Discussing others truths

Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2009 06:33 am
Zetherin wrote:

I'd argue that it's impossible NOT to have one, at least on some level. I'd also argue that this may be a battle of semantics as you're seemingly interpreting "My philosophy" much differently than I am. If I mutter, "This is my philosophy", I'm not necessarily stating that this is a 'rule' I will ALWAYS live by. On the contrary, it is a thought I have pondered through deep philosophic thought, and one which will be critical considered over and over again. It is a conclusion, it is a perching between the intense, crazy, mind-boggling, over-the-top bouts of imagination and deep critical thought. It is a time to settle, to regroup, to savor, even for a moment, that peace. The peace that you know... at least something.

Never should one's philosophy be stagnant, as I noted above. Yet, it is a piece of truth you've pondered, that sits well within your being. A simply idea could be a philosophy, what you just typed could be interpreted as a philosophy even though you adamantly don't want it to be labeled that because you don't want to be "One of those liberal philosophy users!". If you're expressing disgust towards those that, without a doubt, think they "Know it all". I'm with you. But if you're saying that you don't perch like the rest of us, from time to time, well, I just don't believe you.

If you got a philosophy then good for you... I don't see that as the object of philosophy... For example: If you are spiritual, and you search for God you are religious... But if some one takes your religion, and irons out all the inconsistencies, and contradictions and forms a dogma, and doctrin out of your search, and build a church, then they have a faith, or a church, or a denomination... You have religion, and they have faith; so what have you given???What kind of faith would anyone have if they would say: god is within you, or truth is within you, and philosophy is not what people have, but is a certain way of life that puts a premium on truth and reason..Thomas the gnostic was saying some such thing, and no one would know he even existed if Church people had had their way... Jesus saw new in the old, and Paul tore the old down, and the church built old out of the new... They insitutionalized... I don't think We want that, no matter how enticing it might seem...There is more value in being wrong than in being right...The value is in being wrong creatively, or in a sense no one has been wrong before...
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2009 10:14 am
Fido wrote:
Reality is truth, but it is not portable... You go to the mountain and you don't bring the mountain home...You take a few snapshots, and gather a certain sense of the place to share, and you go back home....You only need enough truth to get by...Carting around more than you need is just a waste of life and energy....Save a little of that for breeding... Look at how many first rate philosophers could not figure that out...I don't care how much truth they got a hold of...I don't care how many books they wrote, or how many people know their names... If they could not reproduce themselves they failed at the most basic function of humanity...

Thats really interesting or more so, I like how you put that.
Birth is definitely a truth I cant seem to ignore or look past. Very true words.

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Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2009 10:20 am
Reproduction, the most meaningful enterprise in the world---lol!! Playboy magazine the holy grail---lol!! Defination of an intellectual, one who has found something more interesting than sex. Aldous Huxley
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2009 10:42 am
One's Own Truth

Thanks everyone for sharing some of their own truths. My truth is universally the truth of All even if another or most others see it or sense it or not. And what is that truth? It is simply the unity or Oneness of All. It is a single truth Oneness, not duality, or division or twoness if that is even a word. Truth simply is. And when Ones own thoughts, when Ones own self becomes aware of that single unity of All, One becomes All. And nothing is more powerfully true than the single combining unity of All. The power of truth. Some might call it God.

Shakespeare said: See first that the design is wise and just: that ascertained, pursue it resolutely; do not for repulse forgo the purpose that you resolve to effect.

My purpose with absolute certainty and power of truth which is for the justice of One, Oneself, or All, is to share the truth I have found. My concern for repulse comes from a history of repulsion, and "once bitten twice shy" as the saying goes. That said I know I must forgo the slings and arrows of others, for there can be no greater purpose than the unity of All. And that is my resolve. I know Oneday without doubt, for truth has no doubt, mankind will reunite with the universe and set herself free.

Freedom is truly equality, and much more simple than most think!
Once the uncertain complexities of thought are cleared away, Only the simple clarity of truth remains. Descartes' method was most appropriate, and Einstein knew it too. Reducing a problem or equation brings One to the most simple solution, e = mc2 was his crowning achievement. He came so close and then went the other way. Had he known his own equation could be reduce to =, had he understood that the constant of light was untrue, he would have found the unifying truth he was looking for. The only true constant in the universe is =.

It is so beautifully simple equality, and in front of us All along. That's the humor of truth, the most obvious is mostly missed. Do you see the equal sign in Einstein's equation, do you see it in this more simple example: 2 + 2 = 4? If you do you see the truth of All. Perhaps for simplicity, and for the understanding and unity of All we should start there. We should start with 2 + 2 = 4.

What say Ye All, Yea or nay?

Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2009 11:21 am
boagie wrote:
Reproduction, the most meaningful enterprise in the world---lol!! Playboy magazine the holy grail---lol!! Defination of an intellectual, one who has found something more interesting than sex. Aldous Huxley

The real thing is so much sweeter than some made up picture... And Huxley's definition would go for old men and millionaires too... If the millionaires could figure things out they would realize they did not need near so much to enjoy it all... Even an old man who can still get it off resigns himself to the fact that he could only disappoint...There is no such animal as an old man who is a good lover... To each age its own pain....
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2009 11:25 am
MJA wrote:
One's Own Truth

Thanks everyone for sharing some of their own truths. My truth is universally the truth of All even if another or most others see it or sense it or not. And what is that truth? It is simply the unity or Oneness of All. It is a single truth Oneness, not duality, or division or twoness if that is even a word. Truth simply is. And when Ones own thoughts, when Ones own self becomes aware of that single unity of All, One becomes All. And nothing is more powerfully true than the single combining unity of All. The power of truth. Some might call it God.

Shakespeare said: See first that the design is wise and just: that ascertained, pursue it resolutely; do not for repulse forgo the purpose that you resolve to effect.

My purpose with absolute certainty and power of truth which is for the justice of One, Oneself, or All, is to share the truth I have found. My concern for repulse comes from a history of repulsion, and "once bitten twice shy" as the saying goes. That said I know I must forgo the slings and arrows of others, for there can be no greater purpose than the unity of All. And that is my resolve. I know Oneday without doubt, for truth has no doubt, mankind will reunite with the universe and set herself free.

Freedom is truly equality, and much more simple than most think!
Once the uncertain complexities of thought are cleared away, Only the simple clarity of truth remains. Descartes' method was most appropriate, and Einstein knew it too. Reducing a problem or equation brings One to the most simple solution, e = mc2 was his crowning achievement. He came so close and then went the other way. Had he known his own equation could be reduce to =, had he understood that the constant of light was untrue, he would have found the unifying truth he was looking for. The only true constant in the universe is =.

It is so beautifully simple equality, and in front of us All along. That's the humor of truth, the most obvious is mostly missed. Do you see the equal sign in Einstein's equation, do you see it in this more simple example: 2 + 2 = 4? If you do you see the truth of All. Perhaps for simplicity, and for the understanding and unity of All we should start there. We should start with 2 + 2 = 4.

What say Ye All, Yea or nay?


Fergit your doodads and go for the Monad, no fractions allowed, no chickens or cows, just one vast unity of will and vanity in which I appear as so much imagery...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2009 11:53 am
Fido wrote:
The real thing is so much sweeter than some made up picture... And Huxley's definition would go for old men and millionaires too... If the millionaires could figure things out they would realize they did not need near so much to enjoy it all... Even an old man who can still get it off resigns himself to the fact that he could only disappoint...There is no such animal as an old man who is a good lover... To each age its own pain....

Hi Fido,Smile

Yes I guess the sex drive is an indication of health, but it certainly is not what separates us from the animal world. It is the greatest blind force in nature, certainly human nature at anyrate. It simply needs no praise, it is the will of something much more fundamental/elemental then what you think of a your identity. Where there is no self control, there is no control, thus a planet in peril. Do not waste your intellect in its praises, it does not need your approval. It is also not something one needs to cultivate, it requires nothing, not even good health, for even the old and sometimes the sick are driven by this, which is you might say, a bad joke.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2009 01:43 pm
Well ya; anyone conceiving of themselves as individuals, and having an identity really misses the point, that we are half, only, of a complete organism that can reproduce at will... Ones identity is usually the first sacrifice one makes to a relationship necessary to successful breeding.... It may seem funny that those who have done so much to recognize the will and define it were so apart from its workings...It cannot be seen in the abstract, really... When it is touched it is because it has us, and not we who have it... It is life, the incredible force of nature that so much controls all of humanity that its control is forever beyond us... It is fate...It is tragedy, it is destruction, and ultimately it is extinction simply because what we were once driven by along with our intelligence has made us masters of the world, but not the masters of it, of will... Self control is only part of the answer... Self government is the other part, the ability to control ourselves as a species, and to give ourselves justice only because -over population is every individuals reply to injustice, to try to put the answer off for another day... Injustice kills, and over population will lead to extinction... Justice is the mean....
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2009 01:51 pm
Fido wrote:
For example: If you are spiritual, and you search for God you are religious... But if some one takes your religion, and irons out all the inconsistencies, and contradictions and forms a dogma, and doctrin out of your search, and build a church, then they have a faith, or a church, or a denomination...

Perhaps you misunderstood me entirely. I noted more than one time that I advocate consistent consideration. My "Philosophy" is ever-changing, and I delve into critical thought with others to point out inconsistencies and contradictions - that's predominantly why I'm here. I'm not preaching that I have any objective truth, and this seems to be what you think. It's impossible not to believe in *something*, but those things I do believe in I put under a spotlight daily, investigating their reasonableness and consistency.

Correct me if I'm wrong but your biggest concern here is that I'm using "Philosophy" possessively. And, judging from your last post here, you don't approve of the whole identity prospect in general.

To tell you the truth, I'm not really following you.
GHOST phil
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 03:59 am
MJA wrote:

It turns out that by doing what is truly right I have become so much healthier in many ways myself. But that truth I shared through action transcends to all.

MJA wrote:

Then doing right by oneself does right for all, as doing right to all does right by me.

