@High Seas,
Thank you for mentioning the Ixtoc I spill, I've been sending information about it to various news sources since they started broadcasting that this present spill is the largest in US history. Hmmm.
Oh, I see, 200 miles of Texas beaches, wetlands and habitat got oiled up, but because the spill started in Mexico (600 miles away) it doesn't count as a US disaster.

Ay yi yi.
I'm going to say it again. This is a very bad situation, there is going to be long term damage to many areas, but the Gulf coast of the USA is not going to die.
just for fun try to think of what the engineers are managing to do...
What's the tallest building in the world? That tower in Dubai, right?
It's (I looked it up) 2717 feet tall. Now, take ANOTHER one of those towers and put it on top of the first one. Now that will be about as tall as the well is deep.
Take the elevator to the top.....
Okay, now down on the street there's a manhole cover that's been opened, yeah, it's kind of hard to see, but the world wants you to plug that manhole.
Oh, did I mention that spewing out of the manhole is gas and crude oil at 8,000 pounds per square inch of pressure which, because we are above ground, is reaching up to about fifty stories high.
Nah, I can't get my mind around it either. Okay, how about this?
You and I are going to have a water fight. We'll each have a hose.
Yours will have a kind of umbrella-funnel thing around the nozzle. All you have to do is stop the flow from my hose by using the force of your water to slow the force of mine down enough to get the funnel down around my nozzle. Cool? Ready?
Oh, you have a garden hose. I have a fire hose.
Joe(take a deep breath)Nation