Please look at this English text... reading romance novels in the book club would take away much of its cachet as an intellectual activity.
what does 'cachet' means ?
wordwebonline :
------------------------ cachet
Noun: cachet ka'shey [N. Amer], 'ka,shey [Brit]
An indication of approved or superior status
- seal, seal of approval
(law) a warrant formerly issued by a French king who could warrant imprisonment or death in a signed letter under his seal
- lettre de cachet
A seal on a letter
A high standing achieved through success, influence or wealth etc.
"he wanted to achieve power and cachet";
- prestige, prestigiousness
Derived forms: cachets
But it seems none properly fits here . Can you please help what does 'cachet' means here ?
It's the word as used in the sense of "superior status", because many romance novels are garbage, at least, for sure, in the mind of the writer of the sentence you're asking about.
By the way, why do you tag these types of English inquiries as "politics" when they are about nothing of the sort? Mistagging is a bit of a problem for the Moderators. Thanks.