:whoa-dude: Beyond words....respect.
MJA wrote:

Freedom is truly equality, and much more simple than most think!
Once the uncertain complexities of thought are cleared away, Only the simple clarity of truth remains. Descartes' method was most appropriate, and Einstein knew it too. Reducing a problem or equation brings One to the most simple solution, e = mc2 was his crowning achievement. He came so close and then went the other way. Had he known his own equation could be reduce to =, had he understood that the constant of light was untrue, he would have found the unifying truth he was looking for. The only true constant in the universe is =.
I wonder what physicists would have to say about your unifying equation "="...Smile
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 05:57 am
Zetherin wrote:
Perhaps you misunderstood me entirely. I noted more than one time that I advocate consistent consideration. My "Philosophy" is ever-changing, and I delve into critical thought with others to point out inconsistencies and contradictions - that's predominantly why I'm here. I'm not preaching that I have any objective truth, and this seems to be what you think. It's impossible not to believe in *something*, but those things I do believe in I put under a spotlight daily, investigating their reasonableness and consistency.

Correct me if I'm wrong but your biggest concern here is that I'm using "Philosophy" possessively. And, judging from your last post here, you don't approve of the whole identity prospect in general.

To tell you the truth, I'm not really following you.

I am just tieing a rag on your tail for your use of words; but on the other hand, if your philosophy is always changing, it is not a philosophy, and not anything... Even our solar system which is ever changing has stasis uniting all the change...If something is ever changing it is phenomenal, or at best, infinite... Can you say what it is??? Really??? Can you define your life from the middle, or between the middle and the end withouut knowing the future??? What is done is defined...
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 06:16 am
Fido wrote:
I am just tieing a rag on your tail for your use of words; but on the other hand, if your philosophy is always changing, it is not a philosophy, and not anything... Even our solar system which is ever changing has stasis uniting all the change...If something is ever changing it is phenomenal, or at best, infinite... Can you say what it is??? Really??? Can you define your life from the middle, or between the middle and the end withouut knowing the future??? What is done is defined...

A human has the capability of deeply evaluating every notion pondered. I call this critical thinking. A human then has the capability of attempting to articulate the truth comprehended by critical thinking. I call this an articulation of philosophy. Those conclusions I come to during critical thought encompass my philosophy. My philosophy is defined by the many truths I've contemplated, those that "sit well with me". Placing myself out of my comfort zone even allows those truths that "sit well with me" to be reevaluated, repeating the process, and propagating further change and enlightenment. Is there any part of this that confuses you?

Next, I'd like you to explain, in detail: "Even our solar system which is ever changing has stasis uniting all the change". Are you speaking mathematically, metaphorically? Are you really comparing our human potential to a quantifiable state, a 'stasis'? I haven't a clue what you speak, good sir. But please, fill me in!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 06:35 am
We have days and nights, changes in the moon, and the season but the year eventually brings us back to almost the same point, over and over again.... If that did not happen, if their were no unity to all that change, no one could make any sense to it... But that is no reason you should look for unity in philosophy... Even Nietzsche went over the whole of his conception of reality to try to unite the thought and presumably to resolve contradition... What if a good, which is to say, a real philosophy accepts contradiction as natural to life, and possible in nature, and so accountable in philosophy???.I don't know... I don't have a philosophy, exactly...I actually have bigger fish to fry... I don't care much why people do what they do, and why they justify what they do...I want people to behave well toward others because they feel like it...
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 06:52 am
Fido wrote:
We have days and nights, changes in the moon, and the season but the year eventually brings us back to almost the same point, over and over again.... If that did not happen, if their were no unity to all that change, no one could make any sense to it... But that is no reason you should look for unity in philosophy... Even Nietzsche went over the whole of his conception of reality to try to unite the thought and presumably to resolve contradition... What if a good, which is to say, a real philosophy accepts contradiction as natural to life, and possible in nature, and so accountable in philosophy???.I don't know... I don't have a philosophy, exactly...I actually have bigger fish to fry... I don't care much why people do what they do, and why they justify what they do...I want people to behave well toward others because they feel like it...

The logical progression you've just typed, namely this statement, "I want people to behave well toward others because they feel like it...", says to me you have a philosophy. We use words to categorize these processes, you're aware of that, right? You can call it whateverrrrr you want, have a ball with semantics, delve right in, but don't tell me you don't critically consider when the proof is in the pudding. If you don't want to feel 'justified', as you say, in stating, "I have a philosophy", fine! But realize that not everyone that does states, "I have a philosophy" is placing themselves on a pedestal. I can't speak for everyone, but for many, myself included, it's merely a placeholder word for "Ideas I've been contemplating and 'sit well with me'". Unfortunately, I don't have bigger fish to fry than consistent contemplation! Which bigger fish do you fry?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 01:39 pm
I am a moralist; and Nietzsche said Philosophers do not like moralists... I any event, if morality is done right, or philosophy is done right there may be no true difference between them and religion done right... Virtue is sometimes, and perhaps always, natural behavior... How does one make it rationally natural to all people??? That question intriques me more than any amount of what is air, or why is there gravity...
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 03:45 pm
Video: John Mayer - Gravity - Live @ Berklee - John Mayer

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