@Ruthless Logic,
Ruthless Logic wrote:And to help clarify my distinction, I indicated that by not participating in contributing genetic material is NOT a viable option as it pertains to the evolutionary processes, because evolution requires the dynamic inputs from the related species.
Again, it appears beyond your recognition that evolution is a POPULATION phenomenon. Evolution has to do with changing gene frequencies. Gene frequencies in a
subsequent generation are determined both by what IS contributed and what is NOT contributed. If a population has allele X and allele Y, then less contribution of allele X in generation 1 will cause generation 2 to have a higher frequency of allele Y and a lower frequency of allele X. That is evolution.
Quote:Also, your constant announcements of your auspicious credentials and activities are growing quite boorish, and consequently diminishing any credibility by the self evident responses that you single-handily produce.
You seem to have very little formal background in evolutionary biology; and while I'm not exactly Stephen Jay Gould, my personal understanding of it is informed by post-doctoral level research in the field. Whether or not you find me boorish is only a statement about your numerous intolerances, which you reveal with your frequent and perfunctory use of words like boorish and contemptuous.
But be that as it may, I appreciate your interest in the subject and I think you'd be quite wise to do some more reading on it -- especially the statistical basis of population genetics (with respect to this discussion), as well as evolutionary forces like founder effects and genetic drift by which evolution happens
without selective pressures.