Well, 700billion?
Most people dont know the real problem is, if anyone has seen the new's they would hear alot of people saying "The real problem is" followed by some "BS" thats not the real problem...
Here is an example, ( And an A,B,C,D,E,F formula)
Bank (A) loan's money to person (B), bank (A) charges intrest on the loan to person (B), person (B) dosnt pay the loan back, and the intrest sacks up, well bank (A) see's that there is no way to collect the money or earn a profit, so that bank sell's that contract to company (C) to try to cover the amount of money that bank (A) loaned to person (B) minus the intrest. Yet company (C) gose around and buy's all these's contract's for loan's that the bank's or loaner's feel that cant be collected, now company (C) has spent alot of money to buy them, yet company (C) took out a loan from bank/company (D) to buy them, yet company (C) cant collect, so company (C) , and then bank/company (D) cant be paid back, and the intrest make's the amount that company (C) needs to pay back get higher and higher. So stock in company (C) fall's, stock in bank/company (D) falls, stock in bank (A) falls, stock in companys/bank's (E) fall since they deal with bank/company (D) and (C), and therefore that's what has made the whole so called 700billion charge...
As you can see, it's not the farmer's or middle class people that have made this problem, the problem started when people didnt pay there laon's off, and the major problem started when people buy those toxic loan's/contract's and think that they can collect... the third problem start's when those people take out LOANS to buy those toxic loan's/contract's....
So those are the three area's that need reform on how collection and loan practice's are carried out.
This is why the masses of the nation dont want there tax money to be used for a bail out.
"I never took out a loan and not pay it, nor did I buy a bunch of toxic loan's and used money from a loan to do it, and then not pay the person that I took the loan out from... So why should I be made to pay somthing that I had no involement in?"
So that's what the tax payer's think...
And there is no real problem, only the bank's and company's an people that own stock's and invested into those bank's and companys and speculator's that where involed in with the crook's will get hurt.
Stock market lost alot of point's, yet all those point's where lost from the company's that where invovled in the set up.
It's an old mehtod of manipulation of stocks, banks, lenders, crediters, morg's, and companies.
So all a person would need to do is pay a company a few billion to take out a big loan or alot of large one's from bank's and companys that you would want to lose alot of money, and then buy all the toxic morg's, contract's, and loan's from all the banks and companie's and then sit on them, then the bank's that the company used to take loan's out from, fall.
Yet that would only effect the banks and stocks of them.
To get the full effect of what people are faced with now, take's mass amounts of manipulation of all sectors.
Its easy to find the people that intended to do such, since they will be gaining mass amount of profit from it.
Yet there are only two way's this mess could have happend, intentionaly or it was just a fluke of ignorance...
And these people are way to smart to have this been a case of ignorance...
So it seem's like a smart one in the litter is trying to kill off the rest of the kittens. (Best way is to make it look like it was a case of ignorance and laspes in judgement)
:detective:Gusse it just wants more milk from the people of the world.