@Bi-Polar Bear,
Overall positive:
- Military spending:
B+ (cut several programs not wanted by the military but desired by Congress)
- BP Oil Spill:
C-, but the test is still in progress. Once the spill is stopped and we start the years of recovery, Obama can either shine or pull a Bush and forget the issue. Time will tell.
- Healthcare:
B, could have been better, but I'm amazed something actually passed.
- Financial Reform:
C+, but the test is still in progress
- Terrorism:
A, Pakistan is engaged in fighting the Taliban, US troops in Afganistan where the Taliban is instead of Iraq, China and Russia are putting pressure on Iran, it feels a lot more like the world fighting terrorism instead of isolated countries.
- Foreign Affairs:
A, I think the US is generally better perceived and that is helping Washington get input on Greece, work with China on trade, etc. Of course, this is still a work in progress. Our relationship with both China and Russia seems dramatically better than it was in 2008.
- Civil rights:
C, Gitmo still open, questions about US military prisons abroad, backtracking on Miranda rights but Don't ask/Don't tell under pressure, still offers Miranda rights, talking about taking Az to court. We'll know more in a year.
Grade for the entire course heading towards the mid-term: B