Discussing others truths

Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 12:07 pm
Ya right.... My troof has to pay the rent and buy the groceries...What's yours good for..
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 01:16 pm
Fido wrote:
Ya right.... My troof has to pay the rent and buy the groceries...What's yours good for..

There is household rent,
and then there is Universal rent.
The prior can be paid with money,
and the latter only with equality.
That truth will set us free.
Oneness is that single simple wisdom or truth.

Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 03:37 pm
MJA wrote:
There is household rent,
and then there is Universal rent.
The prior can be paid with money,
and the latter only with equality.
That truth will set us free.
Oneness is that single simple wisdom or truth.


You're of a very rare nature, MJA. Not only do you space more frequently than any other writer I've ever encountered in order to accentuate each of your points, but your writing always has this very profound, poetic feel to it, almost as if you're a Buddhist monk at his prime, sharing his last words of inspiration before death!

I always see these pyramids of text you write always involving Oneness, Truth, Equality, Freedom, Universal Wisdom, and though I have an inkling of what you're trying to communicate, frankly, I'm lost at times. I'm sincerely interested in your insight concerning these truths you hold so dearly. Care to humor me and dive a bit more in depth? :bigsmile:
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 03:45 pm
I got it...His troof wants to become an astronaut...Its taking up space...
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 04:03 pm
Zetherin wrote:
You're of a very rare nature, MJA. Not only do you space more frequently than any other writer I've ever encountered in order to accentuate each of your points, but your writing always has this very profound, poetic feel to it, almost as if you're a Buddhist monk at his prime, sharing his last words of inspiration before death!

I always see these pyramids of text you write always involving Oneness, Truth, Equality, Freedom, Universal Wisdom, and though I have an inkling of what you're trying to communicate, frankly, I'm lost at times. I'm sincerely interested in your insight concerning these truths you hold so dearly. Care to humor me and dive a bit more in depth? :bigsmile:

Thanks for your interest, it's a good thing.
But as for your wish for me to go into greater depth or detail, I know the great depth of truth is not in compounding the simplicity of truth, but rather is in the simplicity itself. I learned that from Einstein sometime ago. The reduction of a problem reveals the simple solution.
E = mc2
E = m

You see how simple the truth is?
= unites all things!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 04:07 pm
Fido wrote:
I got it...His troof wants to become an astronaut...Its taking up space...

And this is a prime example of the reason I wrote this thread.
But I found the solution today, it was simply my response or more simply the solution is me.
Thanks for your help Fido, now I know what to do.

Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 04:29 pm
If the solution to your problem was you, it was not much of a problem...When you need to ask for help you know you got a problem...Hopefully, there is still some one around who gives a ****...
Reply Sat 7 Feb, 2009 09:44 am
"Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie." Shakespeare

Truth is that way too.

Reply Sat 7 Feb, 2009 03:27 pm
MJA wrote:
"Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie." Shakespeare

Truth is that way too.


How tawooo!!!!!!!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Feb, 2009 04:11 pm
MJA, the way I see it is that whatever you post in the discussion forums is subject to discussion, and this may come in the form of a challenge or analysis.

Many people do not want their image of truth to end up under the microscope, because you have a stake in the matter.

So I'd suggest only posting a 'truth' as such if you want it discussed, not merely acknowledged or admired.
Reply Sun 8 Feb, 2009 11:10 am
Aedes wrote:
MJA, the way I see it is that whatever you post in the discussion forums is subject to discussion, and this may come in the form of a challenge or analysis.

Many people do not want their image of truth to end up under the microscope, because you have a stake in the matter.

So I'd suggest only posting a 'truth' as such if you want it discussed, not merely acknowledged or admired.

Thanks Aedes,

But I really don't need acknowledgement or admiration, I only came to share.

I think it best now I simply just live the truth I have found, and leave the rest to find their own Way. Truth perhaps cannot be given but must rather be earned in Ones' own Way. That's how it was for me. And only then will that truth become of any real value to One or All.
Follow the light, be equal, be One.
If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask, be free.

Reply Sun 8 Feb, 2009 05:51 pm

My philosophy is that you should never be stagnant with your personal truth. Constant consideration should be given to every truth you believe, as this is the only way to find the truth Wink

I do agree that truth cannot be given. No matter what one speaks to you, it does not mean it will be understood in the context with which the person intended. This is the backbone of the group that was created: Peace and Enlightenment - we can simply plant seeds in the minds of others that they can choose to cultivate on their own time. We cannot force this. Quite literally, one must realize through their own understanding, and this will only be made possible if one has the desire and passion for further consideration.


