Khethil;82521 wrote:To what extent is this a problem in the US?
If it is, indeed, a problem - what might be the solution?
Maher's text may be in dispute - I wouldn't swallow it all. But there are quite a few other sources which often speak of the same theme: We're not too smart. Is this political slandering or a real problem? I tend to think there's at least something to this issue since its come up so many times from many different sources.
Great thread Khethil. Do you realize how many teenagers are graduating from our public schools who cannot read the words on their diplomas? A educational system that is funded, endorsed by this very government in it's politically correct ideas of what an education "should be".
Caroline;82540 wrote: Personally I believe that Bush was made president to serve a small group of people, (puppet on a string), and we must not forget that the average American are nice people and not stupid, I for one have gained alot from America.
Thank you Caroline. If you and we all knew how true that statement is- "puppet on a string"- as it relates to all our "chosen politicians"? Hmmm? It is an undisputable fact that the one who spends the most money "wins". There may be a few exceptions, but I can think of any.
EverlastingZen;82544 wrote:Stupidity: Marked by a lack of intelligence or care; foolish or careless: a stupid mistake.....We are here because we want the opinions of people worth getting opinions from. Not the stupid people that walk around like drones in this world doing as they are told without wanting to know why they are doing it.
In all due respect, I disagree with your assumption here as to "worth". What does that mean? IMO, you are confusing stupidity with ignorance in that it is the ignorant who are wandering around and "intelligence" has nothing to do with it. There are very smart people who do some really stupid things out of a convenient "ignorance". Those are not "stupid people" wandering around"; they are those who have been programmed to being "told" what to do or "pay the price".
EverlastingZen;82544 wrote:As for the original post, I have felt this way for many years if not most of my life. I look around and see people that don't know more than what directly affects their lives and even some that know very little about that.
Whose fault is that? Is it their's, or those who "control" their existence as they threaten those innocent lives if they do not do what they are told and taught. That's built in to our educational system as we "grade" those who "can" learn to follow "orders and obey" as those young minds are used and drained to a level of incompetency as they are highly paid for their services rendered.
EverlastingZen;82544 wrote: Most don't know that Paganism is one of the oldest know religions, older than any of the 5 major branches of Christianity (Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Anglican and Protestant) which I also feel the need to point out they all have different views on the same religion and "word of god" they bring hatred and chaos to this world all in the attempt to call themselves the correct path and people blindly follow.
I am curious? Why did you leave the "Old Testament" and it's "estranged brother", the Koran, out of your opinion considering those tenets claim to know the "word of God"?
EverlastingZen;82544 wrote: Most don't even know the bible has been rewritten at least 3 know times and had information added and removed to better suit mankind's needs.
I couldn't have said it better myself. Now "who" would do such a thing? Perhaps those of "mankind, not humankind" who just wrongly assumed their autonomous piety as they sat on their "godly thrones" professing to be gods or ordain by god himself? Hmm?
EverlastingZen;82544 wrote: I am not diving into that issue any further because I don't feel the need to spend the next week debating religion but the point can be summed up as simple as witch-hunts. These hunts were caused by the teachings of the church. The Hebrew Bible condemns sorcery. Deuteronomy 18:11-12 calls it an "abomination" and Exodus 22:18 prescribes "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live", and tales like that of 1 Samuel 28, reporting how Saul "hath cut off those that have familiar spirits, and the wizards, out of the land" suggesting that in practice, sorcery could at least lead to exile.
Now you bring up the "old testament". Thank you. If I were a woman, I guess I would resort to my feminine wiles and intuition to survive in this "man made reality" he calls "mankind" not "humankind". That would piss me off too, as a matter of a fact. We don't call nature and all it's grandeur and beauty, "Mother" for nothing which, as far as we know can be equated to all her fury and acts of God, himself. Which can also explain the imbalance of the "heavens and the earth" brought on by "mankinds" wrongful assumptions and his "depiction of woman". Hmmm? Wow, I can get "out there". Ha!
EverlastingZen;82544 wrote: Ignorance and Stupidity both lead to pain, suffering, and death. Wars are started and continued because of mans lack of desire to learn or know but also the immense desire to criticize, hate, kill, and hurt because of false information.
Great comment. I agree. Now we need to ask, I think, who is ignorant and stupid; those men who sit on those thrones or those they have the "means" to rule as they maintain a "cost to live on this planet" Hmm?
EverlastingZen;82544 wrote: People walk the streets and a hurt, scolded and damned because a small group of people decided to run some jet airliners into some building. I have seen Indians hurt and scolded because they are Al-Qaeda as well as many others. What is wrong with this world and the people in it...?
In all due respect, you speak of this with a triviality that is hard to reason. "a small group of people decided..........". That sounds a bit naive to me. Again, in all due respect.
EverlastingZen;82544 wrote: People will blindly follow what TV and other media tells them and it is sick and it will someday destroy us all. I will cut this short but there are so many other events and issues that are caused by a lack of knowledge.
Brilliant observation. Might I offer it is not knowledge, but the wrongful use of it that is the problem. As I have often espoused it is not genius that is wrong, but went the results of that genius fall's into the wrong hands (that genius often funded by those "wrong hands") that it becomes wrong as I once again refer to one of my favorite quotes of Einstein, paraphrasing, "..if we don't stop competing and start communicating and cooperating, the war we fight after the next one will be with stones".
EverlastingZen;82544 wrote:
Considering, we, arguably, barely got to the moon, and pardon my own ignorance, but for one to make such an accessment, seems a bit on the side of hubris in that how we could possibly know all the micro/macrocosm that represents that universe we are a part of to make such a statement, in all due respect.
EverlastingZen;82544 wrote:......I can go on forever.
As a matter of personal opinion, I think you will. In that context, we do indeed have a lot to learn. Would you not agree?
EverlastingZen;82544 wrote:
Could it be they are too busy "earning a right to live on this planet" and the price that is dictated for them to pay to have that right? IMO, there is a big difference in "looking" and "seeing". Looking is what we do to "find" answers; and seeing negates the need to look, as I am of the opinion that is "god in motion" as we see together all with our different perceptions working together for the "common good" for all.
chad3006;82567 wrote:It makes no difference to me what word we use (stupid or ignorant). If we choose to use the word ignorance, I think we must realize that some of this is a forced ignorance. That takes some energy on the part of the ignoramus. Constant distractions, like action movies, beer, (not that I don't like the occasional brew), and "multi-media" devices help reinforce the ignorance. Of course, I live in Texas, and that's is my perspective. :bigsmile:
Well put. I live in the "Lone Star State too". Fancy that. Howdy, pardner. Ha!