I wrote this essay as if I were God

Alan McDougall
Reply Wed 15 Jul, 2009 02:54 am
@Alan McDougall,

I am the first creation I am the light being sent to banish the dark and its evil lord. It is not compatibly with life it is death and I am life. I am the compassionate one, it is hate. We are not different we are opposites of the same reality that makes up and consists of all existence

It is the lord of utter darkness and I am the Lord of Light and Life. I am the Giver of life it is the Taker of Life

The battle continues forever, for eternities the dark smothers the light and for eternities the light dispels the dark. Take heart the battle is only in the grey domain the twilight zone between light and dark love and hate, life and death

I the story teller am the Light Being raging against the dark to bring you into the eternal light of love where I dwell always in beautiful composite light.



God as I perceive him

Who are we really in the now?

The essential complete you, or your whole real essence, is a field of awareness that interacts with its own self (Soul) and then becomes both mind/brain and body. In other words, you are consciousness or spirit, which then conceives, constructs, governs, and becomes the mind/brain and the body. The real you are inseparable from the patterns of intelligence that permeate every fiber of creation.

At the deepest level of existence, you are an infinite eternal Being, and you are nowhere and everywhere at the same time. There is no other "you" than the entire cosmos. The God + cosmic mind create the physical universe, and the personal mind/brain (Soul) experiences the physical universe. But in truth, the cosmic mind and our personal mind are both permeated by "God "The Infinite Consciousness". "God the Infinite Consciousness" is our source, and all manifestation is inherent within it.

"God the Infinite Consciousness" observing itself creates the notion of observer, or the soul; the process of observation, or the mind; and that which is observed, or the body and the world. The observer and the observed create relationships between themselves; this is space. The movement of these relationships creates events; this is time. But all these are none other than the "God the Infinite Consciousness" itself.

In other words, we are "God the Infinite Consciousness" with a "localized point of view" An aspect or facet of the great reality we call God. And yet our whole system of thought divides the "Great Observer God" from the observed us; it divides the "God the Infinite Consciousness" into a world of objects separated by space and time. The "the intellect of the brain" imprisons us in a cage of fictitious images, a suffocating web of space, time, and causation. As a result, we lose touch with the true nature of our reality, which is powerful, boundless, immortal, and free.

We are all prisoners of the "the intellect of the brain". And the "the intellect of the brain's mistake in one simple sentence is this: It mistakes the image of reality for reality itself. It squeezes the soul into the volume of a body, in the span of a lifetime, and now the spell of mortality is cast. The image of the self overshadows the unbounded Self, and we feel cut off or disconnected from "God the Infinite Consciousness", our source.

This is the beginning of fear, the onset of suffering, and all the problems of humanity from our minor insecurities to our major catastrophes like war, terrorism, and all other acts of human degradation.

To one who is trapped in the prison of the "the intellect of the brain", all indeed is suffering. But the cause of the suffering can and should be averted. Ignorance of our real nature causes the inner self to be obscured. But when ignorance is destroyed, the powerful, unbounded, free nature of the self is revealed, and we are released into the knowledge of unimaginable freedom, peace, love and everlasting joy.

The real you are non-material and therefore not subject to the limitations of space, time, matter, and causation. The soul, the spirit, the essential you, is beyond all that. In this very moment, you are surrounded by a pure consciousness. Pure consciousness illuminates and animates your mind and body, and it is powerful, nourishing, invincible, unbounded, and free. Pure consciousness, "God the Infinite

Eternal Spirit", animates and sustains everything in existence, which means it is omniscient (all knowing), omnipresent (present in all locations simultaneously), and omnipotent (all powerful). "And when we learn and grow and evolve into understanding we shall be all those things also, indeed co- creators with God"

Alan McDougall
Reply Sat 1 Aug, 2009 03:28 am
@Alan McDougall,
Before I take you on a trip into the mysterious realms outside what we call normal please read the poem below by me as it really sums up the fears people have about life after death and more.


As I approach the infinite long dark night
If you can resonate with the poem below by me below my account into life after life and mysteries of the universe and beyond will greatly interest you

I resist it with all my might
I try and try to comprehend this end
To which all men must descend

Is it a sleep that all must take?
Or is it an eternal end that all must make?
I like to dream of awakening in light not dark
In a beautiful place to which all righteous men depart

Do we sleep the sleep of forever?
Or do we awake some other place together?
Does the answer to this ultimate question
Remain forever a process of eternal redemption?

On one glorious day from timeless sleep I awoke
And heard a beautiful and kind voice that sweetly spoke
My faithful son at last you have became to understand
Exactly your place in this troubled land

You my beloved have truly never ceased to seek
The infinite destiny that in eternity for you I keep
So for you and your family no eternal death awaits
Because of your zeal to know your fate

Soon I will bring you all to this most Holy Place
And there I will you never forsake
Very soon you shall hear a sweet call in the dark of night
Come, come into the Holy Glory of the Father Spirit of Mighty Might

I walk in the cool of evening along sweet meadows I have never seen
I smell the beauty of grasses that have never been
Strange golden streams of crystal water flows
As blue glory of mighty skies above glows

I search the long forgotten memories in the attic of my mind
Along the twisted channels the very depth soul that I could not find
I see before me things so wonderful I knew from long long ago
I puzzle over the enigma of knowing what I do not know

Out there far beyond the knowledge of any man is revealed
Something of such great mystery to it my heart had appealed
Why have I on this one thing so many years stalled?
Is this most infinite knowledge from many man would be appalled?

