Atheist vs. Theist
The most important post I have ever written.
It is not my nature to participate in any discourse that is involved, in the course of that discourse, in terse, snide or condescending remarks from one to another based on one's failure to understand the position of the other and treat that position less worthy.
I would like to compliment the members of this forum and it's mod's and staff for the civility in which it conducts itself. Especially that discourse between Atheists and Theists.
It has always been my quest, my compulsion to fully understand the divide that exists between these two in hopes to bring the two into accord in such a way that would make sense to each. The following is a continuation of that quest.
I have reached a clear understanding of what is the nature of religious faith and the nature of man that drives it. My brick wall :brickwall:has been reaching that understanding that drives the Atheist. I think I have just scaled that wall.
I have, up until now, concluded Atheism was a matter of ego. As is evident in my posts, for those of you who have read them, my adherence to the belief in the everlasting nature of our being as it is a part of the continuum that is the Universe and the core that drives it known as "God". THE ATHEIST IS CLOSER TO THAT "GOD" THAN ANYONE ON THE PLANET EARTH. They just have lost that link in as much as they cannot conceive any intelligence other than themselves. In fact, that is, believe it or not, true. I can't believe I just said that.
There is no doubt as to the intellect of the Atheist. Granted there are those who, out of a very deep frustration, and their failure to see, due to their own personal and private experiences, any omnipotent God present in their lives. That is the fault of misaligned religious interpretation and manipulation. Whether these interpretations are malicious or innocent is beyond my knowledge, but I choose the ladder due to my enormous faith in mankind, regardless of his shortcomings.
The "intellectual Atheist" is too close to the source (God) as it is said, "to see the light". Please bear with me here. For they are the light. They are the "brightest" manifestation of this "God". "My, you are a bright one, aren't you?" Surely you have heard that before, especially many of you reading these very words. You will be surprised how close we are to understanding the truth in the very language we use. Ha.
Alienation create's walls. Such as the wall that exists between the Atheist and the Theist. The Atheist is "definitely" not a follower. Couldn't be, even if they wanted to, especially to those "dictates" some religions have in place that mandate it's followers "bow" to an omnipotent diety. No way. Not going to happen. The word "bow" is the inappropriate word that is causing so much alienation. I am of the same cloth, I will not bow to any man or God in that I am not Atheist or Theist. I am a part of that universe and that God that drives it. So is the Atheist and the Theist. As a matter of thought, it is my conclusion, the Atheists will be the "divine architects" of the future once they understand the origin of their intellect and their purpose in that very continuum.
Madel and Poseidon enabled me through their recent post's, the
serendipity of thought that allowed me to reach this understanding. Madel in the preparation of a paper she is to write on reincarnation asked for our help. I referred her to a link about Constantine's role in Christian interpretations in that I thought it would be a good place to start her research. Poseidon posted a thought that I personally arrived at long ago that expresses the danger in not believing in the eternal nature of our being as is duly noted in my very signature. As my mind "churned" it issued the core of this post.
No Atheist will bend to the thoughts of lesser than he for they are closer to that creation that is meant to govern those very thoughts of each. Their intellect is determined by how "long" their existence has been on this planet. They are it's eldest. They just don't "know that". They are too removed from it due to "life" itself and the knowledge "they" have gathered and cannot hear the words of those who have existed less. Nevertheless both have a purpose for being. It is that divide that has built that wall that not only defines the two but serves as the truth behind the axiom that states "..a house divided cannot stand...".
The Atheist's are the brightest manifestations if they only understood they are a part of the very God they deny, rather that being apart from it as is manifested by religious interpretations. Because of the "stranglehold" some religious tenets have on it's follower's, though just, as they all have "their truths" , the intellect of the Atheist has become insulted as they, from sheer frustration, tend to render that cowering belief in a "powerful God" of wrath and vengeance preposterous as the Atheist cannot grasp that ideology for they simply know better. It's just they don't know "why" they know better. Herein we have "the mute attempting to "control"the deaf". In their intellect, they have no understanding of why those of faith cannot hear their reason in their words nor their logic, for neither is in touch with the other. There is no respect for either for neither can communicate with the other.
It is akin to a child disobeying a Father, who fails to understand the Father as he tries to control the child. The Atheist's Deism is "blinded" by it's anger. It is that simple. It's like a Ph'd trying to teach a first grader. Total lack of
empathy in that the "teacher" has lost touch with what it is like to be a "first grader". Too much knowledge. One being mute and losing the ability to communicate; and one not knowledgeable enough to understand the words of the teacher.
Now here come's the real kicker. The anger of the Atheist is justified, much like a Father's would be as he attempts to control his child and that anger represents "the wrath of God" in that we are a part of that God and man's failure to understand that making c0mmunication impossible. "Calm down, you are not thinking straight!" Heard that before. Sure you have. It applies here. Boy is this going to throw common thought on it's ear. Wow!
You see, both sides are right.
As the Captain said in the movie Cool Hand Luke, "What we have heah, is a failyah ta communicate". Ha. It's all God. It's just some have less knowledge than others. It is incumbent on those with the most knowledge to aid those of lesser knowledge and anger thwarts that so very essential union.
It is the role of the "Elder's" (the brightest) to set in place those parameters that will lead to that mutual understanding. Not by means of force, but understanding by using that combined intellect to create a unity that will enable a
synergy" to learn from the "Mentor" in this continuing momentum that is our eternal voyage. The Atheist must realize his eternal nature in that paradigm and the role he plays in it. It is of one meant to guide, not control.
Here is the fine line. To that degree Atheists effort "to control" render their purpose "evil" rather than "Divine". And to that degree, by your own hand will you bring about God's wrath as that very lack of understanding by "both factions", under that one roof cause it to cave in on it's self. It is incumbent for the wisdom of the Atheist to understand it's eternal nature, for any other thought will lead to a selfishness bringing about a reality of the likes no mind can conceive. A Hell on Earth.
Thanks, and I welcome your thoughts.