Hi all,
I think it is all too easy to get trapped into thinking that any knowledge that one might have is in some way more valuable or puts that person higher in the pecking order than someone else. We are human beings who are learning - in a different way and along a different path.
Suppose a person doesn't know about astronomy but does know about farming? Is this person higher or lower in the pecking order? Where does farming and construction knowledge lie in the pecking order of those who seek to create one?
I know all about lots of things. I even know how to dance - Salsa, Samba, Swing, Ballroom - but I can't do Hip Hop. Am I stupid because of this? Because I don't know everything?
I would love to test philosophers and scientists on simple pop culture. Things that create relationships between people. How would anyone do when it comes to subject matter that they didn't study or just plain forgot?
I think that everyone is learning in their own way and their own time, and everyone's journey should be respected for what it is, however different it may be from my own.
The question I like to ask, is
not whether someone else knows something or not. But rather, what is it that I do not know? What is there for me to explore in life? What more would I like to learn or create?