Walking on through the shade of great trees that give eternal life
I hear the sweet forgotten voice that comes to free all from everlasting strife

High green new grasses in this new do land grow
As transparent waters chuckle dance and sparkle and flow


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What comes after we die and what exists outside of present human knowledge and understanding

Such as is there life in our physical universe? Are there other material universes? And are there non physical planes and dimensions where our souls continue to exist??


Note; I have my own deep personal belief about God and I am a committed "non fundamentalist Christian", but this document based on my mystical, altered states, coma and near death experiences.
In fact I now leave it God and the person to plot their own destiny, knowing also that God is light, love and the giver of joy peace and eternal security.

Of course bad things exist, evil is real but each person can choose the path they want to walk during their earthly life on earth.

Thus I do any other enlightened soul as my purpose is reveal the mysteries beyond life and not to convert anyone to my own personal religious convictions

A lot of what I detail comes from a sort of innate knowledge about what exists out side and beyond, what we know in normal earthly life, if you like, take it as a story, but is subjectively true

The chapter below was God speaking about creation and existence, and not part of the essay, just included for those interested in philosophy about how everything came to be.

This essay does not flow like a story because it is not a story but an account of a life time of strange and personal experiences. Much of which I write about is therefore not always in chronological order because time and space does not always operate that way


1) We have an eternal soul
2) We have always existed and will always continue to exist.
3) There is life after death
4) Life has purpose even with the worst suffering
5) Creation is a duality by the Great Oneness.
6) You must not be fatalistic you can direct much of your life by intuition.
7) All of us evolve or devolve according to our actions
8) Everyone is accountable for their actions
9) You are your own judge
10) Everything in creation is intertwined and interconnected with everything else.
11) The universe is Superconsciousness
12) There are countless heavens and countless hells; each culture tends to create their own
13) Your brain is not your mind, mind and soul are synonyms.
14) A person never stops learning and experiencing because existence is infinite.

God spoke these words to me one night.

Aware of infinite potential in vast unplowed fields of nothing, I strode with great beams of cosmic light toward the infinite horizon of eternity, sowing seeds of existence before the timeless moment of creation. I am the boundless mind, original self-awareness the cause of everything, relative to nothing I am "This". I have no cause and by me am all things caused.

On the panorama of bleak blackness, I am "The Absolute", sowing universal energy. Reality was my aim and the beauty of my achievement. Illuminating the darkness with beams of dazzling radiant glory was the first event of reason. I formulated in my mind the first numbers and called them "zero" and "one".

Know that I am the Cause of everything, all things originated in my infinite mind, some call me the basis or source and in this they are correct I arise where and when I like, I am unstoppable and can only be held accountable to my own promises.

I represent myself in my creation and you are a representative of me but only an infinitesimal part of the greater reality.

With the simplicities and realities of the fundamentals of' "one and 'zero", "I made everything". I am the prime mover and there was no proponent to my "first cause". I am the "immovable rock" and the" alpha point". I took these first numbers and weaved them into the fabric of the reality, creating all the limitless universes on the infinite timeless foam of nothing, which now makes all up existence. Indeed, I am the almighty one. If you are, wise do one thing respects me the lord.

You are the result of my endeavors are you not?

I adorn myself in grandeur beauty and wonder I sent the Light Being into the universe of light and dark and the dark ones knew him not to their everlasting peril.

I am the creator of the totality of all existence known by many names and titles but you must all refer to be by the title that can never be confused by anyone. Call me the "Almighty One.




Here is the part of my essay where I bring in evil and duality of light and dark etc.

I am the strange mysterious enigma rapped in a paradox encompassed in an ever-changing paradigm always moving toward an understanding of what puzzles all. The greatest light is my ultimate aim and time is my enemy. I am Truth

However, if I do not hurry to fight darkness, IT will come suddenly no to stalk the land with fear and hate. I put on the armor of the absolute and prepare to battle the evil brute. I illuminate the darkness through which I travel, searching out the monster ever before me.

Supreme principal sublime are some of my qualities.

I am the colossal one. Gigantic eyes of mine survey IT'S the fields of desolate horror, but I do not retract from my purpose. I will isolate the evil monster and be victorious before the end of time. I must hurry to banish it into the place of everlasting cold abysmal dark.

We have always existed together in the great fields of nothingness and battle the eternal the war for ultimate mastery of the totality of all existence. If I lose, the universe will blacken all the stars and galaxies dim, blink out, and the universe vanish into the evil mind of the Terrible One. Therefore, I must bring down the Terrible One, before the black clouds of its dreadful terror destroys all that is good and full of light and change life into everlasting death of the cosmos.

It is the Abomination of Desolation and howls after the souls of light out from the pits of ITS hells.

I am love, light, life, goodness, beauty and peace you are the fruits of my being. I dance the song of life with delight. Its aim is to draw off the life and energy from the creation and to leave it cold dark, barren and remote from the Great Source, which is "I".

You are free to forgo my love and protection and accept its hate, be careful you will end up going where is going, if you continuing doing this. There is a right way to live and there is a wrong way to live "choose right over wrong"

If you heed me everlasting love, light, joy, peace, glory, bliss, rapture, honor, pleasure, delight, elation, euphoria, happiness, purpose, glee, hilarity, and commune with the eternal infinite mind will be your reward. However, before all this wonder can come, I the infinite eternal and you the redeemed must take on the battle of the minds against this dark evil brute. We must bring down The Terrible One to Naught.

