I wrote this essay as if I were God

Reply Sat 25 Apr, 2009 06:00 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Again, "He" definitely seems to be male and not female...
Alan McDougall
Reply Sun 26 Apr, 2009 02:09 am
Catchabula wrote:
Again, "He" definitely seems to be male and not female...

Point noted I will re- look at my essay in that light and change it around to reflect just a great intelligence emerging out of the maelstrom of eternal energies, call it the primordial mind.

Is that what you would like to see edited from this essay

Reply Sun 26 Apr, 2009 10:58 am
@Alan McDougall,
Hello Alan,

Just added a little extension. You like? ;-)

Aware of infinite potential in vast unplowed fields of nothing, I strode with great beams of cosmic light toward the infinite horizon of eternity, sowing seeds of existence before the timeless moment of creation. I am the boundless Mind, Original Self-Awareness the cause of everything, relative to nothing I am "This".

I am Love, your true companion, Mine is the dark of night and the light of moon, as they shield me from your scorching mind. My hands and breasts are soft and I was before you and I will be after. Bless me not as I am wild. I will dance into your dreams and I will bring you sleep as death and thoughts of wonder. I am the water that will quench your thirst, I am the cloud that you can never touch, I am the acre that you will not plow. I am the fire in your loins, I am the dark that you can never fill. I am myself into your depths. I am "She".

On the panorama of bleak blackness, I AM "The Absolute", sowing universal energy. Reality was my aim and the beauty of my achievement. Illuminating the darkness with beams of dazzling radiant glory was the first event of reason. I formulated in my mind the first numbers and called them "Zero" and "One",

I have no pride that burns my light
I have no words in which I hide
I am the Life that comes and goes,
I am the colour of the rose
I am the light of day of night
I am the oceanic might
I am the flowering of spring
I am the fruit that autumns bring
I am the creatures in the wild
I am the crying of your child
I am the pounding of your heart
I am the love by which thou art
I am your birth and I'm your death
I am your work and I'm your bread.
I am your bride and I'm your wife
I am your shield and I'm your knife
I am what you can never be
And yet I'm you and you are me
And it is you who has to see...

Your numbers are but a dream in my dreams.
I am never numbered, I am Infinity. I am "Her".

With the simplicities and realities of the fundamentals of' "one, and 'zero", "I made everything". I am the Prime Mover and there was no proponent to my "First Cause". I am the "Immovable Rock" and the" Alpha point". I took these first numbers and weaved them into the fabric of the reality, creating all the limitless universes on the infinite timeless foam of nothing, which now makes all up existence. Indeed, I am the Almighty One. If you are, wise do one thing Respect me The Lord.

I respect you not, as I know you're drunk and vain.
I respect you not, as I know your inner pain.

Give me your tears and lay your head into my lap so I can play with your locks.
Can one respect a boy?

I am the creator of the totality of all existence known by many names and titles but you must all refer to be by the title that can never be confused by anyone. Call me The "Almighty One.

You are but void that I will fill,
You are but longing for my will.
There is but light when we unite
It is my Love that gives you might
Dance with me, and take me as your spouse, as I am Lilith.
Creation is our union, and our offspring is the world of man.

I AM the Ceaseless Creator of all things

I am your mother and I am your sister.
I am your equal and I am you.

I am the Womb.
Alan McDougall
Reply Sun 26 Apr, 2009 03:27 pm

I like your additions, but am perplexed what Lithith the first and vain wife of Adam (humanity) had to do with it.

But use it I don't object,maybe all of us can create a really good essay on the how? who? when? cause of existence? etc etc

When I get time I will hash it around

How about starting the essay like this

The primordial conflicting energies raged swirled combined and parted , creating in blind darkness, flashing in new light, great unseen maelstrom destroyed, created, destroyed.Then the primeval mind became aware, out thought Who am I? It pondered for an eternity and it said I will be who I say I am I am This I am that?

