What if Hitler had never been born or had been assasinated

Alexis phil
Reply Thu 2 Apr, 2009 09:51 pm
@Alan McDougall,
So you're saying other leader(s) would have brought down Hitler way before and way early than Stalin did?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Apr, 2009 10:04 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Almost certainly (though it's impossible to say how early it would have happened). Stalin deeply sabotaged his own military, his own intelligence services, his own preparations for a patently obvious German invasion, and he destructively meddled with his own Generals' operational plans after the war had begun.

After the Germans invaded, Stalin was so shocked (having repeatedly denied the possibility) that he went into some sort of catatonic state for a couple weeks. The Red Army leadership was so paralyzed by fear of him that they couldn't even take their own initiative to respond.

Think about this figure -- during the first 7 months of the war the Nazis captured more than 3 million Red Army Soldiers (virtually all of whom died from starvation or summary execution). That's not even counting the millions that died on the battlefield. In other words, the beginning of the war was a complete catastrophe. Stalin gets credit for one crucial maneuver during this time -- they evacuated the Soviet war industry East of the Ural Mountains before the Wermacht could capture it.

After the Battle of Moscow in Dec 1941, Pearl Harbor happened and Germany declared war on the USA. Because of this the USA began to supply the Red Army, especially with jeeps, trucks, etc. This proved to be critical material support later in the war, especially at some battles like Kursk and like Operation Bagration. Also, because Japan turned their eyes to the Pacific instead of Russia, the USSR was able to move troops away from defense against Japan and bring them to the defense of Moscow. In 1943, the pivotal Battle of Kursk was won in part because the Allies invaded Sicily, so Hitler withdrew from the battle (and Germany couldn't mount a single other offensive in the East for the rest of the war). So there were external circumstances that only happened later in the war that allowed it to swing more and more in the favor of the USSR. So the duration of the war might not have been changed so dramatically; but Germany's penetration into the USSR certainly would have, and the complete savagery they wrought on the occupied territories would have been shortened and reduced.
Alan McDougall
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 02:19 am
Giving Stalin all this credit for the defeat is not really accurate. The enormous economical industrial power of the USA was the real reason in my opinion, behind the defeat of Stalin, much of Stalin armies where supplied by America , of course the UK had similar help

The other reason for Hitler defeat was trying to fight on two huge fronts. If he had concentrated all his military power on the USSR when he invaded, and remember that was in 1941/42 long before the USA came into the war and the USSR was not yet receiving American military aid

It was then that the USSR was very vulnerable and Hitler could have succeeded then and there.

Anyway, Stalin was lucky to have the best general from all the armies in during the second world war in the person of General Marshall Zoukov
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 03:03 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall wrote:
Hi there

I have thought about how the world we live in would have differed if Hitler had never been born or if he were assasinated before or during the war

I will start the thead with a few possibilities

1) The atomic bomb would never have been discovered

2) Highly gifted people that were killed would have lived and great advancing in science would have happened

3) The space race would never have happened

4) There would never have been a cold war

Etc Etc

What do you think can you add to the lists and more

Wouldnt the atomic bomb been invented by someone else?

---------- Post added at 04:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:03 AM ----------

proV wrote:
Stalin himself was responsible for estimated 43.000.000 deaths acording to this site.

Also shown are many other megamurderers (persons or regimes). Hitler was no lonely case.

Hitler was no incompetent man. Sure, he lost the war. Every beginning has an end. But before that he made the whole world tremble! Just look at the death rates..

We only one the war by pure luck
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 10:47 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall wrote:
The other reason for Hitler defeat was trying to fight on two huge fronts. If he had concentrated all his military power on the USSR when he invaded, and remember that was in 1941/42 long before the USA came into the war and the USSR was not yet receiving American military aid
Hitler was not really fighting on two fronts on a large scale until after D-day. By the time he invaded the USSR, the Battle of Britain was over and France had been thoroughly pacified.

Hitler suffered his first and probably most catastrophic defeat in December of 1941 when they were defeated in the battle of Moscow. After a back-and-forth year in 1942, Hitler attacked Stalingrad in August 1942, and by the time that battle had ended the following January, the Wermacht had lost 800,000 troops. The North Africa campaign hit Italy hard, but the German casualties were very small.

The Battle of Kursk happened in the spring of 1943, and that was Germany's last offensive on the eastern front in the entire war. Again, it was barely a 2-front war at the time. The Allies invaded Sicily at the same time as Kursk, and finally a second front became a distraction for Hitler, but his manpower commitments to Italy and Sicily were tiny compared with the Eastern Front.

And by the time of D-day in 1944, the Red Army was about to invade Poland, and had almost completely liberated Belarus and Ukraine.