It sends out creatures of the black night to kill, lie, destroy, deceive and lead those that listen to its black repulsive horrible mind into its cave of eternal hopelessness, desolation and despair. Be careful of its seductive discordant song. Composite wickedness made up of malevolent sin and offense to all that is good it continues unrelentingly to promote iniquity, vice, immorality and abuse against the innocent.

It is composite darkness and the alternative to life; it is eternal punishment and its name is Death. Do not listen to its whisper in your mind. Exploitation, abuse, corruption, and the hordes of lying thieves make up its army of death and hate.

Remember it is "the one you serve is your true master" no matter what you claim. If you claim to be good, honest and righteous but do the opposite, know that the evil one of hate is your master indeed.

Far out there in the wonder of the universe this battle of light and darkness, love and hate, good and evil has been raging since the beginning of time and is drawing ever closer to an eternal conclusion.

"That is why I have kept the universe a secret from humanity up until now" says God.

Love conquers all; "IT" is the enemy of time, and leads one away from to merging with the Infinite. Hate escorts you to destruction, its friend is time, and so it must ultimately end in eternal darkness.

Adore, appreciate, esteem, reverence me and prize me the Giver of Life show your love by virtue of worship. I am the Word of life and the arm of the Absolute and guide all to the omega-point of glorious life.

I and it

I am the ever moving Alpha moment I am Omega moment

I am moment------------------It is time.

I am something - It is the dark void

I am answer - it is question?

I am energy - it is consumer

I am positive - it is negative

I am aware - it is aware

I am light - it is darkness

I am love - it is hate

I am peace - it is desolation

I am up - it is down

I am life - it is death

I am goodness - it is evil

I am the truth - it is the lie

I am honest - it is deception

I am peace - it is war

I am eternal- it is eternal

I am life - it is death

who am I..............? Who is it.......................?

Choose me...................?

Or choose it.......................?

"You have to choose one of us; in this you have no option!"

My name cannot be pronounced by mortal beings

ITS name is Evilian


Good and evil

Aware of infinite potential in vast unplowed fields of nothing, I strode with great beams of cosmic light toward the boundless infinite horizon of eternity, sowing seeds of existence before the timeless moment of creation. I am the boundless mind, original self-awareness the cause of everything, relative to nothing I am "this".

On the panorama of bleak blackness, I am "the absolute", sowing universal energy. Reality was my aim and the beauty of my achievement. Illuminating the darkness with beams of dazzling radiant glory was the first event of reason. I formulated in my mind the first numbers and called them "zero" and "one",

With the simplicities and realities of the fundamentals of' "one and 'zero", "I made everything". I am Prime Mover and there was no proponent to my "first cause". I am the "immovable rock" and the" alpha point". I took these first numbers and weaved them into the fabric of the reality, creating all the limitless universes on the infinite timeless foam of nothing, which now makes all up existence. Indeed, I am the almighty one. If you are, wise do one thing "Respect me the Lord".

I am the creator of the totality of all existence known by many names and titles but you must all refer to be by the title that can never be confused by anyone. Call me the "Almighty One".

If you are wise respect me for I am your Lord


Creation of the universes and humanity

The colossal infinite magnetic mind swirled as a great maelstrom of intellectual might. The "Ever Existing One" looked out at a new empty infinite dark void, became aware and said I AM utterly alone in this dark void of nothing, contemplated and said "let there be light" as I am boundless I will create many things each with the potential to become like myself eternal and infinite.

I am the "First One" The lord created me in the beginning of his works, before all else, when he set the heavens in their place, I was there, before he made the earth, I was his darling child and played the creation game, in eternal joy with him. I was his craftsman and his companion and delight. Wisdom and Word are my names and I was with him before HE began creation. He is the Ancient of Days and I am his Eternal Son.

Together we created mighty superstrings and weaved them together into infinity of dimensions with colossal strands of energetic light colored in beautiful magnificent opalescence and omnificence of the very different fabrics of reality and new unimaginably beautiful universes were thus born in glory and delight.

We sang the song of creation and each new universe began to vibrate with countless frequencies of light, glory translucence and living vibrations of the song of existence. The singer sang the song, the painter the painting, the creator the creation.

Our universe then began to weave, dance, and vibrate flux and vortex into one colossal maelstrom, spiral in perfect order and harmony within the mind of the Eternal One sentient beings all danced and sang with joy. The dancer danced, the singer sang, along with his new creation.

Great huge blue/ white fusion fire stars formed from primeval hydrogen, lived a short two million years and were destroyed by their maker, to enable long living golden fusing stars to form out of their dust. Billions and trillions of stars joined together into great beautiful billions of colossal billions of galaxies.

Each galaxy has its own soul each contain some thousands billion yellow golden long life stars like sol, which, would each burn in beauty for 20 billion stable years. The heavy elements needed for life were now contained in each star and blue- water beautiful worlds like earth formed as the cradles of sentient mortal life.

Oh! How we rejoiced together that wonderful day. The mighty suns began to sing together the beautiful song of creation across the vastness of the marvelous new mighty universe. All sang together in wonderful harmony.

In pristine beauty was the planet earth lived and its soul loved its creator.

But God hesitated and decided to first create immortal companions (Angels) that would serve him, without question he then looked at that most unique and beautiful pristine of water blue worlds, planet earth.

Our universe is not empty like some suppose but awash with an infinity of diverse sentient life forms.