That was the "First Question"

I am becoming existence

I am all that


Improve please anyone

Reply Fri 8 May, 2009 09:27 am
@Alan McDougall,
Hi Alan,

It's only now that I see your reply. What Lilith has to do with it? I don't know really, I felt I needed a name associated with the Eternal Female (could as well been Salome). But am I right that Lilith has some divine roots, while her great-great-aunt was some Babylonian demon? Perhaps she's the gal on the dragon in the Apocalyps? Cup C, and definitely not judeo-christian. My kinda gal... :bigsmile:

I'll see what I can do with your second text. It may take some time because I want my reply to be Good (hm "Good"? There may be an idea). Meanwhile I wish you the best. C.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 May, 2009 01:48 pm
@Alan McDougall,
I wanted to make this a medieval Mystery Play, perhaps with a dash of Faust in it. I'm giving it some gothic turn. This is only a first variation.

Alan McDougall wrote:

The primordial conflicting energies raged swirled combined and parted , creating in blind darkness, flashing in new light, great unseen maelstrom destroyed, created, destroyed.Then the primeval mind became aware, out thought Who am I? It pondered for an eternity and it said I will be who I say I am I am This I am that?

That was the "First Question"

I am becoming existence

I am all that


(Enters the devil)

Aaah !

There's a Minus for each Plus,
And I am your's... DIABULUS !

Is my voice screetching? Is my mouth a toad's? Is my breath rotten? Do I stink of burning flesh?

Bow for me in awe and flatter my beauty! Do you see the wealth of my breasts and the shell of my pleasure? Do you see them clearly, old man?
Hell is retiring behind my eyelids, but too meager are my hands.

I am more than just One Side,
In every soul and hole I hide.
As I am equally divine
And equally to you I shine.


Now let me tell you where you were wrong, damn wrong! While you created Being you created time and decay. While you created Eternity you created passing and becoming. While you created Reason you created doubt and contradiction. While you created Morality you created the spice and the juice of sin. While you buggered your Angels you created the life and death and sufferings of man...


Thank you. I piss on you.

Now let me speak and lend me your ears. While you created your wonders you also created me as your shadow and as the seed of your doom. All being has a need for nothing or it will not be, all shining has a need for darkness or it will not shine. I could never sing like you but who cares about a song in this f... universe? Harmony is coincidence and God is illusion and death is death. Finished, over, pitchblack forever! Period!

(God snaps his fingers and diabulus is changed into a puppy. He keeps barking though)

There's a crack in the egg! There's a crack in the egg!
And for God's Grace I never will beg!

This is but the start
That says who you art.
We'll both meet again
In the soul of each man.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 03:56 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Dear Alan. I don't know why your words keep hanging in my mind. Inspiring is really an understatement here. Here you have another vision. I permitted myself a few little changes in your part.

The primordial conflicting energies raged, swirled, combined and parted, creating in blind darkness, flashing in new light, great unseen maelstroms, destroyed, created, destroyed. Then the Primeval Mind became aware, out-thought Who am I? It pondered for an eternity and it said I will be who I say I am I am this I am that?

Such was the First Question
God becoming Existence
God being all that

And the light divided as a cloud in its own sun, things unfolding, becoming, distinction first between Heaven and Earth. The light became life, given to Earth and spawning all creatures. The light became mind, given to man and growing stale. And man cried in his depths, given free will. Death became his shadow and sin his fate. Again arose am I who I say I am I am that?

Such was the Second Question
Man becoming emptiness
Man being all that

And in measureless depths grew measureless Mercy, Love and Hope emerging from the bosom of Eternity, and God's Hand reaching towards man's wretched lot. In words of fire was written The Promise. A Son would come and his blood would seal the Covenant. Some spoke and were not heard. Some asked when he would come how where what and who?

