@Diest TKO,
Diest, I don't "have to" do anything with respect to your, generally confused and poorly stated "questions" at all. I find you to be unusually defensive, pretentious and a bit neurotic, so your opinions don't interest me much either.
That, in my own experience repeated use of Bay pilots was not "worth it" is amply demonstrated by repeated entries and exits from the Bay in a 120,000 ton vessel over 1,100 feet in length, without mishap or incident - and without pilots.
That pilots are not likely to be the most reliable solution for the barrier reef is very likely something beyond your practical experience or understanding. If you were a more amiable or interesting person I might be willing to discuss those issues with you. Unfortunately you are neither.
That they would likely cost much more than a handful of well-marked channels and radar monitoring stations is something that you can figure out for yourself armed with a chart showing the location of ports and the distances involved and a little arithmetic.
Bay Area pilots generally work 3 days/week. A nice racket.