Wed 21 Apr, 2010 10:55 pm
To investigate further, he and his colleagues took cells from the uteruses of women who had undergone miscarriages and ones who hadn't. They measured the expression of a key regulator of uterine receptivity called PROK1 and levels of prolactin, a marker of decidualisation - the monthly process by which the uterus prepares to receive an embryo. Decidualisation involves a thickening of the uterine wall and the growth of new blood vessels.
I find the term decidualisation difficult but it may well be the best descriptor for the process described.
decidualisation = the monthly process by which the uterus prepares to receive an embryo.
decidualisation is derived from deciduose. Trees that lose their leaves each winter are termed deciduose.
Things that make you go HUH!