The Great Cosmic Booty Call - Lunar eclipse 11/8-9/03

Reply Fri 7 Nov, 2003 09:31 am
NASA's lunar eclipse animation:

The Great Cosmic Booty Call
It's a rare and delicious Harmonic Concordance, and the universe wants you bad, right now
(By Mark Morford)

Of course it's all just glittery New Age froufrou moonbeam crapola that don't mean nuthin'. Sure it is.

Of course it's all just easily dismissible astrological hooey, just another big everyday lunar eclipse that just so happens to coincide with an incredibly rare and unusual and truly beautiful planetary configuration that, if you believe the signs, heralds a potentially enormous and profound spiritual awakening for humans (that's you) not seen since 1987's famous Harmonic Convergence, and not really even then.

It's been dubbed the Harmonic Concordance, and it's happening this very weekend, Nov. 8 and 9, and resonating very powerfully for a couple weeks thereafter. And it is, by all accounts and across all metaphysical spectra and belief and astrological notion and even into scientific communities, something damn precious and rare and hopeful and spiritually pregnant.


Simply put, it's an event wherein Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the planetoid Chiron all position themselves to form what's called a grand sextile pattern, or six-pointed star (a.k.a. Star of David), to go along with that rare full lunar eclipse. Can you say "supercharged"?

The precise astrological chart that maps this imminent setup is pretty astounding. Even if you know nothing of star-sign hoo-ha and couldn't tell an astrological chart from a ham sandwich, it's a bit difficult not to be impressed with the beauty of the geometric patterns, the symmetry and grace and wow. You can tell just by a glance -- this thing's loaded.


The Harmonic Concordance is one of those moments. It's one of those impossibly rare opportunities for humankind to take a step forward, and inward, cosmically and spiritually speaking. It's a doorway, a divine satellite hookup, a chance to open more of our psychic and divine eyeballs and tune in a little more deeply to the truth that we really are, in fact, spiritual beings having a human experience, and not the other way around. Think about it.

For those who pay attention to such things and for those who care to participate, the Harmonic Concordance is, quite simply, a chance to connect more profoundly with the hum and spin and blood and consciousness of, you know, God. Or the divine. Or something.

For those who don't, for the millions who don't care or don't want to feel it or have better things to do like pick the lint from the couch or watch more warmongering on Fox News or eat a ham sandwich, well, the moment, the awareness, the opportunity will simply stroll on by, giving you only the faintest of sad glances, and everything will continue as normal. Sort of. But not really.

Yeah right whatever, you might say. Incredibly easy it is to get all sneery and rational and indifferent when confronted with such unusual mystical phenomena, to be ridiculously literal and roll your eyes and scratch your groin and just sort of ignore the major and irrefutable beckonings and winkings of the universe and go on with your day. Hey, it's your choice.

After all, everyone knows the world is teeming with New Age charlatans and cheeseball astrologers and cheap crystal necklaces and pink unicorns and big fluffy clouds shaped like Botticelli's cherubs. Right?

Much easier to believe it's all a pile of glittery hippie fluff than to acknowledge the raw and messy reality that there are indeed very powerful truths out there, bona fide healers, authentic shamans, genuine magic and unfathomable planetary power, if you're willing to crank your intuition and sift through the fluff to find them.

Clearly, bitter skepticism and rationality and cold, ass-clenched scientific worldviews have been pounded into us like karmic nails into a psychic coffin. We consider ourselves all God-like and worshipful and religious and hundreds of millions believe in a higher power and some sort of big angry macho God spitting fire and blood and controlling everything like some sort of grandmaster puppeteer drunk on angel dust and sadism and bad easy-listening radio.

And yet how sadly ironic is it, how telling that, when it comes to the universe itself, when it comes to what's available to us right now, right out there, the vibration and energy and maybe us just sitting quietly and trying to get a sense of the shockingly cool interconnectedness of all spirit and matter and breath and funk and sex and love and fire, we just scoff and shrug and go watch "Everybody Loves Raymond."

Or you can choose to agree with most astronomers and scientists and informed personages who aren't somehow suckered into the whole cute Adam-and-Eve yarn, who all know that humans are, in fact, made up of stardust.

That we are the entirely random and bizarrely happenstance end result of cataclysmic cosmic explosions from billions of years back, and that we still retain vestigial awareness of that cosmic information, that star seed, waiting for us to recognize it and work with it and shape it into something, dare we say, beautiful.

And, armed with this sense, you can investigate the Concordance phenomenon further, do a bit of homework, inform yourself and supercharge your spirit and maybe think of something you might want to do this weekend and for the next couple weeks thereafter to tune in, to participate a bit, see what's what. Rituals. Meditations. Celebrations. Deep sex. Love. A stroll through sacred grounds. Lying on the lawn and ogling at the sky.

You can turn off all media and all Web sites and all phones and all modern white noise, just for a day, just for a while, and just get quiet and listen, *really* listen. In the shower. While driving. While at work. Whatever. However. Set your divine intent. Send that intent to loved ones. And your dog. And the planet. Simple, really.

Here's this reminder: You really don't need a Harmonic Concordance to, you know, up your vibe and strut through that spiritual portal whenever you like. You have access all the time, if you're willing to work at it and shun religious dogma and notice the divine swirling and licking all around you. But this potent astrological moment sure makes the karmic dildo that much more, you know, slippery.

The sites that discuss the Concordance are a little cheesy and HTML amateurish. Sure, some of the notions are somewhat New Age-y and wind-chimey and maybe not your normal numbed and rational informational experience. Do not be distracted. Do not think that is all there is. The messenger is not the message. There really is something to it all, if you're willing to look, and think, and investigate, and give it a
spiritual shot.


It is, as always, your choice. The Harmonic Concordance is yours to misunderstand and reject and ignore, or absorb and intuit and celebrate. You know, just like life.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 678 • Replies: 2
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Reply Fri 7 Nov, 2003 06:36 pm
Garoovey! Thanks for the reminder!
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Reply Fri 7 Nov, 2003 06:40 pm
Rosanna Rosannadanna called it "The Harmonica Convention".
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