HOWEVER I agree with your observation about the Jungian understanding. I think what you're seeing, and few do, is the idea of religion as symbolic meta-narrative (gee that sounds postmodern doesn't it)
..... lol nothing wrong with sounding postmodern jeeprs
hi Reconstructo
yeh i like the observations and interpretations you make.
Quote:Examine any thinking man's key-word, and find his "God." A person's Dominant Value functions in the same way as a God. It's the fulcrum their (our) world-view rests on.
i agree. I had a friend for example who clearly stated that 'I live for my wife and children', and i think he really did interpret almost everything he did in that sense. Career, house, locality .....
But while i agree that the 'I am in this thing called reality' sets up mythological dimensions for those of us who consider it, and indeed there may be genetic and social inheritence with regard to jungian like meta narratives and archetypes, nevertheless we as humans can think and act outside the box.
For example i have mates who wouldn't call themselves atheists cos they don't use the word. It just doesn't occur to them to think in that way. They don't believe in god one day, but have ghost stories for another, dismiss ufo's as ridiculous on thursday, but then they might contradict the lot over the weekend.

Many people don't philosophise or think deeply to create any kind of consistency, particularily if they are part of a wealthy secular democracy.
.... and thats where postmodernism is allowed to flourish in my opinion. Its a multi narrative culture where few things are taught as sacrosanct and even then there is plenty of opportunity to come across parts of the culture that will mock or flout those few principles. But if Atheism becomes a big psychological value for you, both in the positive way you see the world or as a force against religion then it becomes a type of 'God' i agree. Or as the postmodern would say, it becomes a grand narrative.
Values are very fluid in the west it seems to me. I think many thought that the west would because of this, become more and more rationalistic and secular in our technologically wealthy consumerist culture ..... but it isn't quite working out like that. The media is promoting such a kaleidoscope of values and interpretations of the world that it is difficult for me to see a mythological meta narrative being variously expressed, even though i recognise such a 'characteristic' within humanity quite probably exists. So equally i don't see
us all becoming T for Techno Truth seekers either.
..... a world where 'nothing wrong with a bit of techno' would fit a number of my mates