God then created all the creatures on the earth and after a long period of earthly time gave humanity a colossal complex brain so that they could have dominion of all the creatures on their blessed mother earth. He gave humanity one thing unique from all the other creatures, namely, a free will without any restrictions or reservations or conditions... Man knew he could die, but man also knew he could become a God in his own right.

To be able to give humanity this free will God had to look aside often for long periods and leave man with a few rules and look back ever so often to see what they were doing with their free- will.

The rest of the universe continued to dance and vibrate in perfect order, held together and sustained, like a perfect ordered beautiful machine, by the colossal force of gravity that God had created amongst many forces to keep the universe from going from reverting back to chaos.

God looks now at the depravity, evil and non- progress of humanity towards his light and the horrors of humanities evil and continual wars with one another. (No one is truly just)However, countless billions are his beloved ones whom he loves dearly, were not created in vain, and will dwell with him forever.

The evil unredeemable ones of humanity, which is in the greater minority, will finally be brought in fear, to his eternal justice. God has an eternal purpose for humanity. The vast beautiful mysterious glorious universe awaits the coming of humankind

"My idea of creation, which I see as an eternal cycle of creation and destruction". From order to chaos and back eternally.


The essay of the mysteries of life and death the universe and beyond by Alan McDougall

(I am a sufferer of extreme manic depression, and suicide which I will not detail caused me to have a near death experience during a deep coma, and I also had a near death event as child when I died during surgery.)

Before detailing my experiences I feel led to make a brief reference to reality.

What is Reality?

Realty simply put, is everything that exists in the "Soul" and also physical reality. This includes everything we imagine, believe, perceive, and everything that is purely real (regardless of perception and belief).

Even what we consider impossible is real if we can imagine and describe it.

The typical list of senses includes sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. To these five physical senses, a sixth: a "Soul". Naturally, with six senses there are six perceptions.

The largest problem we have with the senses is the amount of attention paid to the information received. Even though the "Soul" has to fill in gaps, it also neglects the vast majority of information provided to it. This is why even at the time of compiling this account I can only recall parts of my experience and have to add to it as memories filter into my physical brain , from my higher self or "Soul"

Much information goes into the subconscious and never enters conscious thought. The difference between conscious and unconscious is not a difference that can be mapped on a picture of the brain.

We can say, by these terms, that we consciously function on pluralities, Brain /Soul


My near death and outer body experiences:


From the time I was a little boy I knew and saw things that other people did not and everyone thought of me as a strange and enigmatic boy and they still do. I perplexed and even frightened my parents teachers at times, I often thought why did my parents only greet the people that came through the front door but ignored the lovely people that walked into the house through the walls etc?.

I remembered then that I had always had three ethereal friends (Childhood imaginary friends) their names are Jinnery, Rough Raven and Claudious. Of course they are real guardian entities.

I consider myself more as a mystic than a psychic or maybe a clairvoyant, although I don't like titles. Other people who have had near death experiences have asked me why each account seems to differ so much from person to person, it all comes down to subjective perception, comprehension and how long, detailed and profound the events were.

I am a complex person so my account might not contain all the "I met Uncle Richard" or "I met my Grandparents" etc; type of accounts. There is countless other near death accounts that can provide this type of comfort to the readers.

Kenneth Williams has the best website on the near death phenomenon and I would advise anyone interested in this topic pay him a visit by googling his name.

Bruce Moen has an interesting forum "Afterlife Knowledge Forum" try it out as well if you like

People are unique and therefore each have unique experiences, not all people go to the same place or to the same time in the uncountable other dimensions , heavens and realms out far in the universe and beyond into the afterlife realms.

And of course there is the factor of the skill of the writer or lack of skill and how good or bad their recall is

While I did not have the full tunnel experience I had a partial life review and saw both beautiful episodes of my life as well as regretfully, embarrassing ones. I did not desire a experience based on my religious indoctrination or in fact any other religious dogma, therefore, in this testimony there is no mention of salvation by any means and beliefs like reincarnation and karma are not addressed.


My near death and mystical experienced

Early one morning I died while all was still dark and then I awoke in a dark realm where the boundaries between my physical self and everything physical around me began to dissolve. I saw an infinity of stars lighting up the still dark early morning sky. Quietness like a soft warm comforting peaceful blanket descended on my mind. I could hear in the background the sweet song of birds softly singing birds and somehow knew their wonderful beautiful voices were in absolute harmony and somehow a reflection of audible fundamental particles each but a tiny electron darting in the mind of the God. Outside leaves rustled in the autumn night and although me physical body was still indoors on a bed, I could somehow feel the breeze, even though I was no longer a material being and also absorbed the wonderful scent of grass and the fragrances of flowers that permeated the earth.

I had become pure energy, and arose above the earth to where the blue became black and looked down upon the earth from the wonder of the glory of the infinite night. I found myself in the presence of a being who appeared to me to be a pulsating "ORB" similar to my state of being then, but much brighter and more energetic. At this time I thought this being might be God. Later I knew he was my Guardian Angel and that his name was Asreal.

I was now a bright point of light, "a singularity a point of intelligent thinking light" within a Greater Light (Being of Light) that now embraced me and revealed to me later, mind to mind, some things relating to the afterlife, the planet earth and the universe. This Being was the one who communicated with me and took me on the journey into the unknown realms later. He had been my companion all my life and I began to recall how we communicated when I was a child.

