Well, as the question is less about the art and more about the definition of 'terse':
Main Entry: terse
Pronunciation: 't&rs
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): ters·er; ters·est
Etymology: Latin tersus clean, neat, from past participle of tergEre to wipe off
Date: 1601
1 : smoothly elegant : POLISHED
2 : devoid of superfluity <a terse summary>; also : SHORT, BRUSQUE <dismissed me with a terse "no">
It seems while most take the 'brusque' definition, Craven's 'stellar' is equally 'terse' by virtue of the first definition.
Interesting browsing.
I have to abide by the rule of On-Topie. So it is not a question of art, but a question of how to think in English.
PS. I didn't get what "mullet" means, as well as "fucktruck" -- "people with mullets understand airbrush art. yes diddie thas a word, usually it ends with 'fucktruck'".
A mullet is hairstyle, typically long in the back, and shorter on the top and sides. It is associated with rednecks, but seems to pop up in many many variations. Everything you need to know is here:
"Fucktruck" would typically be a van, most likely from the 1970s, which would be airbrushed on the outside with very 'cheesy' art. A matress was usually in the back, for love on the road, hence the term "fucktruck".
I didnt think Id need an interpreter.
Craven, my comment again, was in the high sophisticated end of sarcasm.
airbrush is good for a few things
rendering of smooth surfaces with hard edges, hnhnhhhnnnheeh nheeh ,"he said hard"
illustration for ad copy. Its then usually computer overrendered
tacky aret enjoyed by nASCAR devotees and goobers .
There were a few fine artists who worked in airbrush , like peter west or Frank Frezetta, most of their works are either fantastic art or hyperrealistic. Still looks like painting on black velvet.
love that mullets galore site, should be linked to a Pontiac Firebird or pocket rocket site
Wilso, try browsing the classifications section of the site. Some great pics there.
I love that site, am sending it on to discerning friends.
I'm afraid I don't have a terse word for the illustration.
Since we're on the subject of language, can a word be terse? It seems like a sentence or a phrase can be terse, but not a word. (Unless it's a really blowsy word like "discombobulated.")
I think you're right, Sozobe, it is the speaker that is terse or not.