Thanks for your interest, it's a good thing.
But as for your wish for me to go into greater depth or detail, I know the great depth of truth is not in compounding the simplicity of truth, but rather is in the simplicity itself. I learned that from Einstein sometime ago. The reduction of a problem reveals the simple solution.
E = mc2
E = m
We must remember that mathematics is a method of reasoning we've developed - it is an attempt to objectively understand the world around us. More importantly, it is a defined system by it's very nature, seeking the simpler solution as you note: This equals this, and that's that. I don't feel that can extrapolate this out to humanity. We are not limited by a defined system such as this. This equals this, or it could equal that. Personal truth is relative, it must not be compared with 1=1.

And that's what I'm trying to understand: Your =. When you just type = to me, it isn't as simple as you may think. In fact, it could be extremely complex through my interpretation.

This is why I ask you to detail, this is why I ask you to share your truth.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Feb, 2009 10:37 pm
Oh! Don't I love that: My Philosophy.... That's my cadilac and I won't bring it back... Something about a possessive pronoun and that word just seems so out of place.... That's MY Philosophy!!! MY Philosophy??? MY WHY Philosophy.... You can't have it... Forget to ask... I'm like Vulcan at his task... Hammering here, and chiselling there, writing in my underwear, My flower for all the world to bloom, for sale in a book store soon, out of sync, and out of tune like the haunting call of the loon, or the gobble of a turkey, Yet the key to all reality and doomed like a tragic enchilada to burst and boom upon the throne of man... Now give me a hand, for MY Filosophy....

Sorry... Some rocks were meant to be hit...
Reply Sun 8 Feb, 2009 11:09 pm
Fido wrote:
Oh! Don't I love that: My Philosophy.... That's my cadilac and I won't bring it back... Something about a possessive pronoun and that word just seems so out of place.... That's MY Philosophy!!! MY Philosophy??? MY WHY Philosophy.... You can't have it... Forget to ask... I'm like Vulcan at his task... Hammering here, and chiselling there, writing in my underwear, My flower for all the world to bloom, for sale in a book store soon, out of sync, and out of tune like the haunting call of the loon, or the gobble of a turkey, Yet the key to all reality and doomed like a tragic enchilada to burst and boom upon the throne of man... Now give me a hand, for MY Filosophy....

Sorry... Some rocks were meant to be hit...

You're right, perhaps it isn't mine at all. Would it sit better with you if I just said: This line of thought I'm currently reasoning with at this very moment?

Or is "I'm" too possessive for you also?
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2009 12:37 am
My philosophy is universal,
As universally true as I.
Perhaps Zetherin, if you truly wish to understand truth, I can help you.
And by helping you I can help others as well.
Are you willing to try?
It will be painless and enlightening if it works.
Many believe the truth cannot be spoken, I disagree.
I think not only can it be spoken, it can be written and taught.
It's an experiment for me as well.
I have yet to walk anyone down the road to truth, but I think it's good to try.
Let me know if I can show you The Way.

Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2009 12:54 am
MJA wrote:
I have yet to walk anyone down the road to truth, but I think it's good to try.

I think it's good to try also.

I'm all ears whenever you want to share.



0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2009 12:54 am
I'm very curious to the nature of truth. Does it have applications in all areas of life and the universe?

Also, is it possible for an individual to fully grasp the singleness of truth, while still participating in a system of different consciousness? Meaning how far does perception really separate us from seeing what must be a single universal truth?

um...... The back and forth on the very idea of a single truth seems to be leading to a hard choice for an individual to make. Perhaps it means the total reluctance of human nature through out history. Even when identified, how is it shared through foggy vocabulary that sometimes punctures holes through the glass, but for the most part continues to feed upon itself while turning each generation into some new form?

If we are to fully understand a single truth, is it necessary to the survival of mankind, or merely the progression? Maybe that is the fate of our species and all who might have been or will be like us.

If I say to a person that everything is nothing that really matters, then what is there left to say. How can it be established from one person to another? I think those people reside into seclusion or perhaps a natural physical evolution(Death) when this has become a constant within themselves, because they dont seem to exist in anyway in which can be identified. Love is a pretty close but not anything as constant as we would like or perhaps tell ourselves.

Also, thinking about the human race and how we are evolving as a society with different addictions, habits and attachments, will people be happier as we progress to such a universal truth, or will it cause great strife and hardship within individuals?

