Are you patting yourself on the back because AIrlines have decided to resume flights over N Europe? Several conditions have prevailed which were backed by new evidence that came from running test flights through and over theash.
1"Ash" had begun to decline as the volcano went into another phase of eruption which produced more lava rather than just clastic ****.
2Wind patterns changed just before the volcano went into the second phase.
In no case was it a "ballsy" or macho decision as your posts seem to indicate , Neither was it the product of "Right wing" political beliefs. Airlines and Air Services are not irresponsible in how they send planes out to fly through what is essentially a layer of flying sediment.They made the determinations after only 4 or more days of evaluation and information. No one can deny the Britsih AIrline incident yers ago wherein a plane was stalled out by an ash cloud.
Everything is a teaching moment. The volcanoes that live in Iceland are many (about 128 actives and dormants) and the country is the product of the mid Atlantic ridge and plate tectonics. If Hekla,an even bigger volcano blows its top, it will be a worse day (or MAny days) for europe.
[im g]
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/90/Volcanic_system_of_Iceland-Map-en.svg/726px-Volcanic_system_of_Iceland-Map-en.svg.png [/img]