Just give your reasoning why you think he is the worst or the best. Or maybe you just like or dislike some specific things he has done or wants to do. Do not debate others opinions or reasoning here. Everyone has a right to their own opinion here.
I do think though, that the hype surounding his election was unwarranted. To some he was tantamount to the "second coming". From my perspective, he has turned out to be no better than most politicians, which is not a rousing review.
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Green Witch
Wed 7 Apr, 2010 03:08 pm
I'll get back to you in about 7 1/2 years. I wish the awarders of the Peace Prize had waited too. I doubt he is going to end up being the worst, I think it would be really difficult to steal that title from G.W. Bush, but he's going to have to try a lot harder to come out as the best. I have three way tie for best: Washington, Lincoln, FDR.
I believe he is the best African-American President the country has ever had! Do not ask me why; just a gut feeling.
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ebrown p
Wed 7 Apr, 2010 07:14 pm
You do know that tribes of the "Civilized Indian Nations" were being removed as early as 5 years before JAckson even took office?
So? Jackson was pushing Indian removal before he took office. His general philosophy of Manifest Destiny and militarism doesn't sit well with me either. And he is directly responsible for what I consider to be one of the worst deeds of our history.
John Quincy Adams (by my layman's understanding of history) was much less evil toward Native Americans.
Jackson continued what was a dirty little secret of the US govt since Jefferson. If we remove the issue as one which took us to the thirteenth amendment and finally Nations policies in the 20th century, wed have to indict most of the presidents for warring with our own citizens for over a hundred years.
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Wed 7 Apr, 2010 08:10 pm
Why does he have to be the best or worst?
Maybe it'll turn out he's somewhere in the middle?