@The Architect phil,
Hey Architect,
I'm not much of a mathematician (see? I just misspelled that word and had to correct it). But I would like to offer my perspective on your question/quandry if that's cool. I see that you asked not to get just rhetorical answers, mine may border on this (or take a flying leap into it, as the case may be), but here's what I'd like to offer:
The Architect wrote:Equations, theorems, and proofs explain natural occurrences and can predict certain life situations. But is that all they do?
[INDENT] I'm not sure they do. There's a great deal of good-thinking people who don't adhere to this notion at all; That mathematics can explain or predict at all. I suppose the most-used counter-argument might be Chaos, or perhaps even the apriori notion minute-by-minute dynamic changes in life, movement, choice, molecular movement, thermo and hydro-dynamic forces and much more precludes,
by their complexity alone (if for no other reason), mathematical explanation of most phenomena and/or predictions. I say this is apriori; but it's only because I see it as so.
I'll quit blathering on this; but the short version is:
Could you, perhaps, be placing a bit too high-a-premium on mathematics in search of your 'direction'?
The Architect wrote:Can mathematical expressions do more than just describe what already exists? Or can they be used to create, to build?
[INDENT] As I suggested above, I'm not sure they explain much anyway, but I'd think they most-certainly
can use to build. It's a good construct for conceptializing - from thought to reality - the aims we want. As far as 'creating' goes: Sure, why not!
The Architect wrote:I want answers but they aren't easy to find. My real problem is that I don't know where to look for a solution. Ability, talent, whatever you may call it, is not the problem. I know that I have the capability to succeed in life, in school, in anything; but, I don't have direction. I want someone or something to push me the right way. I don't think thats happened yet, and herein lies the unsolvable question.
[INDENT] Well, welcome to the human race! This isn't to belittle or otherwise cast disparagement on your plea - quite the contrary. You're in good company; we all want to find this direction.
[/INDENT][INDENT]What I want to say is this: Whatever satisfaction you might find, in life's direction, is not likely to come from anyone else. If you look to, "... someone or something" to push you in the right direction you'll inevitably doom everyone around you to disappointment. Your direction can only be satisfactorily formulated by you; this is because of your uniqueness. Look to others, without looking within for 'satisfaction'-type answers and you'll find none.
[/INDENT][INDENT]The trick is to delve deeply into those issues, questions and thought-eddies that tweek your interest and hint at promise. Flesh out those, within yourself and you'll have a better-than-average chance at finding the direction that 'feels right'.
The Architect wrote:I want to believe that mathematics will end my search.
For you, mathematics might be just the ticket. It might end up being the means by which you find direction or what 'reality' is. It sounds to me; however, that your questions are of such a nature as to preclude mathematics being
the answer. They sound deeper.
I hope this helps - Thanks