Good morning, tsar & fellow walkers ..
I think perhaps I
did reach some kind of walking nirvana last night .. or complete relaxation, or some ultimate state of tiredness, or something .. almost fell asleep at my keyboard & have no recollection of anything after my head hit the pillow. What a sleep that was!
Tsar, I've always understood "Indian summer" as a belated spell of post-summer weather. Like when the seasons should have changed, but (amazingly!) haven't. In the Indian (as in India) sense. But maybe I made that up?
Yes, the lost dog in that woman's arms was a lovely, gentle little critter. He looked rather pleased to be in that situation, actually, so I wondered if he'd been dumped, poor thing. I felt for the woman (who was last seen knocking on doors). I related like crazy. That's the sort of situation
I usually find myself in - with cats. But I felt very confident that the dog would be properly looked after ... & very relieved that it wasn't
me, for a change, stuck in that sort of situation late on a Saturday afternoon. I have this strong feeling that that woman now has two dogs! K, yes, every single dog I met was a happy tail wagger! You'd have loved meeting them, too! They certainly enjoyed the extra attention.
OK (the rest of you can scroll now

), here's the list of DVDs I chose, tsar. I have no idea of whether they're any good or not. Totally unknown quantities.:
Days of Being Wild - Korean film. (
"A masterpiece of contemporary cinema" (! ) )
Scoop - A woody Allen I've somehow missed.
Corroboree - (
"a haunting experience of intense beauty & restraint. A must for anyone who loves cinema" (!) ) Australian.
The Girl in the Cafe - BBC film -for a bit of light balance!
Do come over anytime, tsar! There is enough chicken, lentil, pumpkin & spinach curry to last a week, at least! Any other hungry walkers are most welcome, too. Bring Tupperware containers for takeaways!
Today: a slighter less challenging, more relaxed walk would be a good idea, I think!