealous to hear him tell it. He just seems to forget that I exist with her around...Makes me want to throw a big old fit and make a total ass out of myself..and its not just me thats noticed it.
I just can't explain how he make me feel....i'm just emotionless towards him. I have taken the attitude he has with me...."oh well"....no sympathy...no nothing. Why bother.....