meritocracy is what a government really needed.
No philosopher would be king... Kings love power, and philosophers love knowledge, and regardless of what is said, knowledge is virtue, and ignorance is power, because the ignorant must always resort to force...
Auction off political decisions; the highest bidder gets to decide. At least that way those who get favors through the coercive power of the state have to pay for them themselves.
Leave as many decisions as possible to the individual, i.e. reduce government. And those decisions we have to make collectively, announce an auction. The side that manages to raise more money wins. Those payments would be the only source of government revenue. (And technically they wouldn't be taxes.)
I am not sure even the monarchs want the absolute monarchy back...Better to be pointless than headless...
this couldn't be put any better. Thank you for making me laugh. :bigsmile:
From the standpoint of the individual, wouldnt the best form of goverment be the one that interfers with you the least. I think that goverment is for the weak, those who are to afraid to make their own decisions, and those who just cant fathom nobody being in charge. Nobody in the world has tasted true freedom in a long time. The individual lost his ability to self govern every time a new goverment took over, and it seems that they took more liberty away as time went on. You people just refuse to look outside the box and truly live your life. Goverment will always be there, im not naive enough to dream in pure anarchy, but there is still part of me that wishes that I at least had the option to rule myself and only myself.
I am not sure even the monarchs want the absolute monarchy back...Better to be pointless than headless...
this couldn't be put any better. Thank you for making me laugh.
From the standpoint of the individual, wouldnt the best form of goverment be the one that interfers with you the least. I think that goverment is for the weak, those who are to afraid to make their own decisions, and those who just cant fathom nobody being in charge. Nobody in the world has tasted true freedom in a long time. The individual lost his ability to self govern every time a new goverment took over, and it seems that they took more liberty away as time went on. You people just refuse to look outside the box and truly live your life. Goverment will always be there, im not naive enough to dream in pure anarchy, but there is still part of me that wishes that I at least had the option to rule myself and only myself.
But in America you do have that option. All it takes is a little change in perception.
The government is kind of like the lion you know is in the jungle with you.
As long as you pay him the necessary tribute and stay out of his way he pretty much leaves you alone.
The problem with democracy is that it is susceptible to stupidity. Sure, that is usually caused from within, but generally people are too stupid for democracy to ever work properly. The general population is too stupid to realize that they are being undercut by the people in position of power. Thus, the 'democratic' world is manipulated by lower common denominators that are ultimately a result of money in politics.
I see your point that corrupt individuals are bad, too. Sadly those people have no power or affect little to some people, but governmental power is massively powerful as the people under it agree to submit to it. Those who are corrupt in monopolies are just as bad. Government is plainly to powerful, even limited strictly.
Remember it is not a partnership if you are an employee. Even as this seems as dehumanizing thing, employees are simply a resource for the employer to gain wealth in exchange for a wage for that employee. That is reality of capitalism. If you dislike that you do not gain from your labor, then why hold yourself back, follow that ambition. Capitalism is built upon individuals gaining wealth, using that wealth to gain more by increasing their business which necessarily needs labor, and the cycle will go on. Making the economy larger.
I never called or meant to call democracy the creator of dependency. Democracy is the people, guided by a majority (consensus and supermajority is difficult to get, and minority is just stupid to let guide), instead of a government of representatives or governing class. Democracy holds no limits upon the majority, and that leads to oppression by the majority. Democracy is just a government of the majority.
On the matter of capitalism, it is too difficult to explain as it has too many aspects, if you want to figure out what it is, read Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations.
I agree that the U.N. is not world government as it has no sovereignty over any jurisdiction, but it is a stepping stone towards a global governance. And, a common market and environment can not bind people together; they bound by nationalty, race, ancestry, and heredity.
Honestly, are you going put in environmental "injustice" in here? Before our time, some waterways were so polluted that the water caught fire or that no one could drink it. How can we compare to that? Could you give me examples of the destruction you talk about?
On the subject of war, war is a necessary evil. War is the sometimes the only answer that can end a problem between two nations as diplomatic compromises would not always create peace. War is the only way to assert dominance and power over another nation. Even though this is grim it is true. Diplomacy can go so far. The best is total isolation or being stronger than your enemies.
You and i can agree that the government should be by the consent of the governed. Sadly, that is the last agreement we can make on government.
On the matter of a dependent class, this is a class that can suck dry the weatlth of any society. When charity is institutionalized as welfare, a dependant class is created out of the desire to gain without working. When the working class, who provides for this welfare and creates welfare, decides that it has gained nothing or little, they will join the welfare for the easy money. Then there is no wealth to suck off of. This is how people function, to create for their own benefit. Would any of you do everything for the benefit of society, not including yourself?
---------- Post added 03-11-2010 at 09:12 PM ----------
Government is a popular, public institution, which is established for the common benefit of the governed and under their consent and power of the governed. This is just an extension of this society, and has no right or just power to orgainze and order the society. It is only the members of the soceity that have that right to order and organize the society, either that be through government or custom.
But in America you do have that option. All it takes is a little change in perception.
The government is kind of like the lion you know is in the jungle with you.
As long as you pay him the necessary tribute and stay out of his way he pretty much leaves you alone.
That is strangely a way to solve corruption by even a worse form of corruption. That is even worse than lobbyism. This suggestion, a very interesting one as it is, will eventually create an aristocracy or rule of the rich, but your idea of raising to support a position is a very good idea. Still rough and needing of certain clarifications is brilliant if applied to governmental programs. As I like this idea, there is some problems: what would happenb if no money is raised? How will the money be appropriated and by whom? What if no money is made for any position? What would happen to the money of the opposing position? Would the money have to be promised or actually given? How would corruption in the raising of such money be weeded out? Would the money solely go to the program? I like this idea, but could you expand on it.
Sadly, taxes are an absolute about government because there is a need to keep government running. I dispise taxes, but the sad thing is as we agreed to the social contract our posterity is bound to it too. The method and the amount of taxes should be severely limited to the point of nonexistence and appropriation of the money should be also limited. If taxes are small, government will be small or extremely effecient with the money.
Yes Nero the benefit received should be by common consent, like the fire service and health treatment.:sarcastic: