@Alan McDougall,
Hey don't forget to post the pics.
Well, the question in all of this is, what exactly is
normal, anyway? I mean, while we weren't paying much attention, the boundaries of
normal got considerably changed, didn't they? Isn't that the point? Cybersex has 'normalised' a whole lot of behaviour that only a generation ago was definitely understood to be 'aberrant'. I note, with interest, that the only way we are allowed to criticize any of this now is if it either involves something so utterly disgusting and gross that even your hardened addict will find it revolting, or underage subjects. Otherwise anything, absolutely anything, is now
normal. It's somebody's 'civil rights' and 'free expression'. I wonder if this is what Mill and Locke had in mind when they created liberalism.
We have had a recent very well argued posting on the forum that 'morality is objective'. And you would think that if this applied to anything, it would apply to sexual morality.
And yet, the U.S. Supreme Court can't even agree on what constitutes obscenity. Meanwhile, a
PBS documentary on the US porn industry made about 5 years ago reckons it is a bigger money spinner than the sports and movie industry combined. That, in anyone's language, is a lot of action.
But I guess that it's
normal. 'Everything OK here folks, move right along'. So, from the viewpoint of my particular philosophy, I truly believe that what a lot of people believe constitutes 'normality' nowadays is simply a gross delusion, to put it mildly. And nobody will stand up to it.