Such was the Third Question
God becoming man
Man being brought

Alan McDougall
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 10:26 pm
Catchabula Hi

Here is the part of my essay where I bring in evil and duality of light and dark etc

Thank you for taking notice of my thoughts, is comes from years of deep contemplation

I am the strange mysterious enigma rapped in a paradox encompassed in a new paradigm moving toward an understanding of what puzzles all. The greatest light is my ultimate aim and time is my enemy.

However, if I do not hurry to fight darkness, it will come suddenly no matter what, and stalk the land with fear and hate. I put on the Armour of the absolute and prepare to battle the brute. I illuminate the darkness through which I travel, searching out the monster ever before me.

Supreme principal sublime are some of my qualities. I am the colossal one. Gigantic eyes of mine survey the fields of desolate horror but I do not retract from my purpose. I will isolate the evil monster and be victorious before the end of time. I must hurry

We exist together in fields of nothingness and battle eternal the war continuation of the totality of all existence. If I lose, the universe will blacken all the stars and galaxies dim, blink out, and the universe vanish into the Evil mind of the terrible one. Therefore, I must bring down the terrible before the black clouds of its dreadful terror destroys all that is good and full of light.

It is the abomination of desolation and howls after the souls out of the pit of hell. I am Goodness and beauty and peace are the fruits of my being I dance the song of life with delight. Its aim is to such the life and energy from the universe and to leave it cold dark, barren and remote from the great God forever.

If you listen to Me joy, peace, glory, bliss, rapture, honor, pleasure, delight, elation, euphoria, happiness, purpose, glee, hilarity, and commune with the eternal infinite mind is your reward forever. However, before all this wonder can come, I the Infinite Eternal and you the redeemed must take on the battle of the mind against this dark Evil Brute.

It sends out creatures of the night to kill, lie, destroy, deceive and lead all that listen to its black repulsive horrible mind into its cave of eternal hopelessness, desolation and despair. Be careful of its seductive discordant song. Composite wickedness made up of malevolent sin and offense to all that is Good it continues unrelentingly to promote iniquity, vice, immorality and abuse against the innocent.

It is composite darkness and the alternate to life; it is eternal punishment and death. Do not listen to its whisper in your mind. Exploration, abuse, corruption, and the hordes of lying thieves make up much of its army

The one you serve is your true master no matter what you claim. If you claim to be good, honest and righteous but do the opposite, know that the Evil one of hate is your master indeed.

Far out there in the wonder of the universe this battle of light and darkness, love and hate, good and evil has been raging since the beginning of time and is drawing ever closer to an eternal conclusion. That is why I have kept the universe a secret from humanity up until now.

Love conquers all, is the enemy of time, and leads one to merge with the infinite. Hate leads to destruction, its friend is time, and so it must ultimate end in eternal darkness.

Adore, appreciate, esteem, reverence me and prize Me the giver of life show your love by virtue of worship. I am the word of life and the arm of the absolute and lead all to the omega-point.


27 November 2007, 14:30:26 | Alan McDougall S.A..


IT IS TIME------------------I AM MOMENT

















WHO AM I..............? WHO IS IT.......................?

CHOOSE ME...................?

OR CHOOSE IT.......................?







Whatcha think? :perplexed:
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 10:55 pm
@Alan McDougall,
It's wonderful, Alan! It's devastating, vast, grandiose! It crushes like a rock, howls like a fire, rolls like an ocean and roars like a storm. 2000 years ago you would have been a prophet and a teacher of mankind. I have to chew on that for awhile, but I'll be back...
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 08:02 am
@Alan McDougall,

I like to do mental experiments (if you can call them that) or imagine what god's perspective would be. Despite all the bickering that it creates when you admit to doing something like this it helps me to fathom god's motivation.

For a being who has never done anything what would you do? What do I mean by this?

Well god never worked a job before right? So would god have the knowledge that working was monotonous or boring? I would assume that the knowledge would be there but the experience wouldn't be. It's a cheap knowledge in my opinion.

If you never actually done anything you could assume something and therefore gain some knowledge of it but never truly had the experience. Like for example you might be able to make the assumption that climbing a mountain is tiring and stressful but never done it yourself.