I found myself looking down upon the earth, as if I were viewing it from a port hole of a space ship. The earth was revolving very quickly and stopping over each country, where a stern warning was given to each leader. At first I thought that the "Being of Light" that embraced my essence was God, but found out from him that he was a great angel, with an important message to humanity. At this stage I did not have an ethereal body, just a point of light or a singularity of intense thought.

The Being a beautiful pulsating ORB of colors and pure energy.
As we hovered in space above the earth I saw it somehow revolve and stop revolve and stop, over each country or continent with some sort of a warning, the angel kept repeating, "Mere Mortal Man", "I am not well pleased with you". I vividly remember, when we were hovering over the Asian continent, looking down at
India and the regions around it, that some great trouble would come from oceans and affect the Indian subcontinent terribly.

Later I began to remembered some of these warnings to mankind some have already come to pass namely; the great tsunami of 2004, hurricane Katrina and the awful cyclone that hit Burma during 2008, these are just a few events that have come to pass amongst many still to come in the future are just a few cataclysmic events shown to me.

Then the event changed into a partial life review below:

I saw all the people I had hurt, both in a moment but also somehow in real time, and I was shown how my actions had knock - on effect both good and bad in others. I was surprised to say the least, before this I had vaguely thought about how my life could affect others but the degree it did stunned me. I had never thought of my life having an effect on the actions that friends, family, and others I had met it did. I saw the results of all I had done. I was not pleased with much of it and very pleased with the outcome of other events in my life. One thing stood clearly out, it was not the "physical that hurt deeply" but "harsh words" and I shuddered when I felt how deeply hurt my angry words had on a young salesman that tried to sell me his goods many years before. I had forgotten about this event it all came back to me, you can never retract word once you have uttered them.

During the Life review a person moves between the subjective to the objective. This made me think about despots like Adolph Hitler surely his life review would be hell to him because he would experience the unimaginable hurt and the consequences for his evil actions "objectively" just as if he were the very persons his orders had affected so terribly during the NAZI period.

Then we left the solar system and raced through the physical universe at limitless almost infinite speed. I was perplexed why there was no need for breathing, and became aware that I became aware that I had now an ethereal body similar to my physical body, but this body did not need to breath and was impervious to heat or the physical fundamental laws of our universe. This body of beauty shimmered in translucent blue, purple and amethyst and was not confined to the fundamental constants or limitation of the material universe.

One event clearly recalled was flying right through an enormous planet that was floating in the great void between galaxies, alone in the dark, with no sun warming its cold bleak black surface. I saw this huge planet approaching at colossal speed and passed right through it as if they no more than a cloud, plunging completely thought the ice, mantel, magma, crystals rock, and a boiling centre flashing out the other side and continuing at colossal speed beyond our huge galaxy and faster and faster into the unimaginable vastness of the universe.

It was just like some enormously speeded up movie. Science will tell you the neutrino particle can go through light years of lead without slowing down, so my spiritual body going through a planet is within the bounds of physics possibility, and maybe this is how ghosts or spirits are able to walk through walls. Maybe an ethereal spiritual body is made up of neutrinos? I could not touch or interact with the material universe, which is but one dimension of realm of creation of countless others.

I also recall passing through huge great suns stars and galaxies of blazing glory, observing them, somehow, as we flashed though in an infinitesimal moment. Think of TV Sci Fi where they flash though the universe at warp speed, it was something like that, but without a spaceship, flashing instantaneously through stars, galaxies, clouds of cosmic dust pulsating light of magnetic energy.

I was not bound to a physical body's visual spectrum, but could view the universe in all spectrums, from microwave to infra red and more. The ethereal eye is hugely more sensitive than the physical eye and one could peer much deeper into the universe than even the greatest earthly telescope. Try to image this of course is impossible? Instead of space being black, with this heightened sense of vision, the universe lit up with a billion, trillion ever changing colors of breathtaking beauty. Blind people who have had a near death experience often report seeing visually for the very first time using their ethereal senses.

The journey continued as billions of galaxies came and went and somehow, due to our collosal speed, time itself began to reverse, we were not only on a journey to "somewhere", we were on a journey to "somewhen". This "somewhen" was back before the big bang, into the primordial primeval void of zero point energy. "God is the Great Mathematician", "the Great Scientist" and "the Compassionate Eternal One" He is the Author of eternal blessings, never losing, the great reason, purpose ultimate reality the great All in All

I was informed that size or scale was meaningless in the grand order of existence. the singularity the point of infinite density and energy was also infinite in size and dimension back then, it did not emerge into a vast empty void, it brought the void with it, and this void we call space is infinite and will remain infinite forever. Each universe was much like infinity of universes all expanding into each other for eternity. Do I understand this no I do not?

The best description I can give is that there is an infinite eternal colossal ocean, I call all existence or God, on which float an infinity universes, like bubbles of foam, each different but all evolving living and dying just as if they were great beings. To get from one universe requires punching a hole between one into the other.

Our universe is a universe of light and dark, other universes might be pure living light and other infinite abysmal dark and cold. Heaven and hell are located in some of these universes and the ethereal soul body can pass easily between them

Exploding out of our universe, the whole universe began to recede at a colossal rate, first becoming an enormous sparkling dark plane, a sort of flat surface. (Like the earth appears to us when we view it from a little height). This beautiful plane , or surface or edge of the universe (of course in reality the universe has no edge or surface just my semantics) twinkled with brilliant a billion trillion multicolored pulsating aurora borealis like lights, unexplainably beautiful.

