As can be seen in my profile I am from Holland. Holland is a particular part of the Netherlands: two districts around which the Dutch Republic was formed around 1700. To be more precise I am from Gouda. Most of you would not know this, but my little town has been te subject of some debate in my country. There are a few handfull of rebellious youngsters creating an unsafe feeling in the streets you see. Not that anythingserious is going on like slave trading or serious drug running, but because the same juvenile delinquents are never detained for more than a few hours they feel like nothing can be done to stop them. That can create dangerous situation for the elderly of ladies when walking outside alone. The situation has been deteriorating these last few years because nothing is done. However an - extreme right - voice is now heard in The Netherlands as you can read in
this article.
Everybody realises that this just might be a bit over the top, but seeing that after that motion did not pass a group of about twenty juvenile delinquents plundered a supermarket in broad daylight people are getting into the spirit of extreme right. It just so happens that directly after these drastic turns of events I recieved some mail on a (
planned) governmental network to kick off this month. It concerned the idea that if a person has been spotted doing something illegal a description of the person in question can be sent to all people who have joined that network to see if they spot the individual so they can relay the whereabouts to the police.
That idea really shocked me. It effectively means that everybody could be a snitch. In the Netherlands during the German occupation of '40-'45 'we' (I wasn't born yet then) used to call such people collaborators. They were politically organised in the NSB (National Socialist Movement or Nationaal Socialistisch Beweging in Dutch). In Germany such people were called Gestapo.
The network I am referring to is not the same as that however. It reportedly will be used to localise lost children or perhaps burglars. However, it can also be used to localise terrorists or just terrorist suspects. Unfortunately we have all been informed for years by the television what they look like....
I did recieve a very polite request to join in though. Some symbols were used that rang some bells as well:

All this reminds me of some posters I saw in London just after the subway 'terrorist' attacks, when that young Brazilian was shot in error.
And this one from Nazi Germany:
I must admit the simularities struck me tremendously. I would like to hear of simular issues in peoples cities/countries and if possible I would like to see the symbolism used.
If you are not concerned by this, just think of what it ment if you would have been a Jew in WWII, or if you were a muslim today. I always remember this one:
I must admit I strated writing this as a warning, but now I think it is more important to also ask for information so that people can clearly see what is going on and what all of this means.
Looking for propaganda to show what I mean I am coming to the conclusion that the propaganda of America's homeguard, London's civil security and Germany's Gestapo have got more in common except for extreme right and fascist ideas: the google search engine isn't showing them to me.
So, if anybody would like to help me out, just try to help me find the propaganda I mention above. That would help me out greatly.
After a total of four hours of searching I found one from London.
And after 15 more minutes one from nazi Germany