So just how would god entertain himself? You say god has no need for entertainment because to be bored is a petty thing that only humans experience? Therefore god has no need for entertainment.

Well if that is the case then gods position is even more dreary than if he actually were bored. Maybe god is like a person who is high. They are so content with themselves at that moment they really can care less about everything else going on.

So god is utterly content always in a state of bliss and free of any want or need? I beg to differ if that would be the case presented to me. If he were so content then I fail to see that he would even care if you followed or didn't follow his arbitrary rules.

If I made a bunch of creatures and was utterly content all the time. Why would I care what they did? I wouldn't care, that is unless I am not always content. Then I would care what they did because perhaps I created them for my entertainment! If they were being boring, then I would want to shake things up.

We all know scripted reality tv is better than non scripted reality tv. Because the scripted stuff has more drama. We want drama therefore more entertainment. What better thing to do then to send a script down to your creatures so packed full of drama that it will only create more drama between them all? Get them to fight each other, kill in the name of the script.

It says according to the script I can kill you for this, this and this. So bring me your head so that I can do the lords work...

0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 10:15 am
@Alan McDougall,
Krumple, you try to imagine God, but why would you even do that? You know as well as me that God does not exist. He is an illusion and we don't need illusions, there are too many of them around already. And as you know God is a very dangerous illusion, while all religions inevitably leads to intolerance and fanaticism. No, what we need is the clear and razor-sharp analysis of the scientist, his consequent reductionism, and the moral courage to live and die without the consolation of that sticky idea. We are nothing but organized matter, and the mind is just behavior, a respons triggered by a stimulus. We are there for a moment, we do what we do, and then we disappear for ever, and all that stuff about eternal life is just a consolation for the weak and the rage of the fools. And we know who they are ;-) . Krumple, you made me see things as they are and I thank you for it. We need no God, and why the hell would there be one? There is no God, all faith is mental debilitation or just plain old insanity, how can people ever be so stupid to believe in God?? I laugh like a God now, as your sound human perspective answers it all, and how easy it was to see that light. God vanished for ever in my mind, I am all alone again except for my fellow human beings. I don't need that f... illusion anymore, I throw God out of my heart and mind, right away. Alan, why all that nonsense? Why did you made me think there are such silly things like God and devil and the whole bunch? Krumple saved me for the largest of errors, for the most illusionary of all illusions, for 'believing" (can you imagine??). Alan, chase those cobwebs from your mind and destroy all that stuff that you wrote, there are enough solid books on materialism and atheism on the market. Believing is for retarded idiots and for stupid old hags, and we have to free our mind and find the truth outside belief. We laugh about your "God" and about your empty words, about all the time you lost and all the effort you spilled. But there's still time to repend, and you will know how...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 10:41 am
@Alan McDougall,
Krumple, you try to imagine God, but why would you even do that? You know as well as me that God does not exist. He is an illusion and we don't need illusions, there are too many of them around already.

Because I am a character study and I like human behavior. I like to think that you can discover why people do things by simply placing yourself into their perspective. I have discovered in these experiments a fundamental reality. That everyone does what ever they do for one thing and the same thing as everyone else, just with a different method. We all strive for happiness or contentment. Our methods differ but the goal is the same. Some use religion to get it, some use drugs to get it, some use charity to get it, and some use a hobby or music, even the work that you do is to indirectly get some happiness or contentment even if you hate your job. ect, ect, ect.

Since this is our underline motivation for all our actions we can take it to the next step. Does dying fulfill contentment or happiness for you? Some will say no and those who answer with a no, tend to be the people striving for religion. Those who can answer with a yes tend to be people who are content with their life. This isn't always the case but generally it is.

A christian waits for death to gain contentment and happiness.
A non-christian doesn't wait for death and seeks contentment and happiness now.

