I have this, not exactly the same as yours.
Mine also involves "dry eye" or blepharitis, and you likely do not have either of those.
I find my eye that has this happening has varying vision (and so do my ophthamologists find that to be true). I often, but not always, find it helpful to use hot water on a washcloth to press quite lightly on my eye, several times in a row a few times a day. This has to do with the lipids that pass through the eyelid. But that is for my problem, and maybe not yours.
First, let me push that you see an ophthamalogist, an md with a specialty re eyes - not an optometrist, but a m.d. specialist. Personally, I go to a university eye clinic.
I may be having surgery on my lid muscle in a few weeks. I'll post here if I do.
Just search under osso eyes - I have a few threads accumulating eye crud, and I'll try to post back here.
Your ptosis may be - likely is different, but I wish you'd see an ophthalmologist..