Vasska wrote:I've been exposed to topics of reincarnation, karma and other "spiritual" stuff for a long time now (several people in the household keep busy with it). I used to believe it for a long time, but i decided to turn away from all spiritual stuff because nothing was certain, and everything was "just the way it was, and don't think about it!" which really bothered me. I guess the "it cannot be proven, just believe it" part drove me away from it. Nevertheless i still learned some (for me) valuable lessons from it.
When someone says to just believe something, that sounds like tradition or rather putting too much trust in religion. I can agree, as that would turn me away, too. It seems people who possess real truth, have not the need to push it on anyone. I believe when we can learn to detect "self" or the "ego" in conversation, we can then begin to learn truth from a person's aware self rather than unaware self. This is not to say that someone possessing a strong ego has no truth (vice versa - someone with no ego
has truth) because there are those times when it tends to slip in on people, or in the other case one may just not be aware of what is. Whatever the case may be, forgiveness and understanding of these things seem to help everything along. If we were more aware of universal principles, I believe we would all begin to understand each other, while at the same time providing for each what the other needs to further grow.
Vasska wrote:I think karma and reincarnation are tightly bound together (if they indeed exist) for it is simple logic that if you've done bad things to people you will return in your next live as someone who befalls such evil as you casted upon other people. (As is has been explained by me by so many different people)
That seems what I get out of it, but again, I haven't looked too much into all of the beliefs on reincarnation. It doesn't however seem like the
best way of doing things.
Vasska wrote:My philosophical mind thinks of this as a never ending circle since even if the feud between two "souls" has been solved, there are still others hurt by it. which makes it a never ending circle.
That aspect or belief does not make sense to me either.
Vasska wrote:So it's either that this systems explanation has been wrong (or partly incorrect) or the whole system has a flaw (which i doubt, because if you look (and think about it) at a human body you will see so much complex mind dazzling work. (Taken in the event God exists and indeed created everything, which I doubt).
The effects of things do seem rather complex. From what I'm beginning to understand, cause is much easier understood and maybe the only thing needed.
Vasska wrote:I think reincarnation can never be explained using our logic. I've been thinking about it a few weeks back and i think that if reincarnation can be proven we can also be a step closer to discovering God cannot exist, or even multiple energies like Karma and reincarnation are the driving power between existence, and because of our "simple" minds back in time we gave a name (and personification) to this bundle of powers, and we've been stuck with it for generations and generations.
I agree and tend to think that many things can't be explained using only logic. I say this because the world we live in isn't logical, or perhaps even real as we may think.
Why would you say proof of reincarnation may be evidence that God does not exist? Furthermore, if that is what you believe, where do these energies originate?
Vasska wrote:If anyone wants my answer to be expanded with more facts, depth and (safe) assumption just say so, I'll be happy to write a (short) story of my point of view.
Sure, that would be great! I'd be happy to hear more of what you have to say on this subject.
Quatl wrote:In Christian-reincarnation hybrids (some "new age" stuff is in this category) this place may be heaven, while in Buddhism inspired systems it is generally a joining of one's soul with a godlike unity (there are variations here too))
It does seem to have an effect in a more broad area, depending on which words we use and so forth. I think most misunderstandings happen with the use of words. People have biases for different words, probably based on experiences throughout life, associated with pain and memories of such. Emotions are very powerful and useful but they can surely be more used to one's benefit rather than against. Surely heaven can't be a physical place!
Quatl wrote:These beliefs only work at all if you abandon any importance in the universe we see before us. Seeking to reconcile any of this with physics is to miss the point I think.
The same problems that exist in the case of existence, seem to also exist with science. Many have problems with changes and perhaps get too attached to an idea or belief while slowing growth / evolution. The truth is, we are ever compelled to move and make progress, to evolve. A refusal usually leads to adverse effects. Of course this isn't the case with everyone, or at least not they are aware of.
Quatl wrote:I would like to believe in reincarnation, but I don't. I think it's a much more interesting and appealing option than the other choices (heaven/hell, true death etc); however I don't think that just because I wish it, that things become so.
It does seem that way, and in that I could agree. But I'm not too sure if it would be the best way to come to a conclusion. I agree just because we wish a certain thing to be true, doesn't mean it is truth. But if we were true to
ourself, perhaps we would know what truth is.
Quatl wrote:Over the course of my life I've come to the conclusion, gradually and grudgingly, that there is no external force, being or spiritual essence. The search through many different religions has for me in the end been unfruitful, though at times emotionally enjoyable in a masturbatory sense for a time.
