Sun 2 Nov, 2003 11:30 pm
I could not recognise the style of the following. Are they speaking in Americanism or in Briticism?
(!)Controlling navigation among Web frames is important, so that users don't get lost while browsing your site, and so that no stray frames remain when the user moves to another Web site.
(2)Heinrich Hoffmann took thousands of publicity shots of Hitler. Most importantly for his bank balance, he took the photos of Hitler that appeared on Germany's stamps during the war, and Hitler kindly let him have a royalty on each stamp. As a result, after the war, he was imprisoned for being a Nazi profiteer.
They both sound fairly generic to me. Neither have an overtone leaning toward one ism more then the other.
Sounds American to me. There's nothing there that tells me it couldn't also be British.
Sounds like ESL to me (which is actually an agreement with the preceeding posts).
I agree with Butrflynet. In these pieces, there is no particular identifying influence that I can see.
(Except to say, there are no obvious errors and that means.....)
Do you know where they come from? Presumably not. I'll take a guess. They are both fairly recent, and they are both American in origin.

I got enlightened. Cos information exchange is rampant nowaday, the difference between AE and BE is becoming less and less. With so short paragraphs, it is hardly possible to figure out their origin.