You can say well it is better to be safe than sorry for choosing this life over the next one. But I can make the same claim. What if there is no god, you wasted your life on this invisible theory and based all your actions on it and missed the opportunity to enjoy this existence while you had it.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 01:02 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Catchabula wrote:

Krumple, you try to imagine God, but why would you even do that? You know as well as me that God does not exist. He is an illusion and we don't need illusions, there are too many of them around already.

Well, it appears as though this could create a whole other conversation in itself. "God" is an "illusion". This is a very interesting claim, and is not as clear as one would assume.

What other *things* are "illusions", from your perspective? What exactly does being deluded entail (I'm thinking this is synonymous with your "illusion" -- please correct me if I'm wrong)? Is it possible one held a conception of "God" which did not delude the individual?

Conceptions of "God" vary culture to culture, person to person. If I were to say "God" is life, surely my "God" would exist, no? (And this is not farfetched; in fact, many conceptions of "God" could be interpreted in this manner). How are we so sure to say "God" does not exist, when there is no clear definition of said term? Wouldn't it depend what ontological properties we applied? Not to mention, most say "God" is to be experienced.

You had a "God" in mind, whilst writing your post. I had a "God" in mind, whilst writing my post. This undefinitive metaphysical placeholder means nothing until we clarify. Let us clarify.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 01:43 pm
@Alan McDougall,
First a very important clarification: I don't agree with what I stated here at all! I was angry, simple as that, because of Krumple's post, and then I do things like that, it's just a silly way to express frustration. Zetherin, you know me longer than this. I'm hm passionate, to say the least, and I know clearly that what I wrote here is not the "truth". It was a long day and I won't repeat arguments and attitudes that I often expressed in my blog. Perhaps we could start from there, but the starting-point would be pretty different. To be clear: credo... I believe!
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 02:31 pm
Catchabula wrote:
A first and very essential clarification: I don't agree with what I stated here at all! I was angry, simple as that, because of Krumple's post, and then I do things like that, it's just a silly way to express frustration. Zetherin, you know me longer than this. I'm hm passionate, to say the least, and I know clearly that what I wrote here is not the "truth". It was a long day and I won't repeat arguments and attitudes that I often expressed in my blog. Perhaps we could start from there, but the starting-point would be pretty different. To be clear: credo... I believe.

I fully understand people say things that are not always be taken literally, or as some sort of "truth". I also knew there was much more to your post than the words you wrote. Don't let my words be mistaken either; I'm not trying to "disprove" anything you've stated, just trying to understand.

This is why I posted: I wanted to attempt a clarification of your feelings and thoughts while writing what you wrote. "God doesn't exist, God is an illusion". I'm more interested in semantics -- what did you mean by these words? :detective:

I ask because I hear this often. Too often, in fact, and I wonder if the participants in the conversation actually have any idea what the speaker means. I have a hunch they usually do not.

Anyway, I haven't read all of your blogs, but if your blogs echo this, I can probably find my answer there. Thanks.
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 05:08 pm
I Speak so I Believe. The essence of speaking supposes a listener or rather a listening subject, "to speak to the wall" is a contradictio in terminis. I can never know He is there, but I speak to Him so at least I believe He is there, or I would not be speaking. Perhaps I speak only to myself, but this is not so from my own point-of-view, but only from the non-believer's. For God IS for me, whatever can be argued rationally about Him or about His existence. God Is for those who believe, and He is not for those who don't. Whether we believe or not, we always make up or own reality.

Zetherin, can this be considered as an answer to your question? Of course it is only a personal answer, and it's definitely not the only one. No belief without doubt. And there's a lot of doubt here...

A little add-on. Who could ever forget Tevye's prayer in "Anatevka"? "If I were a rich man...". Snap those fingers!
0 Replies
Alan McDougall
Reply Fri 15 May, 2009 12:04 am
Catchabula wrote:
It's wonderful, Alan! It's devastating, vast, grandiose! It crushes like a rock, howls like a fire, rolls like an ocean and roars like a storm. 2000 years ago you would have been a prophet and a teacher of mankind. I have to chew on that for awhile, but I'll be back...

