Wed 7 Apr, 2010 06:14 pm
Why Do Men Lie To Other People To Try To Prove Himself
Constantly making new topics is not going to get you an answer any faster. Might I suggest just adding to your original topic? Oh and welcome to A2K.
I get that -- just trying to help you get an answer.
Men lie because the little boy in them is running their life. They are acting like a frightened child, afraid to take the consequences of their behavior.
Have you ever heard a child say, "I didn't do that!" or "Now look what you've made me do?" Have you ever seen a little child hide under a blanket and act like you will never see or find them?
Once the child learns that he can get away with lying, since no one confronts them, they continue to do it. He becomes very powerful of those people around him. No one tells him to stop. He thinks he can get away with it all the time. He basically thinks other people are stupid.
Some Of These Questions Are Home Based And Some Of Them Is Just Typical Questions Asked By Other People! So Before We Be So Ready To Judge I Think We Shall Be Loving The Way God Would Want Us To Be When Someone Is Seeking Advice!! Some Of Us Have Real Pain And Don't Have A Clue On Where To Turn Or Go.. So Just A Reminder To Be Compassionate, Kind And Supportive.. And I Was Raised As If You Can't Say Anything Nice Then Keep Your Mouth Closed!!! Thanks... And Also Remember We Should'nt Throw Stone At Other People Problems Or Sins Because We All Live In Glass Houses as Sinners Too!!!
First of all "men" don't lie. Some men lie, but not all. Second, they lie because they get away with it. Human beings are opportunists. Some people more than others. Quit handing power over to him and he will be forced to stop lying. Or you won't be together any more, which still solves the problem.