17st = a 17 year old tee nager ?
Fatorexia = ?
In the mirror, Sara saw a slim woman. Just one problem: she was
17st. So how could she be so deluded?
By Sara Bird
Last updated at 9:47 AM on 22nd April 2010
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Sara Bird, 44, lives with her partner Richard, 43, in a farmhouse in Nottinghamshire with daughters Lottie, ten and Izzy, eight. The couple run their own business and Sara's book
Fatorexia: What Do You See When You Look In The Mirror? has just been published. She says:
In denial: Sara Bird let the weight creep on and was shocked when her doctor told her she was obese
Until five years ago I had no idea I was fat, let alone grossly overweight. I was a busy working mum to two little girls, with a thriving career and a man I adored.
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