I thought the title on the video was annoying too though -- "TOO YOUNG TO BE SO SEXY?" If "be" was replaced with "act" it wouldn't bother me as much, but it is saying that they
are sexy, which is icky when applied to 8-yr-old girls.
I get how actual dance talent is being displayed though, and also the distress of the parents as it went viral. I actually worried for a minute before the thing downloaded that it was going to be from our community talent show, where some little girls danced to "Single Ladies." That one was way different though. Much more coverage on the costumes for one, and some cherry-picking of dance moves from the video (more athletic, less suggestive).
This community talent show does have some questionable stuff each year though. Last year it was some little girls doing a routine to "Fabulous" (from H.S. Musical) in bathing suits and feather boas. They clearly were clueless about various implications of what they were doing, just were acting "grown-up" and "cool."
Sozlet participates in that talent show too but usually takes part in some big production number with no particular hip-shaking, and low-key costumes. (Jeans + t-shirts of a certain color are frequent "costumes.")
She's doing ballet again after a several-year hiatus (did it in preschool, just started again this year), will be doing a demo, as George describes. Leotards, tights, ballet shoes, skirts, flowers in hair. That's it. And a lot of genteel ballet stuff. (Plie, releve, etc.)