So it just doesn't fit with the timeline that Hitler was actively fighting a 2-front war when all along the vast vast majority of his efforts were in the East. Right after D-day, the Red Army conducted Operation Bagration whcih annihilated Army Group Center, and the Eastern Front just fell apart, but they'd already been on the retreat for around 18 months at that point.

The US did provide vehicles to the Soviets, which became particularly helpful at Kursk. The Allied industrial bombing of Germany throughout the war did very little to alter war production.

Anyway, Stalin was lucky to have the best general from all the armies in during the second world war in the person of General Marshall Zoukov
And many others too -- Chuikov led the Soviet 62nd Army, which did all the street fighting in Stalingrad, and brilliantly operated so close to the German armor that it became ineffective -- and this forced Paulus to send so many troops into the city that it allowed the Soviet encirclement.
Alan McDougall
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 09:08 pm

I stand corrected by an obviously better historian than me. Did I get the spelling of Zokov/Zoukov so wrong or was "Chuikov" another general?
Reply Sat 4 Apr, 2009 03:47 am
@Alan McDougall,
The individual horrors of that war in the east are unimaginable.I have been lucky to talk to a Dutchman who was conscripted into the German army and he escaped from Stalingrad,one of only a few.I also talked to a Lithuanian who chose to fight with the Germans because he hated the Russians so much,his stories where amazing.I think i was of the age and the interest to have listened to many soldiers stories from both sides.A million stories that can never all be told.
Alan McDougall
Reply Sat 4 Apr, 2009 05:12 am
xris wrote:
The individual horrors of that war in the east are unimaginable.I have been lucky to talk to a Dutchman who was conscripted into the German army and he escaped from Stalingrad,one of only a few.I also talked to a Lithuanian who chose to fight with the Germans because he hated the Russians so much,his stories where amazing.I think i was of the age and the interest to have listened to many soldiers stories from both sides.A million stories that can never all be told.

We must be of similar age,I remember much of what I post about the history of both wars from my father, a very informed person he was.

I remember him telling me many of the Afrikaner people supported Hitler and his evil philosophy. When he heard this from one of his Afrikaners friends he explained to him exactly what and who Hitler was and said this person should get down on his knees day and night and pray that Hitler is defeated, because, if his armies ever reached SA the Afrikaner people would be eliminated because Hitler considered them a bastard race

Please not all Afrikaners believed in this evil or in the evil of Apartheid for that fact. Maybe Apartheid was a legacy of the Nazi belief. Sorry I don't want to side tract the thread. But maybe if Hitler had never been born, Apartheid in South Africa would not have become the institutional crime it did
Reply Sat 4 Apr, 2009 05:22 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall wrote:
We must be of similar age,I remember much of what I post about the history of both wars from my father, a very informed person he was.

I remember him telling me many of the Afrikaner people supported Hitler and his evil philosophy. When he heard this from one of his Afrikaners friends he explained to him exactly what and who Hitler was and said this person should get down on his knees day and night and pray that Hitler is defeated, because, if his armies ever reached SA the Afrikaner people would be eliminated because Hitler considered them a bastard race

Please not all Afrikaners believed in this evil or in the evil of Apartheid for that fact. Maybe Apartheid was a legacy of the Nazi belief. Sorry I don't want to side tract the thread. But maybe if Hitler had never been born, Apartheid in South Africa would not have become the institutional crime it did
My fathers officer in ww2 was a south African, he had worked in the diamond mines.He asked my father if he would come and work for him after the war.My mother refused because she did not like the apartheid system, i might have your neighbour..Alan..
Alan McDougall
Reply Sat 4 Apr, 2009 06:57 am
xris wrote:
My fathers officer in ww2 was a south African, he had worked in the diamond mines.He asked my father if he would come and work for him after the war.My mother refused because she did not like the apartheid system, i might have your neighbour..Alan..

You are much better off in beautiful England believe me xris

My Dad came from the beautiful lake district of Inverness, near Loch Ness but never saw Nessie :bigsmile:
Reply Sat 4 Apr, 2009 07:17 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall wrote:
You are much better off in beautiful England believe me xris

My Dad came from the beautiful lake district of Inverness, near Loch Ness but never saw Nessie :bigsmile:
My friends who have lived in SA tell me there are many beautiful places in SA.:a-ok:.My grandfather was a scot from near Edinburgh.He was a contemptible, twenty years a soldier.
0 Replies
Alexis phil
Reply Sun 5 Apr, 2009 12:16 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Oh the great usual mighty "my dad was an engineer" "no my dad was the village farmer manager" stories.
Alan McDougall
Reply Sun 5 Apr, 2009 12:52 pm
@Alexis phil,
Alexis wrote:
Oh the great usual mighty "my dad was an engineer" "no my dad was the village farmer manager" stories.

