ACB;84951 wrote: You say that everything is always being researched and disputed. Isn't that the exact opposite of a religion?
Within religions there is always disputes, criticism, and evolution of ideas. I would say that when I was a child, and first began playing baseball, there was similar conversations between my friends and I - e.g. how to throw a baseball, how to hit one, etc. Systematic inquiry, disputes, reconciliation of ideas has been around as far back as I can imagine. You should witness how people within the singing community argue about the right way to sing. Some say
use imagination. Others, the more scientific ones, say
control your vocal chords. And they argue and frequently ridicule the other ideas.
Within any framework (groups) that I have ever been involved with there has been always: 1) basic tenets that are beyond dispute and are upheld by the leaders of the framework, and 2) people who are challenging the framework. Within certain bounds, within the rules, criticism is encouraged, since it keeps the group interesting, but
there are boundaries and when one steps outside of the boundaries then they are ridiculed and banished.
For example, within the scientific community, the rule is that no one can suggest that there are
supernatural forces. This would be outside the boundaries and would submit someone to banishment. Therefore, instead of using the word supernatural, scientists just invent new words: e.g. gravity, gravitons, electro-magnetic forces, self-induced actions, probabilities, spontaneous, etc. Concepts such as love, hate, greed, etc. are just not allowed. But it is permissible for a scientist to measure a little thing-a-ma-jig called a neuron that goes diddity-dit, and
that can be called love. Quantum effects are not allowed to bleed into real life. Science, has made up all kinds of fuzzy ways to deal with the unknown, just so the group can maintain a cohesive structure/framework. But it is really no different than any other group.
So, every group has its agreed upon framework and ridicules those who have a different framework. You walk into a group of football players and they have a blast ridiculing nerdy science majors. Science has its revenge by developing and providing harmful substances for football players to use to increase their performance via
medical science. And the games go one.