Further and further outward we raced, until our entire universe started to become a huge orb, then a huge globe until it was only a tiny spot a small singularity. Amongst the eternal infinite foam of numberless other realities, and physical universes that reside it this blazing white light that is the breath of God. I relate this of course in the dimness of my limited mind as these things are unexplainable in human terms or languages.

This light of purest white was limitless, boundless, infinite in any direction, it is where the "Spirit of God is so concentrated and hugely unimaginable pure holy and intense that one could vanish from existence if one tried to enter without permission. Gods concentrated awareness is like a welcoming warm golden sun, "The Sun of Righteousness shall rise with healing in His wings"

If we remember the "Lords Prayer", Our "Father" who art in "HEAVEN", this is the domain if you like where the presence of God is all most tangible, the highest state of pure inexhaustibly indestructible energy it is were God awareness is most concentrated it you like, this might seem an oxymoron , that God is also omnipresent, but his is inconceivable."

In my "Fathers House" are many mansions. It is the "GreatOcean" of all Existence the source of all creation, and all the great rivers of life flow into it. It is the experience that millions of mystics over time have tried to obtain, but all in vain, no matter what they claim.

Hovering quietly, in the Infinite Sacred silence blanketed by the peace and love of this purest stillness of holy white light I wondered and then enquired as to where we where? In my inner self I knew it could only be what, I heard a voiceless voice was saying to me, "you are standing in the "Breath of God" also called the "Holy Spirit"

We were in a place of pure composite white light outside of normal material space and time, into ethereal realms and higher dimensions of living

Suddenly and I was no longer aware of where I was until a warm golden light encompassed me about and I knew I was in that eternal place outside time or space. Indeed, I now dwelt in the everlasting infinite moment. I knew God was a forgiving God not a wrathful God of religious fundamentalism, still there are those who will have to endure hells of their own making.

Lifting my soul eyes to see a great light in the vast distance. With the Being still at my side as my guide. Bliss and ecstasy filled my soul as I looked at the radiance of God the Creator who was a trillion billion times brighter than any sun, yet I could behold his glory without hurt or flinching.

God's pure translucent light moved over and through me, washing every hidden place of my heart, removing all hurt and fear, transforming my very being into a song of joy.

It was a love so Divine so unimaginably so nonjudgmental that I wept in joyful wonder at our beautiful God who I love beyond words his forgiving love was complete yet, the light toward which we were soaring was the fulfillment of my search, the loving Source of all that exists, the God of truth and unconditional love, the origin of creation.

Infinite eternal knowledge continued to flow through me and fill me with the wonder of the power of it. I knew one beautiful day I would have access to it, without any reservations at all. It would be the ultimate in trust that God could give to one of his creations.

Life must be enjoyed understood and nothing should be feared as the very worst that mortal earthly life can throw at you are transient and temporary, your essence and my essence has always existed and will always continue to exist within the grand orders of reality

Marvelous extraordinary insights flashed into my mind and I was able with a new Godlike understanding to comprehend all knowledge. I seemed to know all the mysteries of existence, just as if
I were God. It was clear to me then that the universe was mostly good and that evil will never prevail against the light. Beautifully interconnectivity into one glorious harmony whole is the final aim of our universe. "This is still a work in progress". Evil was allowed in the physical realms so that people can use their free will to love God and their fellow beings as they love themselves

I felt the warmth of the eternal fire, within the spirit of my being and I was filled by it with a sustained sense of exultation, immense joy, peace, rapture and sublime bliss. My awareness or consciousness expanding until it encompassed the entire universe and all existence. While I knew I was not God, and that I was only bright tiny facet of the unimaginably beautiful diamond that we call God. It was like riding on the shoulders of God, looking out at the universe with his eyes and understanding everything from time immemorial, to the present, into the unimaginable far future. Everything at once in an instant, but also through all of eternity, both somehow, at once. Time became meaningless and did dot flow in the linear way it did in the physical realms.

We stood in a marble Parthenon like palace, the walls glowed in crystalline inner blue luminosity Strange beings of unimaginable noble wisdom walked the corridors of this universal library of the souls. Was it Great Micheal I saw floating above the dome of glorious beauty?

An intellectual illumination beyond any description overflowed my mind and. I knew then that the will of Gods was for all humanity to be immortal and possessed eternal life. "Death was not the natural order of Gods creation" and this mystery of life, death and evil remain a mystery. The crucial plan of the universe was for the good of all that dwelt within its brilliant unimaginable beautiful wonderful and vast golden boarders.

The heavens declared the glory of Gods handiwork and his creation is so wonderful that I have no words in the English language to describe it. Our mortal bodies are wonderfully knit together a work of infinite precision and meticulous creativity by the awesome intellect of God, and our human brain a prime example of the infinite mind of God. Our mortal bodies, however, are not in the image of God. It is our spirit or soul that mirrors his image and thus God made man to think like Him be it in a lesser way. God Imagined man (imagine-man.).

The concept of time vanished and I seem to exist in an everlasting moment. The physical universe was indeed a most precious jewel in the mind of God. God created time, he is the Timekeeper if you like, he has a sort of a stop watch, starting at the Alpha moment and stopping at the Omega moment, the Beginning and End. I saw in my "minds eye" a huge clock. Something like a doomsday clock, it had only a second hand and this hand was turning towards the top of the hour, but it would advance clockwise and reverse anticlockwise, some times advancing fifteen seconds and retreating ten, why I think when the second hand finally reaches the top of the hour something catastrophic and cataclysmic is going to happen?

