Jack Webbs wrote:Yes but you know any time you even have a conversation with any one, regardless of who it may be, one person is dominant and controls the subordinate. That is just the way humanity works.
Without control? You have chaos. I have always been a very punctual, controlling person by nature. I just would not be happy any other way.
If I walk into a room and notice a picture is not level, I straighten it out. If a door is not fully open I open it all the way.
Any time? All of your conversations are that way? Are you certain you don't want to examine whether there is anything wrong with you?
Conversations are so important to me that most of my dreams are conversations and no one ever dominates. If someone dominates, then what is happening is an argument, not a conversation.
BTW, most women no longer iron and, although there has been a slight decline in the percentage of working mothers in the past 2 or 3 years, most women work outside the home. As for those that do not, Dr. Phil is fond of quoting someone who says a stay at home mom works the equivalent of two full-time jobs.
I miss having been a stay at home mom, work I found more creative and intellectually stimulating than most so-called jobs.