My two nephews, when they were still boys, would get very frustrated with me, because i'd answer their pleas to go to the beach, or a movie, etc., by saying: "We'll see." Usually the answer would have been yes, but i didn't want to raise expectations which would be disappointed. More than 90% of the time, i would take them, and we'd all have a good time. They tripped to the situation very quickly--they'd never fail to remind me of a
tentative, as in: "You said 'We'll see,' an' you ain't doin' nothin' now, so how about takin' us to the beach?" And away we'd go. Their father (my brother) would make all kinds of promises he couldn't keep (he wasn't a bad man, he just hadn't the time to do all of things he wanted to do for them, but promised to do anyway). Eventually, he'd promise some great expedition, and their response would be along the lines of oh yeah, sure

. I felt sorry for his situation, but couldn't help him, as his guilt lead him to continually to make the false promises.