Khethil wrote:... love to toss in a side note here if I may;
[INDENT]Regarding the OP summation of Anarchy's definition (that being the least or no government) I'll toss in this contrast: For a collection of people who acted in the way I believe humans should interact; hell yea! Sign me up!
[/INDENT]Unfortunately, I believe I'm compromised by the fact that I believe so many people wouldn't. I imagine the hovel in which I live, in a land bereft of any governmental protections, services or 'guarantees' and I feel fear. Rational or not, this is my conception of the issue.
Then you should feel fear now for there is no true protection from the government. If someone wants to kill you, the government is not going to stop them, only catch them later. If the government could protect us then there would be no murder, theft, violence.
No, our government does not protect us. It merely comes in and cleans up the mess once the deed is done. They are not gaurdians, they are maids. Poor maids at that considering that in many societies, the ones creating the mess get away with it on legal loop holes.
The fact of the matter is that no one has killed you because you have not provoked anyone to do so. No one has robbed you because you have not created a situation in which someone desires what you have more than you do. No one has committed a violent act against you because you have not committed one against them. Anarchy is no different. The golden rule still applies. As a matter of fact, it is imperative. A categorical imperative you might say

I can understand why you are all afraid. But tell me something. You asked what would prevent another Rockefeller from popping up... Well your system of 'government' didn't prevent the first one. As a matter of fact, if you are a student of history at all then you would know that the government actually supported the growth of the Rockefeller empire. So tell me where the balance in YOUR system is. Tell me what prevent a violent uprising right now? Through out history violent revolutions have been CAUSED by governments and their over abundance of power. You mention all of these events in relation to anarchy and yet each one has occured under the blanket and as a direct effect
of your "government". When you have someone trying to struggle for power in a system where everyone is equal save for their level of determination, someone else will topple them. It will not be a struggle between nations as it is now. There would be no threat of nukes and bombs and rockets wiping out entire cities. It would be a struggle between a few men and even then, more likely to be settled on a bet than for any of those men to risk their lives. Think about it... would you fight someone knowing it was more than likely to the death or would you try to come to terms in a wager or by some other means?
Your problem with anarchy is fear. You are currently settled in a false sense of security thinking that your almighty government will protect you. They can't and won't. You are a number on a tax form. Without you, there is another XXX,000,000 people that they are concerned with. If you get murdered and the murderer is thrown in jail, you're still dead. You were not protected, only avenged and poorly at that.