Thu 6 Nov, 2003 01:49 pm
When ever I have my so called Adkins friends over far a meal, they keep advising me that
they are on this all Protein diet, so do they expect their friends to serve them several
kinds of meat instead of a meat and some side dishes, when you know they dont feed them
selves that way at home in these times when meat is very high. So whats with these people.
Lunch meat and bacon, the fatter the better.
Ibredd- First of all, it's Atkins, and I am "one of those". I would never dream of insisting on a particular meal.
But, it is very easy to feed a person on Atkins. Some celery sticks which can be dipped in bleu cheese dressing makes a simple appetizer. Chicken or turkey are not expensive. Tuna fish is fine, if your budget is really tight. A big salad makes a perfectly acceptable side dish. Some sugar free jello, with a blob of whipped cream, would make me happy!
Rudeness, plain and simple. Plus, Atkin's is not an "all-protein" diet, although it is low carb. The only time in the diet that requires extreme restriction of carbs is in the first two weeks, to initiate ketosis. If they have been on the diet for more than two weeks, they are just taking advantage.
Tell em to tough it out and get some discipline. Otherwise they wouldnt be fat in the first place. So now they want you to subsidize their latest "POP' self medication.
At least they dont have acute back pain so you wouldnt have to serve OXY.
wait a minute, Im not on abuzz amI?
I'm surprised that they actually mentioned it. I always thought it rude to ask people what they are serving and I could never imagine making suggestions. Their diet is their problem and if your menu doesn't work for them, they should just eat something before they go instead of making you revolve your menu around them.
Yeah I agree with Montana.
Those guys should get their own food if they are on such a special diet.
I think it's pretty rude to tell your host what food to serve.
I get special diet requests all the time. However, I get paid for it.
Now that's a totally different situation cav.
But Ibredd's description just sounds like a naughty someone needs some
special treatment there :wink:

farmerman - you could well be on Abuzz.
look familiar?
quite so. I also ask people whether they have any special food needs before they come to my house - whether they are vegetarian, kosher-eating folks, diet folks, whatnot. in any case, i always have a salad handy, most people are down with that no matter what they must or must not eat otherwise.
I also always ask people if they have any food they won't eat, or can't eat. From a self defense point of view, I don't want to develop an interesting meal and then have people avoid a big part of it. On the other hand, if I invite, say, seven people, I would probably make several dishes and presume everybody could eat something.
In times past, I might throw together a fresh pasta for friends who stopped by in the afternoon. Not these days....
I agree. I guess I hadn't thought of that since I always ask everyone if there are certain things they can't eat. I suppose not everyone asks.
I tend to make many different dishes as well, so it never has been a problem.
I follow the Atkins lifestyle also. If it were me accepting an invitation to a meal at a friend's house, I'd tell them about my diet restrictions and ask if I may contribute to the meal by bringing and sharing a dish I'm able to eat.
In your situation, if I were the host on a tight budget and had invited friends on restricted diets, I'd try to accommodate their needs in at least one of the dishes and ask if they'd like to bring a dish to supplement the meal I was serving to everyone.
ehbeth-It looks like there is nothing new in the world. oh well, my commen t wouldnt work over there anyway.
I joined in the DUCK discussion just for stupid.