perception wrote:Farmerman
I believe the author was not postulating that going to war was either a conservative nor a liberal proposition but that instead it should be viewed as a "moral imperative" based on the reasoning in the following excerpt:
But not one of those arguments will lead to the liberation of a frighteningly Orwellian society based on fear and torture. Not one of them will protect the citizens of the Middle East's democratic nations against future attacks with weapons of mass destruction. Not one of them could lead to a beachhead -- however small -- of democracy in the Arab world. Not one of them will help resolve the Israeli-Palestinian standoff. Not one of them will allow America to take initial steps toward addressing the "root causes" of terror. Not one of them is worthy of the deeply moral traditions of Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. And not one of them will lead to progress in the Middle East -- yet these objections are apparently all most "progressives" have to offer.
Interesting you chose to quote this paragraph, considering it makes little sense.
First of all, there are many 'Orwellian societies based on fear' in the world. You're making a hypocrite of yourself if you justify the invasion of Iraq on some 'moral imperitive' of 'liberation' while you ignore or even support regimes as brutal as Saddams all over the world. A naive hypocrite at that. Although the 'war for oil' argument may have been a little off base, you are underestimating the intelligence of the people involved if you don't think the economic benifits were not discussed along with the military aspect by those in the Bush administration.
He then references the imaginary weapons of mass destruction and puts forth the baseless idea that those imaginary weapons would be used against other nations.
Then there is the curious reference to solving the Israel-Palestine problem. I say curious because replacing the Iraqi regime will do little to solve that problem. In fact, if anything, it will only excacerbate it. If the administration was serious about solving the issue they would strongly advocate a Palestinian state - not invade Iraq.
Then comes my personal favorite - references to non-existent terrorist connections. Never mind that
every nation in the middle east has more established terrorist connections than Iraq. Especially our buddies in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
This, of all the paragraphs, is the one you chose to quote?