xris;166051 wrote:Stop avoiding the issue or the truth. The American system is based on capitalist principles, the principle of profit in a competitive market , a market, if free will provide a better and cheaper service.
No it is not. We have socialists too in the US, you know. And they were amazingly successful in the last decades.
Th old "America = Right-wing" calculation couldn't be further from the truth.
The majority of US health care is provided directly by the government. Is that the free market for you? How much of your health care is provided by the government, it can't be much more than that.
"In a competitive market"??? Insurance companies can't even compete across state lines. They are told by the government what procedures they have to insure, even if neither they or the customer want that. It's not a competitive market by a long shot.
The system is based on socialist principles. It is a socialist system with some private alternatives, like yours. It's socialism, fake crony capitalism, not free markets.
With all that government intervention it may be even more socialist than in Britain.
But you don't care, you have to declare the US health care system capitalist. You declare the broken system capitalist, regardless of the reality, because then you can declare the socialist system a third cheaper than the "capitalist" system. And that becomes the holy, unquestioned truth - socialism is a third cheaper than capitalism.
And you just repeat that mantra to yourself, and you are absolved from any more knowledge or thinking about health care, because all you need to know is that socialism is a third cheaper than capitalism. And no argument could ever change your mind. Because no matter what I say, socialism is a third cheaper than capitalism.
But the US is not capitalist. And socialism is not cheaper, and you would be a lot better off with a free market health care system.
xris;166051 wrote:The problem is that it becomes a monopoly of supply and service. The problem is it can return higher profits by exerting this monopoly and strangles opposition.
US insurance companies make 2 cents on each Dollar of business. That's less than most other industries. Profits can't explain the high cost of US health care. It would have to be 66 cents on the Dollar of profits to explain why it is two thirds more expensive. Your
third cheaper has to come from somewhere. Where is is from xris?
xris;166051 wrote:Its driven by profit, not compassion or public service. It has no moral obligation to those who cant afford its premiums. By this strangle hold it has asked for more and more in premiums, the lack of government regulations has made it a luxury rather than an essential, an essential any civilised country with Americas assets, should be providing. It does not work and you know it. Just like your socialist view on the fire service, one for and all for one, so does it work with health care...You know it works.
That talk about compassion and moral obligation again? Are you seriously that naive? Are you five? Where in the world have the masses escaped poverty? Was it where there was compassion and moral obligation, or in free markets? History is crystal clear on this.
No matter how hard you believe in your magical world of make-believe with flowers and bells and leprechauns and magic frogs with funny little hats, and compassion instead of profit, it's never going to come true. You can't change the world by believing it to be how you want it to be, you can only adjust your beliefs to how the world really works. Socialism simply doesn't work, every half-way objective adult realizes that.
Some think we should suffer that lower economic performance for the sake of providing for the less fortunate, but no half-way objective adult thinks socialism is a win-win.
Lack of regulation drives up prices? Why do you believe stuff that is just plain wrong? You refuse to read even a short article about how it really works. No economist in the world believes in the economic effects you believe in. But you just don't care. You want to believe in it sooo much. If you want to live in a dream world, go ahead. But you destroy the lives of millions, because you want to feel noble about being the compassionate socialist.
That's selfish!
Thomas Sowell : The "Costs" of Medical Care