We are Gods observers if you like, things exist because there is someone to observe them , and we are also co-creators with other souls and indeed God himself

The Sights of a heavenly world
My ethereal body became more or less same size, the same shape, as the person I had seen in the mirror for years I knew it was a reflection of me but now perfect in health and beauty. I was moving in and out of physical and spiritual dimensions I was clothed in a translucent flowing gown, pure white, but transparent to my gaze. The next moment I would become a pure soul a point of intelligent light that could expand to embrace the entire universe.

Only in this state was I able to comprehend and know everything just as if I were somehow God, but at the same time knowing I was Alan
I noticed that one could communicate by thought, create by thought, and travel by thought. Think carefully about a house and it becomes a reality think about a destination and you are there in an instant

Forest great forests, flowers, green grass all living and animated not held down by roots, flawless in color and beauty roamed this strange world of unimaginable wonder and living life

Nothing dies there is no need to sustain the spiritual body because it is eternally sustained by of Gods inexhaustible energy
Light on this strange planet or heaven fascinated me, no a shadow anywhere. There was no single light source as on earth. I realized that everything seemed to produce its own light. Again the answer coincided with my query: the Heavens declare the glory of God. When the presence of God was near we were bathed in a golden light of love and peace.
Angelic beings sang with voices of such power and infinite beauty that the universe seemed to join in and respond and resonate with these words of life.

I remember during the transition process, fragrances beyond early words to describe were everywhere. Living animated flowers, grass, trees and air. The air was just the same. Of course this was not music as we know it or perfume as we know it. I simply knew that it was another quantum world similar to planet earth but operating under different constants or fundamental laws.

The greatest emotion there was the feeling of unconditional all encompassing eternal love by our Creator combined with all the joyful beings of goodness and light in this everlasting pure domain of light and life. Every living thing is important to God, not only human souls are loved by God. God also loves animals and their souls return to him when they die. We sang there all together in perfect harmony the creation song of Gods existence and eternal mystery. Plants are living things and have great group mind and souls as do the fishes of the sea, and plankton.

The great whales have highly advanced minds and souls and they are also beings that God blessed when he created our earth. There is a pet heaven, where all or beloved pets frolic joyfully, just waiting for us to join them. Their little minds and souls do not comprehend all our thoughts, but we can communicate with telepathy, just like we will do with other human souls in heaven.

My soul awareness or consciousness expanded until it filled the whole universe and beyond and in this "brief" glorious moment I became everything, I was "Infinite Existence"

This timeless reality was so very much more real than the three-dimensional reality we experience on earth. In this state, my mind was clear as crystal, I could feel an incredible energy and power coursing through me in this new wonderful indescribable time place. There seem to be nothing but a sense of knowing, being and loving. A strange thing was that in this dimension one could alternate between the subjective and objective anytime at will .

Oh! How my soul delighted then and how reluctant I was to return to the bleak mundane existence of my earthly life. Reflecting back on my early life I wondered how many moments or days of subjoin on earth in my mortal body had being truly happy. We never experience this degree of joy or happiness, while on earth with mortal bodies.

Was this death? No it was brilliant exhilarating living; I was alive in a sense that I have never being I had become one vital aspect in the great all of existence. An inexpressible interconnectedness to wonderful a mysterious and loving oneness but always retaining my own precious unique identity

Was I now in the Land of the Dead?, no I had left that behind there was no need to kill and consume other living things, energy was constant the arrow of time did not move there was no entropy and the battery energizing my soul was full of inexhaustible energy my new form a body of "eternal light" Communication between beings also use this light by, changing, and merging and flashing lights towards other souls in a beauty of "light talking".

The ethereal body has all senses of the material body and more, indeed there are many additional senses, that must be learned when we pass over. I could hear, smell, feel, sleep and even eat juicy apples, but one does not need to eat to get energy. I looked carefully at this body it was formed outwardly like the physical body, but semi translucent and shimmering in concert with the emotions I was feeling, something a ghostly chameleon.

I knew that there were a small number of humans who can obtain knowledge existing in other people's minds or in the outer realms by means scientists do not accept. These humans can bypass time and space and enter the Realm of Forces.

The experience of merging with the light of God is like having your body explode in a pleasant way and becoming a million different atoms. Each atom can think its own thoughts and have its own feelings. You feel all at once what it feels like to be everything and everybody
suddenly; we burst into another light dimension, outside the physical dimensions, into the ethereal realms of a whole new reality. There I saw a strange world with no sun or stars in the sky, just pulsating lights in the myriads of colors not known indeed impossible spectrums the physical eyes I thought this is the " City Of God" and is it lit up and sustained by his by his light.

There are countless glorious cities on countless worlds each having its own unique vibrations

Somewhere in Gods kingdom is the "City of God", sadly I cannot remember seeing such a place, maybe this city is what is called heaven in biblical scripture who knows?

At first sight this strange world appeared similar to our physical earth, but, in this higher vibration, more colorful, more beautiful, more amazing. I saw plants, trees, mountains, lakes, animals, and shimmering crystal-like buildings, some very large and ornate. I saw beings moving about, light beings, going about their daily lives. Was this paradise or was it Eden restored of was it one of the countless heavens?

