@ebrown p,
We had a large fraction of the population living in never never land where for example Obama is still a person not born on US soil no matter how greatly hard evidence and commonsense state otherwise.
A never never land where the very worst thing that could happen to the Republic is that we join the rest of the first world and have everyone cover for medical care and stop paying double per person for less care then the rest of the first world enjoy.
That in this never land there are evil plots within evil plots to enslaved the middle class white males in all kind of ways beginning by taking away their firearms.
In never land a drug addict and hatemonger is a fit intellectual leader for your movement, along with a very light weight lady who stated that she can see the Russian mainland from her state and the birther movement may be correct after all!
That where the danger exist along with the people pulling the strings and feeding this nonsense over the radio waves and the Fox Network.