BrightNoon wrote:Do you have any thoughts on the argument presented by those you are calling anti-social? Can you formulate a coherant rebuttal to any of the points I made in the last twenty odd pages? If not, while we're name calling, I'll call you the guy who can't actually think, but rather regurgitates slogans and propoganda, and engages in ad hominem attacks when he can't retrieve from his memory a proper slogan. The ideal useful idiot. Good work.
Let me see if I can explain my views in such a way so that you will understand where I am coming from. But I have a feeling if will fall on deaf ears, but I will give it a shot anyway.
Any attempt for any group, country or whatever to develop a equitably social structure within that group is absolutely impossible. For that to happen that group would have to be absolutely self sustaining. It will have to be a global effort. Those countries that have tried have failed miserably because they were not self sustaining when it comes to resources available to support it. No one country is. None.
The structure that dominates the world today is capitalism and in my opinion that structure is the antithesis of what social means. Oh, you can be social if you have the money it takes to participate in that structure, but if you don't, by it's very structure you will not be able to participate in it and you will become a victim it. It becomes a "dictatorship". In a capitalist structure you have to do as it tells you to do if you want to make money. That is it's primary concern. There are no other concerns.
Those individuals who do not have the mental "blueprint", to follow those dictates, become "dead weight". Those who are gifted with exceptional innate physical features, talents and abilities are quickly "bought" up and treated as highly paid commodities that become enslaved by the system to do it's bidding. Sycophants or
personified. ( This "useful idiot" just learned a new word.) Pat me on the back. Ha.
Our educational system is designed to separate what it considers it's potential assets from it's liabilities. Those liabilities being those who have a hard time following those instructions dictated by that educational system and they become the "have nots" and the assets become the "haves" simply because they were good students and will be assets to this "money making machine".
That is were the anti-social behavior begins creating a separation among people in which "status" rules. Those "haves" who have followed the rules and make the most money become addicted to "their status" in this capitalistic society and give little consideration to those "have nots", for they are in essence now waste material. Capitalism's educational system is a weeding process in an effort to find those vibrant roots it will need to sustain it's money making foundation. Now the question is, "What do we do with the weeds"?
BrightNoon, you and I are on the opposite end of the spectrum as I represent that "weedless idiot" that just will not be dismissed, and you are a gifted student of the capitalistic educational system and our perspectives are as different as night and day. If I had to compromise my innate values in order to eat that Filet Mignon, if you don't mind, I'll stick with the soup.
I, on the one hand, see the anti-social behavior this educational system fosters and, you on the other hand being you have excelled in aligning with it's dictates have become a slave to it. You only think the way it has dictated for you to think and that is to do everything you can to make money so you can survive in the inequity that exists between "haves" and the "have nots"; a situation this very educational system created. I am sure you were probably a A student. Me, I made terrible grades. It never make any sense to me. Even as a child, I had numerous fights with those who thought they were better than me. Humph!!! Thank God, I have become more understanding. You see, BrightNoon, I totally understand where you are coming from. The problem you don't have a clue as to where I am coming from. Even the mention of a social construct, in any context, counters everything this educational system teaches and uses those failures of those who have tried as it's rebuttal argument. Rather than "teach" the value of communication, cooperation and the use of global resources for the benefit all people, it capitalizes only on that which is necessary to support it's need for "money".
When you have a structure in which it's only value is based on the amount of money one has rather than on the person themselves, there is no hope of establishing a global "morality" which in and of itself is an anathema to this educational process. Precisely why the ACLU is efforting to erase the word "moral" from our governing process using the immorality of discrimination of which it accuses religion flagrantly guilty of.
Discrimination in any context is wrong. It is a creature of ignorance no matter what venue it comes from. What is important here is once you eliminate the word morality, along with it goes any effort of understanding what is moral and that which is immoral and that lead's to decadence. The ACLU is efforting to eliminate that word too as it is an infringement of one's civil liberties in a supposedly "free society".
Due to the ambiguity of our language, that capitalistic structure is trying to rationalize that morality is a threat to freedom, when without it there can be no freedom, only chaos. I have heard mention on more than one occasion, what this world needs is a benevolent dictator who "knows" the difference between right and wrong to guide and direct our path through these perilous times. If that were possible, one thing I do know for sure, he will come from the "have not" side of the aisle. I guarantee it. He will know what it is to be a victim of inequity, not use victimhood as a ruse to instill sympathy to mask hidden agendas that thrive on that inequity which is the very root of capitalism that began many, many years ago. It has never worked and it never will. Believe it or not the "idiot weeds" are not as dumb as one might think they are.
For this planet "to work", there "must" be a mutually agreed on social construct in which all who reside here can participate in cooperation with each other. A world in which terms like "anti-social" don't exist.
Is this hard to imagine considering the reality we currently are existing in that the "haves" have created and maintain to control? Yeah, sure it is. This is all we have ever really known and why a little common sense that can only come from one who has not become brainwashed by that reality can offer.
So, BrightNoon, there is nothing you can say in rebuttal that will ever change my mind to your way of thinking. Nothing. I am not as gifted as you are at rationalizing that which is wrong to make it right. Only "A students" can do that. Of course in truth, it's not their fault, it's how they were programmed. :whistling: