@Dustin phil,
One should not take such offense to the terminology used to attempt to define the difference between the oaf and the wise man.
In order to discuss these differences one must use terminology in the same way that one must also use a word to define god in order to discuss it.
I use the word oaf because it is understood what the word implies, distinguishing it from the definition of retarded so we can see that we are not discussing a disability.
But I can see that many here are going to take offense to this discussion instead of listening to the intent. How can you be watchers and listeners when you will not do either?
I have not said, or intended to demean the oaf, by suggesting they are useless and have nothing to offer. I have also not said that a wise man cannot have learning problems. If you can find where I said anything derogatory in this discussion than please show us all or continue the discussion by actually watching and listening, instead of becoming unnecessarily defensive, or personally offensive.
What we are talking about here is the difference between the end result of being enlightened enough to be wise, and the other end of having no social or intellectual understanding at all and being an oaf. It is a wide gap.
Now instead of being protective of the feelings of any oaf that may be reading this, please feel free to use another word to represent what you mean by oaf wherever I use the word.
I answered your question by stating that ,"First of all I can call myself wise if I compare myself to what I see around me that I know to be unwise in comparison." For instance, if i were to walk down a path with a man who steps into every pile of dog crap when he could easily step around them like I do, than I would consider myself wiser than such a person.
Do you have an argument for that?
This has nothing to do with bigotry. Are you saying that there is no intellectual difference between an oaf and a wise man? I do not think it necessary to define each. I would have assumed being on a philosophy forum that most members here would understand the difference without having it laid out for them. Obviously I was wrong.
To Others,
It disturbs me to see how quickly one turns on their friends without any diplomacy whatsoever!
To All,
Let me explain in a little more detail.
We are not talking about social skills, or hand skills. We are not talking about retardation and we are not talking about absent mindedness, although each of you has foolishly attempted to make it so without reason.
The wise man we are speaking of is that person in the village that everyone comes to for advice because their wisdom is recognized and acknowledge by the villagers as exceeding their own and is always beneficial to others. We are talking about that person who will ponder the existence of the creation around him while most of his fellowmen do not bother themselves with such unfruitful wasting of time and do not like to have their heads in the clouds. We are talking about those who through great discerning of thought and gathering of understanding have broadened their scope of intellectual ability and knowledge in ways that those who do not cannot comprehend.
The oaf that I speak of is not an idiot but one who does not concern himself with the deeper and more intimate aspects of life and is therefore not as inciteful about the dynamics of the intricate details of life, and concern themselves with only the day to day struggles of survival. The oaf is your everyday ordinary person that goes about their business without any thought for philosophical matters. Most have as much as aptitude to become wiser when they do seek after such things as they gain in the experience of life, but there is most definitely a very wide gap between those that are far ahead of them in that aspect.
So what I am hearing from some of you here is that you do not consider yourselves any wiser than an oaf, and that you are also offended by anyone who would consider themselves wiser than an oaf. This is very interesting to me, as I know many people that would not be able to take part intellectually in any of the discussions on this board. I know many people who could care less about Socrates and his views on reincarnation. I know people who are very wise about the ways of the world who cannot write or read. And I know many bright people who could have great discussions with me on the mundane matters of everyday life, but would be totally helpless and awkward to discuss matters of deeper philosophical content.
It intrigues me greatly that some of you here cannot make that dissection of society, and have not observed it in your own surroundings.
I will certainly like to hear more. Please continue.