@Finn dAbuzz,
1. Pakistan: Obama pursuaded Islamabad to move troops from the Indian border so they could deploy more troops against the Taliban. This has resulted in impressive captures and kills among militants and combined with intensive drone attacks has put significant pressure on Al Qaeda
2. Iran: Washington has been quietly working with China and Russia towards putting pressure on Iran for their nuclear program. Just recently, Iran announced a deal with Turkey to exchange their enriched fuel for processed reactor fuel, a desperate effort to escape the slowly closing international fence being built around them (and right in line with want we want them to do). Obama also deftly stayed quiet when Tehran was looking for scapegoats after the elections last year. Ahmadinejad's efforts to pin post election protests on foreign intervention fell flat. Without all the rhetoric from the US, Ahmadinejad couldn't count on the reflexive nationalism of his people.
3. China: Besides getting some help with Iran and less with N. Korea, China is talking about allowing it's currency to rise. Obama has been beating this drum, but doing so in a way that only raises Beijing's hackles a hair and leaving them room to do what they need to do without losing face although they complain mightily when Obama mentions it.
4. Russia: Helping with Iran, not screaming about missles in Europe, not laughing about how the President as seen into their souls.
5. Europe: Quietly taking part in discussions over Greek debt.
Overall, our foreign policy currency seems a lot higher than when the previous administration was in office.