ARtificial recharge of all the wasted runnoff is a plaqn that the USGS haqs had on its books for decades . The Edwards, the Ogallala, the Mountain BAsin aquifers, the mid states basins, are all candidates for artifical recharge. Every time it rains , qwe bitch about flooding and we can certainly use tht water by short circuiting it into the aquifers via a serpntine route.
Well, the GOP thinks the govet shouldnt be involved and they hve no fuckin idea where to get money without decimating the military.
The concept pf govt and pribvate sector working together is a huge common qpproach to just about everything we do.
1The GOVT wants to go to aspace,what do they do? They hoire contractors to do it.
2 The GOVT wants an interstate hiway system. You dont see govt workers out there surveying or doing the building NOOOO. They hoire contrctors to do it.
SWame thing with the Aquifer issues.
Obamas "rejobbing" plan has a neat little twist. It gives tac=x breaks ONLYto the companies that retain or create jobs in AMERICA. Just handing out money to the companies with no strings tied to job creation would mean that most companies would only go for max shareholder values by farming the jobs out of country.
We have an entire new industry based on all the environmental laws. (I make a very good living as a consultant whose business was almost created by all these environmenatl laws)
WE can fix all these "dewatering" aquifers. Just turn some smart contractors loose to do it.