pagan;120211 wrote:..... but why should the unscrupulous only seek power through government? There is power outside government, and the less government potentially the more the power outside it.
The unscrupulous, as we shall generously label them, do not seek power
only through government; however, in the western world at least, there is enough of a tradition of law and a sufficiently stable social order that it would be impossible for these individuals to privately conduct searches of homes, imprison people, tax people, print money, raise armies and fight wars, etc. These functions are generally the province of government. Of course, as we have seen increasingly in recent years, some of those functions are being privitized - albeit still with the government acting as intermediary, thus granting the appearance of legality. So, until society is ready to acccept completely private armies, police forces, prisons, etc., the private interests that want to use those functions for their own ends - and prevent them from being used against themselves - must control the government
Quote:Surely its not a question of government or heirarchies outside government .... its a question of scale. ie the size of governments and the size of heirarchies outside governments. A large corporation can do as much damage as a large government.
In the world now, a corporation acting legally (i.e. acting as a corporation managing its own interests, pricing, labor, etc.) can cause economic harm, but it cannot use force against people; it cannot, e.g., put people in prison who refuse to buy its products. That sort of harm, the use of actual physical force - legally sanctioned - is as of yet a prerogative of government alone.
Therefore, powerful private interests need to control government in order to (1) persuade it to use those unique powers to further its own interests, and (2) to prevent the government from using those powers against it's private interests.
Quote:To demand for the limitation in the size of government without a corresponding demand 'through government' in the limitation of the size of other institutions, is just to shift the opportunity of corruption rather than address it?
I don't think so. If the government does virtually nothing but prevent one party from using or threatening to use physical force against another, and also uphold legitimate contracts, what can a corporation or other private institution do? Not imprison people, not tax people, not draft people, not print money, not borrow money in the people's name, etc. The potential that a large government has to damage a given population is much greater than the potential a corporation in a libertarian society - of any size or power - has to damage that same population.
It is primarily through the cooption of government that corporations engage in massive abuse and fraud, not to mention - obviously - promote imperial wars and oppressive domestic policies. They (private interests and corporations) could not do these things without control of the government.
The current crisis is a perfect example. AIG, Goldman Sachs et al colluded to commit a number of different kinds of securities fraud and MOREOVER, fraud which they KNEW would explode in their faces and cost them billions. Why? Because they controlled the government sufficiently (former Goldman CEO Hank Paulson in the treasury e.g.) to be sure that, when the bubble burst, they would be saved by injections of public funds. AND, because they knew that, for the same reason, no government official would investigate or prosecute anyone criminally. Yes, the same thing could have been done without control of the government, but it would only happen once and that would be the end of it forever. Why? The firms involved, absent a bailout, would go completely bankrupt, their assets would be sold to others, and the lesson would be learned by those competitors. Furthermore, the people actually involved in the fraud would be imprisoned.
This if course didn't happen. Rather, because the government has the power to intervene in markets - in the people's interest of course :sarcastic: - instead of their fraud ending in their own impoverishment and/or imprisonment, it has ended in record bonuses and continued life for these corporations.
The point: this kind of activity is only possible with the collusion of government. Private corporations can certainly commit fraud and wreak economic devestation on their own, but they cannot maintain an instrincally fraudulent system indefinately without government protection, both in terms of subsidies, tax advantages, and bailouts, and also in terms of de facto immunitity from criminal prosecution.
Quote:Socialists should ask for the limitation in the size of capitalist institutions, not the end of them (historical mistake). Capitalists should ask for the limitation in the size of government, not the end of it(historical mistake). If thats what each actually asked for i would agree with both of them .... on condition that they both agree with each other!
Those are contradictory views. One cannot limit the size of government and of corporations, as doing the latter entails increasing the power of the government.
Quote:The beaurocracy both inside and outside the government is too large. Ultimately we need to reduce our numbers to protect us from this tendency of the machine to rule and corrupt us.
I couldn't agree more, but the solution is not more government 'regulation' of corporations. The corporations will always - and do now - control the government, and all 'regulations' simply further their dominance (through selective enforcement: i.e. competitors are subjected to the rules, but not the big boys with friends in washington) or they are simple ignored. The only solution is to remove the powers of government to intervene in the economy. Watch Wallstreet shrivel up and die, revealing its bone-deep incompetence and corruption, if the Federal Reserve stops printing money and lending it to them at privilaged interest rates, if the war machine stops turning, if the corporate welfare stops, if the tax code is simplified, if the government 'investment' (lining of pockets of friendly corporations) in the economy stops. The image of the all-powerful corporation that threatens our freedom and and prosperity has nothing to do with a really strong, vibrant corporation that is so because of essentially superior practices, products, etc. It has everything to do with the corporations being in bed with the government. These things are parasites, they'll die on their own if you take away their federal nourishment.