@Mr Fight the Power,
All I can tell from reading through this discussion is that people are not understanding the idea of absence. Nothingness. To me, anarchy (absence of rule) means more than no 'established government,' for lack of a better term. It means the total and complete absence of rule, coercion, establishment, and authority.
Anarchy is not a political belief. It is a natural phenomenon. It is something that occurs when authority ceases to exist among people.
An anarchist is someone who understands that authority is an idea, and does not exist outside of the mind. There is nothing inherently different about a police officer that gives him the right to stop me from doing anything. Regardless of what the 6.72 (not 7.62, Icon

) billion other people in the world say, my understanding of this idea is the quality the defines me as an anarchist. My rejection of the idea of authority.