Just some questions Smile
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2009 06:05 am
Zetherin wrote:
You're right, perhaps it isn't mine at all. Would it sit better with you if I just said: This line of thought I'm currently reasoning with at this very moment?

Or is "I'm" too possessive for you also?

We all want to think fast and write fast...I am not much given to baby steps...I have read and thought all over the map, so I am given to great leaps of insight.... But sometimes, life and the things of life cannot be expressed, let alone quickly...

If you meet a girl, and you flip for her, see the sun rise and sunset in her eyes, the alpha and Omega... You warm, you flush, you catch her scent and melt, you walk with her or dance, and you catch her rhythm, and she feels so natural and right against you; and she seems to feel the same, and you bring her to your house, and make love to her; but then you find she farts and belches and snores in her sleep, and when she gets up she eats everything not labeled as dog food, and while you are showering she takes your money and drives away in your car, and it takes months to get your affairs back in order, and on track...So later, if a friend shows up who saw you with that goddess of mediocrity, and asked you how it all turned out, -Which version of reality is he going to get???? Will it be quick??? Just the sex??? The ways she moved you before you got to know her; or will you forget about it, and say nothing happened??? Some times there is no way to rush a good thing, or a bad thing, let alone express it quickly... And that's not my philosophy...I haven't got a philosophy...But if I had a dollar for everyone I have heard say that-My Philosophy- having little more than a greasy wrench to their names, I could be rich... It is just too common...It may not really be philosophy... Some times people guide their lives with a few simple ideas, and do just fine... If you asked them to think deeply they would jump in a hole... But if everyone has one there is nothing so great about having one...It is just cant...Just something people say... And that's not my philosophy....
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2009 06:15 am

I'd argue that it's impossible NOT to have one, at least on some level. I'd also argue that this may be a battle of semantics as you're seemingly interpreting "My philosophy" much differently than I am. If I mutter, "This is my philosophy", I'm not necessarily stating that this is a 'rule' I will ALWAYS live by. On the contrary, it is a thought I have pondered through deep philosophic thought, and one which will be critical considered over and over again. It is a conclusion, it is a perching between the intense, crazy, mind-boggling, over-the-top bouts of imagination and deep critical thought. It is a time to settle, to regroup, to savor, even for a moment, that peace. The peace that you know... at least something.

Never should one's philosophy be stagnant, as I noted above. Yet, it is a piece of truth you've pondered, that sits well within your being. A simply idea could be a philosophy, what you just typed could be interpreted as a philosophy even though you adamantly don't want it to be labeled that because you don't want to be "One of those liberal philosophy users!". If you're expressing disgust towards those that, without a doubt, think they "Know it all". I'm with you. But if you're saying that you don't perch like the rest of us, from time to time, well, I just don't believe you.
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2009 06:16 am
Joe wrote:
I'm very curious to the nature of truth. Does it have applications in all areas of life and the universe?

Also, is it possible for an individual to fully grasp the singleness of truth, while still participating in a system of different consciousness? Meaning how far does perception really separate us from seeing what must be a single universal truth?

um...... The back and forth on the very idea of a single truth seems to be leading to a hard choice for an individual to make. Perhaps it means the total reluctance of human nature through out history. Even when identified, how is it shared through foggy vocabulary that sometimes punctures holes through the glass, but for the most part continues to feed upon itself while turning each generation into some new form?

If we are to fully understand a single truth, is it necessary to the survival of mankind, or merely the progression? Maybe that is the fate of our species and all who might have been or will be like us.

If I say to a person that everything is nothing that really matters, then what is there left to say. How can it be established from one person to another? I think those people reside into seclusion or perhaps a natural physical evolution(Death) when this has become a constant within themselves, because they dont seem to exist in anyway in which can be identified. Love is a pretty close but not anything as constant as we would like or perhaps tell ourselves.

Also, thinking about the human race and how we are evolving as a society with different addictions, habits and attachments, will people be happier as we progress to such a universal truth, or will it cause great strife and hardship within individuals?

Just some questions Smile

Reality is truth, but it is not portable... You go to the mountain and you don't bring the mountain home...You take a few snapshots, and gather a certain sense of the place to share, and you go back home....You only need enough truth to get by...Carting around more than you need is just a waste of life and energy....Save a little of that for breeding... Look at how many first rate philosophers could not figure that out...I don't care how much truth they got a hold of...I don't care how many books they wrote, or how many people know their names... If they could not reproduce themselves they failed at the most basic function of humanity...

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