Religion or organized and domineering places in many instances turn out this way. It could be because they have came to their conclusions and therefore refusing to grow or let anyone else to grow, while ultimately it leads to separation and a seemingly bad experience.
Quatl wrote:Many folks seem to eventually get to something they like though, and I've heard claims of enlightenment from many over the years. On the rare occasions when I've had access to deeply question these folks, I have been unable to extract from them a similar sensation for myself. At least, not for very long.
Of course they inevitably frown "wisely" and say something condescending at that point, and I know that it's once again time for me to move on. Maybe I'm too picky, or perhaps as Buddha said, my mistake is one of believing in my own identity.
You've probably been unable to extract, in essence, what you need because you sensed "ego." Rarely will anyone receive something from another who appears to be exalted, or speaking rather from themselves in knowledge they received by the senses. Or maybe the thing you were trying to extract was not nearly as good as the thing you desire, want and deserve.
Quatl wrote:I don't feel peace in the silence of meditation though, nor happiness in the disassociation of my will, perhaps we each must ultimately find our own way and mine is in ever-questioning. I've always the enjoyed seeking far more than the finding in other areas of my life.
Have you ever tried to stop thinking? Many people are suffering from not being able to stop thinking; we all tend think about things non-stop, not even realizing what we are thinking about and the damage we may be doing. If you follow your conscience and ask yourself what you're doing wrong, you'll know exactly what to do. But you have to earnestly analyze your thoughts and condition, as it may be buried deep and difficult to notice because your not aware of it. Try to trace a feeling to a thought, then change the thought and see if you don't feel different.
Quatl wrote:I'm not sure that asking about purpose is relevant to questions of reality, beyond those of human desires. Part of me hopes that I'm wrong; however I am certain that no one else I've yet heard from is right!

If you are open to it, and in a correct state, you will inevitably and instantaneously know when someone has spoken truth.
Thank you for your comments, as it also helps me to grow.
P.S. You mention your human desire of wanting a purpose is overridden by a need for truth in reality. If you want to understand something so complex, would you think the conscious brain is capable of understanding these details of effects? If so, wouldn't you have already figured it out? And wouldn't you also be able to consciously direct your body's every function if you had this ability?
Vasska wrote:Late last year (i think is was around the 5th of December) I had to supervise the students that are a level below me. This was all part of an "exercise" and i was supervised by a teacher. This teacher happened to be my English teacher who had an extraordinary theory (which is followed by many others) it goes like this:
The entire universe has been filled with a mass that we know as atoms/particles. All these particles are interconnected with each other and also have a lot of energy. According to him studies had proven that one particle can fulfill the earths need for power for eternity. Whether this is true or not doesn't matter. The interconnection does, for each particle can connect to another trough an unlimited number of ways. Every particle contains information that can (re)create an event.
I think the idea of everything being connected is correct, but I'm not sure about the explanation of atoms / particles and the idea of re-creating an event, unless of course we didn't learn something from it the first time. There is still much to study in this area for me, but I'm starting to believe what ultimately fills and connects the universe is only magnetized electricity, or light. I guess this would be a whole another subject.

I do believe any power we need on earth could be obtained from the sun.
Vasska wrote:In this way if all particles are set the way they were 2000 years ago we would go back 2000 years. This also means we don't exist because we were not there 2000 years ago. Of course this will not happen, and in my opinion cannot happen. What is interesting is that you can use this theory to explain a lot of "mysterious" things like telekinetic.
Taken in the event of reincarnation it is possible that you are build from old building block that happened to be you thousands of years ago. I find this complex and almost impossible, but if there are higher forces like souls, it might be a group of "special" particles that recollect everything you have done from the moment you were born first, till this day (and beyond).
I'm a bit puzzled myself too now, maybe someone else sees some fatal flaw in this theory or likes to expand it to better match the question.
For me, there is still much to learn about what is perhaps built into humanity. But maybe we would want to get our particles from a later date, that is, if we want to start at the point to where humankind so far advanced. I only think it would be horrible not to remember all of the details from a previous life. That's where it takes a different turn from me . . . how does it come together to function with an ultimate!?! goal? To keep going on forever almost seems pointless, unless of course I'm missing something.
Vasska wrote:To return to the topic, and maybe even a bit off topic:
Why should we even want to be reincarnated?
I'm not sure that I would. Who wants to keep on dying? And why the need for a physical body that doesn't seem to be functioning correctly by the aging process...
In any case, I hope not to be held to a particular belief, as I always try to keep myself open to maybe what I haven't yet come to see, and to what others can possibly help me to see.