Quote:New tax laws significantly increase the tax burden on new businesses by limiting the number of depreciation deductions that new businesses may take in their first five years.
what does number of depreciation deductions mean in this context ?
how this is related to tax ? can you tell me one example please to understand it better way.
Here's an example of a depreciation deduction;
New business buys a copy machine at $20,000.00. Businesses are allowed to depreciate the value of those machines by 25% per year, so this 25% becomes a deduction from their total income, in this case, the business is allowed to deduct $5,000.00 from their income and not pay any tax on that portion of income.
From the text you gave, it seems that new businesses, until the fifth year, do not get the same deductions as older businesses, so it's harder on these new businesses to compete. Often, the startup of a new business is the hardest time, financially sapeaking.