Allow me to humbly attempt clarification.
Many Philosophers, including Descarte and Locke have shown the fallacy in the belief that we are truly real. You see, we are all living within a box of sorts. We
cannot experience reality from any point of view but our own. You are locked behind your senses in a box called the mind. Both Descarte and Locke were expounding on the "Cave" theory which Plato so effectionately named.
These should be your first stop for research.
Now, the most recent advances in math have to do with Quantum and Particle physics. We are discovering, through science and experimentation, that "reality" is not only something we can only experience from our "box" but also something that we, ourselves, influence. For example: A particle, which has been removed from its natural position, is always in a wave form until observed. This means that time does not effect the particle until we, the observer, decide its quantum state by interacting with it through photons. Once we interact, a quantum state and relative position is decided according to how we interact. This can be researched as "Observer effects on waves" demonstrated through the "Double Slit Experiment". Through particle physics, we are finally realizing that particles follow very specific and predetermined paths so long as they are not acted upon by external forces (Newtonian Physics),
however, they do not always follow the Newtonian model for movement when acted upon by external forces such as gravity and magnetism. Many times, they follow a completely opposing path.
So what have we learned from this?
Newtonian physics, by all mathmatical standards, is flawed.
We can not prove that reality is truly something outside of our minds since we cannot experience outside of our minds
We are actually creating the world around us by influencing quantum states.
With these three facts (notice I did not call them truths) we can come to the conclusion that
A) Time is not dependant on anything except our perception of motion in a particle universe which means time itself is nothing more than our perception
B) Quantum states alter the passage of time from definite to infinite
C) Time is and always will be created by the mind. Example: Touching something hot can make an hour seem like a second but, on the other hand, the first caress of a beautiful woman can make one second seem like three lifetimes.
Hopefully this clarifies what BaC and I have been trying to say. He certainly has the linguistic skills of a degree holding intelligence but sometimes it requires someone a bit more down to earth to explain these rather unorthodox, but valid, theories.