I think that the economic system is overly simplistic and I do not understand where you see the complexities. The economic system consists of values given to things and an agreed upon currency used to bartering with. When currency goes from A to B, then goods go from B to A. The funny thing is that in that sense goods flow
away from scarsity.
Anyway, since today currency is mostly changing hands in a digital manner the currency no longer needs to be physically present. This more or less happened thanks to the golden standard (and even before that, but that is not really relevant at this point in the discussion), when documents promising a certain amount of gold upon delivery of the document became common practice. Today the paper standard is used, which no longer needs gold as backing, but relies on the trust of the public in the banking system. Money is printed without any form of backing, so money can appear out of thin air, as long as the promise that a certain value of goods can be baught for it. People can even get a credit as long as they promise to make good on the money owed by working for it, thus creating the situation that money can be printed as long as the trust exists that the actual 'money' according to the paper standard is made good on.
So, the $500.000.000.000,- has left American hbanks long ago and now that the american banks are asked to make good on the promise implied by the digital money they turn to outside sources to make good on the money they have spent (the banks I mean): the people. The 'big secret' is that the American people have, in a sense, already paid this amount because that amount was 'paid' by American banks already. The only question that remains is in what way the amrican people are going to make good on the promise of their bankers: by losing their money on their bank accounts in the bankruption of the banks in question or by the new taxes with which they will pay for the $500.000.000.000,- gap in the government budget.
If anyone tells you that the bankers in high positions have not seen this coming then they should have been fired long ago. This proves that they either were in on it or were hired by people who needed unwitting puppets and, in fact, must have been n on it.
On top of that this situation is maintained by the government because any minister of finance should have stopped this and if that person did not see it coming that person should not have been in that position, leading to the same conclusion as presented above.
On top of that the government is making matters worse by placing the gap in budget not with the bankers, but with the government, thus making sure that the people will pay for it in the future because the government actually represents the people, as is promised by the elections, instead of leaving the gap with certain enterprises and letting them be taken over by foreign enterprises who would in fact simply take over the interests of the enterprises in question and thus leaving the peoples money as is.
The con is till in progress people, just keep your eyes open for when the curtain falls: the moment when the american government will be extorted publicly to undertake certain acts because of the fact that if they do not they will be held to make good on their promise the payment of goods in the value of the state debt....or do you think this con has been going on for years and years and that that is the reason why American citizens are fighting wars for oil, which helps in the speedy production of goods I might add, all over the Middle-East.....but that took place behind closed doors, didn't it?