Thank you! Smile maybe like the painter Vincent van Gogh who sold only one painting in his life time (to his brother), someone like you might read my essays and give me some credit after I am dead and gone

My story continues and embraces many of the elements you have suggested in your reply posts


I read through your reply carefully your valid comments makes a good point how would an all powerful god occupy itself and prevent eternal boredom?

This god of my imagination cant get bored because it is in an eternal battle against darkness and evil

If you read my last update again, of my ongoing essay, you will see the evil one is not Lucifer, the Devil or Satan It is a being both eternal and mighty like the God of goodness and light

I called it at one point the Tempter of Lucifer, if we accept the biblical Lucifer as fact, that great angel was created perfect, nothing perfect can ever fail without outside influence

This Eternal Dark Evil Entity is not a created being like Lucifer, like the God of light it has existed eternally as an opposing force , the outcome still in balance

In my essay I call the Evil one "Evilian"

Heck!! I hope my story is just fiction
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 May, 2009 10:04 am
@Alan McDougall,
See I really don't buy this whole evil bit. I've said it before and it's clear to me that good and evil are just subjective points of view that you currently adopt today, either from society or through some belief system but tomorrow or the future might look back on your current points of view and see them differently.

Here is the clincher, if there was a truly evil being, you wouldn't ever be able to recognize it. In fact I would go as far as to say, that evil being could have been Jesus because a truly evil being doesn't need to follow any rules what so ever. And to get the attention of people will play the game of manipulation so perfectly you'll buy every single word they say because they had that ability.

You just think this being hangs out on the sidelines waiting for god to say, alright ill let you in on this one, so do your best but tomorrow you cant. No, that is absurd and it only reflects poorly on god. This evil being would be unleashed, and you think god would rein that being in? Don't be ridiculous. This being would have you wrapped around his finger so tight you would sacrifice your life for it. Wow this is starting to sound like how people feel about Jesus. go figure...
Reply Fri 15 May, 2009 10:36 am
Good post Krumple. This thread is developing in a way that hasn't much to do with Creative Writing. Before we are chased from this section by an angel with a flaming sword I would like to draw attention to this little masterpiece by Jorge Luis Borges (did he ever wrote anything else than masterpieces?):

Three Versions of Judas - Jorge Luis BOrges

Whaddaya think? ;-)

P.S. As to what I'm thinking: what's a Story? So much seems a story. Or should we call it the "story-element"? Not here, not here... Smile
0 Replies
Alan McDougall
Reply Sat 16 May, 2009 10:41 am
Krumple wrote:
See I really don't buy this whole evil bit. I've said it before and it's clear to me that good and evil are just subjective points of view that you currently adopt today, either from society or through some belief system but tomorrow or the future might look back on your current points of view and see them differently.

Here is the clincher, if there was a truly evil being, you wouldn't ever be able to recognize it. In fact I would go as far as to say, that evil being could have been Jesus because a truly evil being doesn't need to follow any rules what so ever. And to get the attention of people will play the game of manipulation so perfectly you'll buy every single word they say because they had that ability.

You just think this being hangs out on the sidelines waiting for god to say, alright ill let you in on this one, so do your best but tomorrow you cant. No, that is absurd and it only reflects poorly on god. This evil being would be unleashed, and you think god would rein that being in? Don't be ridiculous. This being would have you wrapped around his finger so tight you would sacrifice your life for it. Wow this is starting to sound like how people feel about Jesus. go figure...

The same dilemma remain in the belief in a totally benevolent being . My problem in believing in a beings of perfect goodness , it the reality of perfect evil we see all around us all the time on earth

We live in a universe of dualities, light and dark, good and evil, positive and negative, life and death, night and day. If we go outside on a dark moonless night and look a the sky, we see a sky of light and dark

This thread does not belong to me so hopefully there are no angels or demons trying to chase you off
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