No, it's not closing, yet. It is touch and go every month. For example, we haven't paid the rent for March 1st yet. Still, we have funds coming in and will make it this month, and luckily we sold four large watercolors about a week ago, taking a fair sized deposit, to be paid off in a few weeks. The artist gets 60% but this is still a good help. Tick, tick, tick.
People want bargains and no small businessperson can compete with the Barnes & Nobles, the Wallmarts, the Home Depots, the Store 24s etc. etc. Sad but a fact of life.
Welcome, Heliopo. Glad to have you join us.
Welcome to A2k hetiopo. It is great to have a new member interested in art.
people are my muse (preferrably females)
To consider Joanne's original definition (#2) that a muse ".. is a source of inspiration.." or some sort of guiding genius, then I would have to say that Yes, a muse is necessary. Otherwise the "artist" in question would be merely "manufacturing" and not drawing upon his/her creative and intuitive sources.
Hey colorific, long time no see. How goes everything for you? Are you still in the business? And have you had more success with finding a good gallery.
I remember I promised to give you some intros but I have been computerless for a long time. I wll work on it next week and send you the info I promised through the Cyber Art Forum e-mail.
Hey Joanne; yes I have been computerless for a long time, and quite busy, still in the business although not working for any galleries now, but I exhibited in a few this past year and am an active member of Brooklyn Waterfront Artist Coalition; we're putting together a great exhibit for May.
Great to peak in at A2K? How is your art life?
My art life is good - actually it is almost my only life. I have followed you advice and just sketched and painted and sketched and painted.
This thing called art is becoming my life. Well the only part of my life that I love. My only question is why I did not dive in sooner.
tubes of paint should come with a health warning - addictive!
Glad I am not alone in this compulsion.
Yes, an artist needs someone to inspire him, a muse. But, it doesn't have to be someone involved with the artist in a love affair. I write myself and I'm inspired the most by my grand-father, who reads with passion everything I give him. I guess that writing or creating something is hard, that's why we need inspiration from other people.
Ionesco, I'm charmed by your relation with your grandfather. How fortunate for both of you.
JLNobody wrote:Ionesco, I'm charmed by your relation with your grandfather. How fortunate for both of you.
Thanks! and I hope it's a good example of how someone who is not a muse, but who is a muse, can inspire an artist.
A week or so ago while dining out in San Diego I ran into the gentleman artist who asked me to be his muse all those years ago. He recognized me right away
but did not say a word. That was fine with me since I was with my true love?
But still I wonder
Nah, I am happy where I am and with the person I am with but still I am flattered. And the gentleman artist is still painting beautiful pictures and selling as well so I guess he either found another muse or doesn't need a muse.
Hi, Joanne. A "true love"? Great. I always thought San Diego was a good place to live.
Righto JLN all the Zonies will soon arrive for their fish tacos.