Do you object to xris and I sharing things we can each relate to, you might not be of our age bracket, so please leave us alone or explain that little comment, so we old folk can understand :perplexed:

xris maybe he thinks we overlooked or forgot our evening medication. :bigsmile:

"Youth is wasted on the young"
Reply Sun 5 Apr, 2009 12:58 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall wrote:
Do you object to xris and I sharing things we can each relate to, you might not be of our age bracket, so please leave us alone or explain that little comment, so we old folk can understand :perplexed:

xris maybe he thinks we overlooked or forgot our evening medication. :bigsmile:

"Youth is wasted on the young"
Just ignore him Alan he will go away...I have had my last glass of medication..well i think so as my wife has taken my glass and given me a cup of tea..
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Jun, 2009 07:29 am
@Alan McDougall,
Without Hitler I expect Germany's post WWI path would have been left to be decided by the bitter communist/nationalist clash in the post-war years. Would German democracy have been able to survive that struggle? Perhaps but that's far from clear. I suspect the Western powers would have decided to intervene to prevent a communist revolution on their doorstep.

Without Hitler I doubt that Germany's rabid anti-Semitism would have ever taken hold. Remember, German Jews were quite patriotic before Hitler's rise and served their Kaiser well in the First World War. Many Jews were relatively prominent in German society and the nation's economy.

This then raises the question of the Holocaust. Without Hitler it seems there would have been no Holocaust and without that tragedy what would have been the West's Middle East policy in the second half of the twentieth century? I cannot see that there would have been any effective consensus for the creation of the state of Israel. It is likely that the past six decades of war and hatred and insoluble conflict might never have occured but for Hitler. This misery may be Hitler's lasting legacy.
Alan McDougall
Reply Sun 7 Jun, 2009 02:30 pm
RDRDRD1;67079 wrote:
Without Hitler I expect Germany's post WWI path would have been left to be decided by the bitter communist/nationalist clash in the post-war years. Would German democracy have been able to survive that struggle? Perhaps but that's far from clear. I suspect the Western powers would have decided to intervene to prevent a communist revolution on their doorstep.

Without Hitler I doubt that Germany's rabid anti-Semitism would have ever taken hold. Remember, German Jews were quite patriotic before Hitler's rise and served their Kaiser well in the First World War. Many Jews were relatively prominent in German society and the nation's economy.

This then raises the question of the Holocaust. Without Hitler it seems there would have been no Holocaust and without that tragedy what would have been the West's Middle East policy in the second half of the twentieth century? I cannot see that there would have been any effective consensus for the creation of the state of Israel. It is likely that the past six decades of war and hatred and insoluble conflict might never have occured but for Hitler. This misery may be Hitler's lasting legacy.

Whatever, the world would have been a better place if that evil monster had never been born
Reply Sun 7 Jun, 2009 03:40 pm
@Alan McDougall,
RDRDRD1 -- I think your points are all spot on.

To be sure, there were lots of bad, evil antisemites in the upper echelons of the Nazi Party, not the least of whom were Goebbels, Heydrich, and Himmler. But still, I'm not sure any of them would have created a state capable of the Holocaust on their own, it was more than anything else the war that allowed the Holocaust to happen, and the war (against Russia) almost certainly would not have happened were it not for Hitler.
Alan McDougall
Reply Sun 7 Jun, 2009 03:53 pm
Aedes;67210 wrote:
RDRDRD1 -- I think your points are all spot on.

To be sure, there were lots of bad, evil antisemites in the upper echelons of the Nazi Party, not the least of whom were Goebbels, Heydrich, and Himmler. But still, I'm not sure any of them would have created a state capable of the Holocaust on their own, it was more than anything else the war that allowed the Holocaust to happen, and the war (against Russia) almost certainly would not have happened were it not for Hitler.

What grates me really really grates me is the excuses people come up to justify this beast as a member of the human race, I will never move from that position, I would have been murdered because I am a manic depressive and all my family, five siblings aunts parents and relatives on my mothers side would have been slaughtered in a way we don't even do in our abattoirs

Thrown into the furnace his ovens so it is logical that he must also

Burn in HELL forever
Reply Sun 7 Jun, 2009 05:10 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Ah, but there you're wrong. Hitler was indeed a human. No lower form of life would have been capable of the monstrous outrages he undertook. We humans never cease to demonstrate our capacity for the very best and the very worst and we often wind up paying dearly when we forget that.
Alan McDougall
Reply Sun 7 Jun, 2009 05:27 pm
RDRDRD1;67222 wrote:
Ah, but there you're wrong. Hitler was indeed a human. No lower form of life would have been capable of the monstrous outrages he undertook. We humans never cease to demonstrate our capacity for the very best and the very worst and we often wind up paying dearly when we forget that.

Oh! thus speaking you would have no problems with him as your next door neighbor with his NAZI SS buddies visiting him day and night and checking out you genealogy at the same time??

With Hitler no peace just war and darkness an ugly hideous blot on human history

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