They don't have physical bodies like us, but they are distinct translucent fields of energy, they have the ability to alter their outer appearance and take on the form of a human physical body, but they remain translucent and shimmering in appearance. They don't walk, they float. They have lives much like ours, but without the struggles and sorrows. There are artists, musicians, dancers, singers, inventors, builders, healers, creators of miraculous things; co-creators with Gods beautiful inexhaustible energy. Indeed this place was close to the Christian concept of heaven.

I wondered why this world appeared, at first hand, to look so much like our earthly reality, albeit more beautiful. The answer it that when a person dies especially suddenly if they were to awaken on the other side and see it as it really is, just orbs of light shape shifting, atoms and fundamental particles coming together and parting lights flashing, they will be frightened and confused out of their mind. So they are slowly eased into these new dimensions, the first heaven almost a copy of a beautiful earth with which they are familiar and as these souls learn and evolve they are prepared for the next realm without any shock to their psyche.

Children of various ages were all around playing joyfully, people aged to about perfect maturity and stopped, although different, there did not seem to differ by race or color as we do on earth. Children who pass over to heaven take on the same age they had at the time of their dying and then continue to grow or a better word mature until the reach the point of perfection. Every person was made out of translucent light and the light from each person constantly changes, later I found out this was one of a multitude ways of communication.

We stopped off on this world and I found myself in a beautiful translucent marble like building with many beautiful pillars something like the Greek Parthenon, many beings were milling about, was it a sort of a weigh station or great library or meeting place or place to congregate for special celebrations or events. I think it was there for all these reasons.

I thought about abortion and knew God understands if the woman has been violated soul of, the potential human baby just returns to God. God frowns on anyone aborting for selfish reasons, this is murder. A soul enters the mother's womb at the very moment of conception and not at three to six weeks as many people think.

Many of the scenes places and angelic beings were the same ones I could so easily see as a child, I had a sort of mystical eye and could see through portals and vortexes a little boy, but I lost most of this when I became an adult.

Was it possible to see God, yes God can manifest an aspect of his greater Being to us, and what I saw was inconceivably, unspeakably, awesome a huge "Orb" of ever-changing lights flashing through a trillion billion spectrums, frightening and awesome in its beauty and the best word I can find to define what I saw was "MAJESTIC".

My faith and knowledge that God exists and that I am tiny fragment from the great tree gives my unimaginable joy with a deeper certainty that my life is infinite and eternal

Some realms of existence are mentioned below:

1) Realm one is the earth dimension

2) Realm two is called the Intermediate Realm or Hades. This is

3) Realm three the Realm of illusion or memory.

4) Realm four is the Realm of Color. This dimension is an indescribably lovely existence. Here one must leave behind all rigid intellectual structures and dogmas, be they scientific, religious, or philosophical. An infinite variety of new sounds, colors and feelings are experienced here and souls find a much wider freedom to function with highly energized intellect and spirit.

5) Realm five is the Realm of Energy

6) Realm six is the Realm of Light.

7) Realm seven is the Realm of Timelessness. In this dimension, souls enter full partnership with God

Each universe galaxy, solar system, planet, sentiments beings, and race of beings have individual as well group souls.

For example Indians have a group Indian soul etc


What is reality and who are we really?

The essential complete you, or your whole real essence, is a field of awareness that interacts with its own self (Soul) and then becomes both mind/brain and body. In other words, you are consciousness or spirit, which then conceives, constructs, governs, and becomes the mind/brain and the body. The real you are inseparable from the patterns of intelligence that permeate every fiber of creation.

At the deepest level of existence, you are an infinite eternal Being, and you are nowhere and everywhere at the same time. There is no other "you" than the entire cosmos. The God + cosmic mind create the physical universe, and the personal mind/brain (Soul) experiences the physical universe. But in truth, the cosmic mind and our personal mind are both permeated by "God the Infinite Consciousness". "God the Infinite Consciousness" is our source, and all manifestation is inherent within it.

"God the Infinite Consciousness" observing itself creates the notion of observer, or the soul; the process of observation, or the mind; and that which is observed, or the body and the world.

The observer and the observed create relationships between themselves; this is space. The movement of these relationships creates events; this is time. But all these are none other than the "God the Infinite Consciousness" itself.

In other words, we are "God the Infinite Consciousness" with a "localized point of view" An aspect or facet of the great reality we call God. And yet our whole system of thought divides the "Great Observer God" from the observed us; it divides the "God the Infinite Consciousness" into a world of objects separated by space and time.

The "the intellect of the brain" imprisons us momentararly in a cage of fictitious images, a web of space, time, and causation. As a result, we lose touch with the true nature of our reality, which is powerful, boundless, immortal, and free.

The intellect of the brain". Mistakes the image of reality for reality itself. It squeezes the soul into the volume of a body, in the span of a lifetime, and now the spell of mortality is cast. The image of the self overshadows the unbounded Self, and we feel cut off or disconnected from "God the Infinite Consciousness", our source.

The real you are a non-material soul and therefore not subject to the limitations of space, time, matter, and causation. The soul, the spirit, the essential you, is beyond all that. In this very moment, you are surrounded by a pure consciousness. Pure consciousness illuminates and animates your mind and body, and it is powerful, nourishing, invincible, unbounded, and free. Pure consciousness, "God the Infinite

Eternal Spirit", animates and sustains everything in existence, which means it is omniscient (all knowing), omnipresent (present in all locations simultaneously), and omnipotent (all powerful). "And when we learn and grow and evolve into understanding we shall be all those things also, indeed co- creators with God.

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